Download the 12-Page "Omega-3 Supplementation Guide" Discover my premium podcast, The Aliquot Join over 300,000 people and sign up for my newsletter Become a FoundMyFitness premium member to get access to exclusive episodes, emails, live Q+A’s with Rhonda and more Dr. Andrew Huberman is a Stanford professor, neurobiologist, and host of the incredibly popular Huberman Lab Podcast. He’s also the guest on this episode of the FoundMyFitness podcast. Our conversation encompasses an in-depth...
Published 06/12/24
Published 06/12/24
Download the 13-Page "Omega-3 Supplementation Guide" Discover my premium podcast, The Aliquot Join over 300,000 people and sign up for my newsletter Become a FoundMyFitness premium member to get access to exclusive episodes, emails, live Q+A’s with Rhonda and more Everyone has to get old sometime, but what if, at least for some aspects of aging, we didn't have to? Imagine if the loss of heart size and the stiffness that often comes with aging could be reversed, even well into late...
Published 05/28/24
Download the 9-Page "Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint" Discover my premium podcast, The Aliquot Join over 300,000 people and sign up for my newsletter Become a FoundMyFitness premium member to get access to exclusive episodes, emails, live Q+A’s with Rhonda and more I recently had the privilege of presenting at the CrossFit Health Summit, where I explored a constellation of factors contributing to longevity. In this context, I placed a special emphasis on the pivotal role of vigorous...
Published 04/08/24
Become a FoundMyFitness premium member to get access to exclusive episodes, emails, live Q+A’s with Rhonda and more Discover my premium podcast, The Aliquot If you’ve been following FoundMyFitness for a while, you may remember that we have our members-only podcast, The Aliquot. I want to share a preview of our newest Aliquot episode, "The Science of Optimizing Sleep," available to everyone, not just our Premium Members. Adequate, quality sleep is essential for the body's recovery and...
Published 03/26/24
Download the 9-Page "Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint" Discover my premium podcast, The Aliquot Join over 300,000 people and sign up for my newsletter Become a FoundMyFitness premium member to get access to exclusive episodes, emails, live Q+A’s with Rhonda and more In this solo episode, I'm taking an in-depth look at magnesium – a critical yet frequently underestimated mineral in our health. Magnesium stands tall among vital nutrients for its significant role in multiple aspects of...
Published 03/19/24
Download the 9-Page "Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint" Discover my premium podcast, The Aliquot Join over 300,000 people and sign up for my newsletter Become a FoundMyFitness premium member to get access to exclusive episodes, emails, live Q+A’s with Rhonda and more In today's episode, I'm bringing you along to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine's Longevityfest Conference, where I had the honor of presenting a keynote last December. We'll explore some foundational yet effective...
Published 03/06/24
Download the 9-Page "Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint" Discover my premium podcast The Aliquot Show notes are available by clicking here Peter Attia, MD is a highly respected expert in preventive medicine, focused on the crucial subject of longevity and cardiovascular health. He's also the author of the NY Times best selling book Outlive - which I highly recommend if you have not read it already. Peter's philosophy transcends the conventional goal of merely extending lifespan; it's about...
Published 12/27/23
Download the 9-Page "Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint" companion guide at bdnfprotocols.com. This episode challenges common perceptions about exercise, delving deep into the benefits of vigorous exercise for not just physical health but also brain function, aging, and even cancer prevention. It tackles fundamental questions, like what genetic and metabolic adaptations occur with vigorous exercise and how it can contribute to combating heart's age-related changes. We also unpack how these...
Published 12/05/23
This episode features Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., and was originally recorded for the Institute for Functional Medicine's podcast, 'Pathways to Wellbeing.' This episode outlines a series of fundamental tactics you can start applying immediately to enhance cellular health, protect the nervous system, elevate mood, reduce inflammation, promote muscle and bone function, and help prevent chronic disease. In this episode, I discuss: (00:00) Introduction (01:04) Vitamin D deficiency — risks, why it's...
Published 11/10/23
Dr. Martin Gibala is a muscle physiologist, professor, and kinesiology department chair at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is best known for pioneering research on the health benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and his profound understanding of HIIT's physiological mechanisms. He is a co-author of the book "The One-Minute Workout." In this episode, we discuss: (00:00) Introduction (11:00) What is high-intensity training? (11:53) Zone 2 vs. HIIT for VO2...
Published 09/19/23
Dr. Chris McGlory is an assistant professor at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Known for his work in the field of muscle physiology and aging, Dr. McGlory's research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying muscle protein synthesis and degradation, with a particular emphasis on the roles that omega-3 fatty acids play in maintaining muscle health in older adults. In this episode, we discuss: (00:00) Introduction (05:50) Start of interview (13:03) Why...
Published 07/03/23
Heat therapy, such as using a sauna or soaking in a hot bath, may significantly improve your slow wave sleep. My latest episode delves into the fascinating intersection between exercise and passive body heating and elucidates how high energy expenditure exercise and heat exposure share nuanced mechanisms in sleep regulation. Some key aspects explored include: The surprising role of the immune system in regulating sleep through somnogenic cytokines, immune signals like IL-1B and TNF-alpha,...
Published 05/30/23
Dr. Axel Montagne is a chancellor's fellow and group leader at the UK Dementia Research Institute at the University of Edinburgh Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. His group aims to understand how, when, and where critical components of the blood-brain barrier become dysfunctional preceding dementia and in the earliest stages of age-related cognitive decline. With this knowledge, they hope to develop precise treatments targeting brain vasculature to protect brain function. More importantly...
Published 02/28/23
Dr. Brad Schoenfeld is a professor at Lehman College in the Bronx, in New York City. His research primarily focuses on muscle adaptations to strength training, muscle hypertrophy. Publishing over 300 studies in the field of exercise and sports nutrition as a scientist, Brad began his career as a competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer. In this episode, we discuss: 05:26 - Why should we lift weights? 06:56 - Why building bone matters 11:33 - How to lift in old age 13:45 - Why to lift...
Published 12/06/22
George Church, Ph.D. is a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and of health sciences and technology at both Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Church played an instrumental role in the Human Genome Project and is widely recognized as one of the premier scientists in the fields of gene editing technology and synthetic biology.  In this episode, we discuss: 07:13 - History of the Human Genome Project 15:20 - Manufacturing cell phones (with biology) 17:34 -...
Published 08/24/22
Stuart Phillips, PhD, is a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where he also serves as the director of the Physical Activity Centre of Excellence. His research centers on the roles exercise and nutrition play in influencing human skeletal muscle protein turnover and how these lifestyle factors influence body composition, especially as we age. In this episode, we discuss: 00:07:16 - Why muscle is important for longevity 00:14:34 - Is the importance...
Published 06/29/22
The intestinal barrier serves as a gatekeeper to the human body. The loss of the health and integrity of this barrier influences multiple aspects of human health – including cardiometabolic function, neurological health, behavior, and more – in surprising and unexpected ways. One of these ways involves lipopolysaccharide, or LPS, a bacterial product that arises in the intestine, and its interaction with far distal tissues and organs via the induction of immune mediators. Dr. Rhonda Patrick...
Published 05/31/22
Dr. Dominic ("Dom") D'Agostino is an expert on a wide range of topics related to metabolic health, ketosis, and ketogenic diets. As one of the world's foremost experts on the ketogenic diet, Dom has personally practiced some variation of ketogenic diet for over a decade, bringing a substantial amount of practical experience along with his anecdotes from human and animal research. In this episode, we discuss: 00:04:59 - What is "keto” (and what it is not) 00:08:42 - Types of ketogenic diets ...
Published 04/28/22
This episode features a discussion with MedCram co-founder Kyle Allred on the effects of sauna. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kyle on all things sauna science and we're posting that discussion for you here. As an exercise mimetic, sauna use has anti-inflammatory, mood-elevating, and detoxifying properties that research increasingly shows may deliver cardiovascular and brain benefits. The science of sauna use has been a research interest of mine for many years and this discussion...
Published 04/13/22
Morgan Levine, Ph.D., developed the phenotypic aging clock called PhenoAge and is a Founding Principal Investigator at Altos Labs, a biotech company that seeks to understand the mechanisms that drive the aging process and age-related diseases with the hope of identifying possible interventions. Additionally, Dr. Levine is an assistant professor of pathology at the Yale University School of Medicine, where her research focuses on the science of biological aging. Dr. Levine completed a...
Published 04/12/22
Dr. Peter Diamandis is a serial entrepreneur and founder of XPRIZE, a non-profit organization that designs and conducts global competitions that incentivize the development of technological breakthroughs that propel humanity toward a better future.    Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, philanthropist, and business strategist. He provides business and life coaching to millions of people worldwide through his audio programs, educational videos, and live seminars.    ...
Published 03/09/22
Eran Elinav, MD, PhD, is a professor of immunology and principal investigator at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Tel Aviv, Israel, where he co-directs the Personalized Nutrition Project. Dr. Elinav is also a principal investigator at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany. His research focuses on understanding the complex interactions between humans and the bacteria that reside in their gut and how these interactions shape human health and disease. In this episode, Dr....
Published 02/08/22
In this nearly 2.5-hour episode, Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Roger Seheult and Kyle Allred of MedCram make a thoughtful, merit-based, and truly comprehensive discussion of COVID-19 vaccination. In addition to being a co-founder of MedCram Medical Lectures, Dr. Roger Seheult is, as you will find out in the conversation, a boots on the ground, critical care pulmonologist. For Dr. Seheult, COVID-19 is not just theory. He sees real sick people and for that reason brings a very special context to...
Published 09/17/21
Dr. William ("Bill") Harris is one of the world's preeminent experts in the field of omega-3 fatty acid research. His work has focused on the roles that fatty acids in play in cardiovascular and neurocognitive health. The author of more than 300 scientific papers on fatty acids and health, Dr. Harris is a professor in the Department of Medicine in the Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota, the co-inventor of the Omega-3 Index, founder of OmegaQuant Analytics, and...
Published 09/10/21