Do you struggle to have open conversations with God? Do you struggle to talk to him at all? In this episode we're joined by Megan Nilsen and we're talking about "how honest conversations with God lead lead to deeper connections, clarity and peace." I LOVED this episode with Megan and was really blessed by what she had to bring. I hope that you can find encouragement in this video too, and take away a few handy tips and tricks about why God would even want to talk to us, how we can talk to...
Published 10/15/24
Published 10/15/24
In this video we're having an honest chat about singleness with guest Simon Daniel Andrade.Simon is the host of the free and redeemed podcast, has been recording for nearly 2 years, His passion for God and for people is what inspires him to coach people in their self-esteem and achieve a God fulfilling purpose. Simon is a self-esteem life coach and hopefully one day a Licensed Professional Christian Counselor. Join us in this conversation as we share our stories, chat about the highs and lows...
Published 09/21/24
Natalia Lavaggi has an incredible testimony of leaving the new age and being radically saved by Jesus. Natalia grew up in a Catholic home and had a relationship with God at a young age, but found herself getting more distant from God as a teenager. Seeking healing from sickness, Natalia started to look into other forms of energy healing, leading her down a rabbit hole and straight into the new age. Dabbling in the new age for many years, Natalia went to psychic healers, practiced yoga, used...
Published 08/31/24
Hi friends!! In this episode we're discussing part two of the "practical ways to start preparing for marriage as a single Christian. I love the topic of preparing for marriage and it's something that is front of mind for many of us. We prepare for all big events in life, so why not marriage? I hope to be able to share some of the tips I've learnt over my life, seen in the Bible and heard from other married couples around me. Make sure you check our part 1 of this episode for the physical...
Published 08/17/24
In this video we are talking about practical ways that we can start to prepare for marriage as a single person. We prepare for all big events in life, so why wouldn't we prepare for something like marriage? This is a two part episode, and in this video we're talking about some of the physical and mental ways that we can prepare for marriage. In part two (stay tuned for this next week), we will discuss the emotional and spiritual ways we can prepare for marriage. I hope touching on this...
Published 08/10/24
In this video we are joined by Bianca Barnes who is a wife, mother, and an avid follower of Jesus. She is also the host of Talk About Real, a podcast where she encourages individuals to pursue a meaningful relationship with Christ. Her passion lies in seeing people grow in their faith and in their walk with the Lord. In part 1 of this 2 part episode we're talking about the topic of finding your purpose and I LOVE Bianca's heart for sharing and encouraging people to find their purpose and...
Published 08/04/24
It's been a while since I've sat down to catch up on life with you all and I'm relieved to be back from a short, but much needed break. In this video, we're talking about the topic of grief, the pain of losing a pet, healing and putting up walls with God which is something I've been walking through over the past few weeks (and months). Grief is one of those things that we can’t really prepare for, but is something that find ourselves walking through. God knows that we will experience...
Published 07/31/24
In this video we are joined by Nellie Harden, a wife, mother to 4 teenage daughters, and an author and speaker in the space of Family Life & Leadership. Her work has a twofold focus. Nellie is passionate about helping parents love & lead their daughters in a way that teaches them to love & lead themselves by building a strong foundation of worth, esteem & confidence in them all before they leave home! She also works towards restoring, or building for the very first time,...
Published 07/20/24
Have you ever been shut down when you've tried to ask tough questions in and about life? What about when it's asking tough questions or "wrestling" with God? We're often told that we can't, or shouldn't, but I think in the wrestle of life we experience some of the biggest growth. Modern psychology backs this up too - we know that getting out of our comfort zone brings tremendous growth. We also know that in the context of weight lifting, we experience real discomfort as we push our body...
Published 07/06/24
In this video we're joined by Corinne Keith and we are talking about the topic of identity, healing from childhood trauma and her journey to starting a coaching business and writing books. Corinnes journey of mind renewal began as she sought healing from her own trauma of being sexually molested by her Dad at a very young age. Corinne realized she was believing lies about God, sex, men, guilt, condemnation, performance and her value, and learning her "Identity in Christ" brought...
Published 06/30/24
It's so important to find joy in the season of life that you're in, even if it's not what you thought it would be. There is beauty and joy in every day, and in a world full of social media and comparison it's easy to get discouraged! This has been a big learning and journey for me over the years so I hope to share some of this with you! 💌 CHAPTERS 0:00 Expectations 0:50 Goals & reflection 3:50 Don't focus on the negative 6:30 Identity 8:18 Faith 9:54 We don't have the full...
Published 06/23/24
At the age of 16 Jade turned her back on God and tried to do life alone. After being sexually assaulted multiple times at a young age, she fell into New Age practices seeking healing from the trauma. Jade was addicted to drugs and alcohol for many years of her life, still trying different New Age practices and seeking healing. Meditation, reiki and spiritual healing constantly left Jade feeling empty and still searching.A few years ago Jade encountered God and surrendered her life to Him and...
Published 06/17/24
In this video we're talking about some tips for getting out of a spiritual slump. The past few weeks have been ROUGH for me - life is full of ups and downs, mountains and valleys, and sometimes we can get in a bit of a rut. I am thankful that even in my occasional spiritual slumps, it's nothing like the chronic fatigue and depression I wrestled with for years in my teens. God is so faithful to set us free from the grips of sin and death when we come to know and follow Him. BUT, that doesn't...
Published 06/10/24
Seeing everyone around you dating, getting engaged or married can be HARD, believe me I know! It's a journey of highs and lows, days of feeling good, and days of feeling discouraged. Over the past few years I've worked through feeling genuinely content in my singleness, realising I've been idolising marriage, working through past hurt and doubts in that area, and slowing growing and restoring my hope for marriage one day. Unfortunately, so many of us still feel that deep longing to be...
Published 06/02/24
In this video we're talking about the topic of being deeply rooted in the Word of God. So many of us don't actually get the proper teaching about how to read the Bible or why it's even important. We've both been on a journey over the years with working out why it's important to read the Bible, how we learned to love it in fun and unique ways, connecting with God personally and practical tips for beginners. Join us in this fun conversation to chat about all things faith and the Word of...
Published 05/27/24
In our society today identity is EVERYTHING. We look for it in so many places - how much money we make, the car we drive, our social status, our relationships, the career we have, the clothing we wear or the following we have on social media. It seems that despite the things or success that people have, we’re all still searching for the group of people we fit in with or who we really are; our worth, our value and our identity. In the years before social media we were more likely to be...
Published 05/21/24
In this video we're diving into the topic of how revival starts in the home with Alyssa Rahn, a Christian woman from Michigan. Alyssa is a transformational coach and speaker who has changed hundreds of lives with her encouragement and powerful teachings on uncovering your dreams. She has been seen on stages and in publications like Fear into Faith, the Wives of Integrity Conference, Faith Heart Magazine, and Mommy Brain. Alyssa is on a mission to see revival and believes it starts in the...
Published 05/16/24
In our episode today we are continuing the conversation with Matt Cline from Restored Ministries about pornography and the impact it has on our bodies and minds, we all as those closest to us. In part 1 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i8Cg6H_qSg&t=1s we discussed the epidemic of pornography and sexual brokenness in our world. Addictions to pornography are rampant both inside and outside of the church and hold many people captive. In part 2, we are going through some practical...
Published 05/09/24
In this episode we're tackling a topic that isn't often spoken about in Christians circles (or certainly not enough), and that's porn. Pornography is a huge issue across the world and surprisingly, is rife within the church. Here are some stats that might shock you: • Every second 28,259 users are watching pornography on the internet • Every second $3,075.54 is spent on pornography on the internet • Every day 37 pornography videos are created in the US • Every day 2.5 BILLION emails...
Published 04/27/24
In this episode we chat about what to do on those days where you feel discouraged. A few weeks ago, I started the week feeling so discouraged and flat for no apparent reason. I started recording with no real desire to put out any content, but I felt a shift as I started going through scripture. On the days where we feel flat, intentionally trusting God and standing on His word bring forth so much breakthrough and change. Whether you're feeling discouraged about your work, marriage, ministry...
Published 04/20/24
In this episode we are talking about the topic of embracing radical obedience and answering God's call on your life. We are joined by Christa Spaeth who is the founder of Christa Joy Ministries, which was founded in 2022 when Minnesota-based author Christa received a compelling message from God. In a prayer cabin called “Whisper,” He prompted her to write a seven-week devotional titled “Powerful Whispers." Since then, Christa’s eyes, heart, and ears were opened to more whispers, so that she...
Published 04/13/24
In this episode we are discussing the topic of how to Master Your Morning: Six Steps to Life Transforming Intimacy with Jesus with Gail Root. We go through a range of topics including her personal testimony, what intimacy is and why it's important, dealing with intimacy issues and the 6 steps to mastering your morning and transforming your life. Gail Root is wife, mother to three amazing sons, lifelong entrepreneur, love of travel, adventure, and all things Kingdom! After years leading...
Published 04/06/24
This is without a doubt the most important message you'll ever hear, so PLEASE don't click away. Many people celebrate Easter without actually knowing the real reason behind the season. We live our everyday lives not knowing our considering our final destination. How often do you think about what happens after death? Life is painstakingly short; like a vapour. The reality, that many of us don't know, is that we are ALL sinners and we ALL fall short of the glory of God. Our sin separates...
Published 03/29/24
In this episode we're continuing the conversation with Melissa Garcia about rejection. In case you missed it, in part 1 we spoke about Melissa's childhood and experiencing rejection, the three T's of rejection (Truth, Toxicity & Triumph) from her new book, as well as details about how rejection manifests in our life. In part 2, we go into more detail about how to have victory over rejection, practical steps for moving past it and discovering your true identity in Jesus. We also discuss...
Published 03/27/24