Welcome back to another edition of Friday Chats! Today, I'll be diving into Colostrum, which you may have seen all over your social media pages. I'll cover: What is Colostrum and where it comes from. What ingredients makes it beneficial. How it works in the body. I also explore the possible health impacts Colostrum has and who might find it the most beneficial. Listen now! ARMRA™ Colostrum | The Revival of Health Code DRDANIELLE10 ------------------- Have a topic you want covered?...
Published 02/02/24
In this episode we are diving into food elimination challenges including: Signs of food sensitivities The most common foods that lead to sensitivities How to complete a food elimination challenge How to reintroduce foods without back sliding in your progress I also share why it's important to complete a food elimination challenge with a professional, especially if you have any history of disordered eating. ------------------- Have a topic you want covered? DM me on Instagram...
Published 01/30/24
Following up on last week's part 1 episode, today I'm sharing where I'm at in my egg freezing journey including: My call with the financial department What you can expect cost wise Next steps in the process ------ Have a topic you want covered? DM me on Instagram @drdanielle.nd ⁠⁠Fullscript Supplement Dispensary⁠⁠ 👉 Download your free ⁠⁠Hormone Balancing Smoothie Recipe⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Instagram: @drdanielle.nd⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Website: drdanielledesroche.com Schedule Your Strategy Call Here ---...
Published 01/26/24
In this episode I am joined by Ancient Bliss found Macy Schuchart. After living remotely and learning from Hawaiian Natives, Macy was inspired by the connection herbs play in our ancestors everyday lives. She is now reshaping wellness with clean, organic supplements with no additives or fillers. Ancient Bliss tackles concerns like blood sugar and insulin resistance, while Fleur empowers women with various solutions for hormone health and navigating their cycles. Macy's commitment to...
Published 01/23/24
Happy Friday Friends! In this episode I give you an inside look into my egg freezing journey thus far. I am still in the very early stages but on today's episode I share what my first three visits have looked like and what I can expect moving forward. If you are thinking about egg freezing, I hope this episode gives you some insight into what to expect so you can make the best decision for you. Have a topic you want covered? DM me on Instagram @drdanielle.nd ⁠⁠Fullscript Supplement...
Published 01/19/24
On today's podcast, I'm joined by Gina Mundy, an attorney specializing in childbirth cases. For over 20 years her focus has been investigating and analyzing mistakes that arise during labor and delivery. She has spent countless hours scrutinizing childbirth cases, conducting interviews with delivery teams, and thoroughly examining medical records to gain an in-depth understanding of every decision made during labor and delivery. In 2023, she published a book titled, “A Parent’s Guide to a...
Published 01/16/24
Navigating the different medication options for thyroid disease, like Hashimoto's, can be overwhelming, especially when you're not feeling well, and people don't always receive all the information that's out there. That's why this week, I'm clarifying the difference between synthetic and desiccated thyroids and the medications available. I cover: Levothyroxine, also known as Synthroid, and the benefits of synthetic hormones.  Liothyronine, also known as Cytomel, how it works, when it helps...
Published 01/12/24
Despite so many different options for birth control being available, it often feels like the pill is the only option. But knowing what your options are us key to making the choice that is best for you and your body. In this episode, I deep dive into each method of birth control, how effective it is, why it works, and the pros and cons to each. I cover: The traditional pill, which is roughly 91% effective and comes in two types. IUDs, which are 99% effective and come in 5 types in the United...
Published 01/09/24
Trying to conceive with PCOS can feel like navigating a maze of wrong answers, especially when you don't have the right support. In this episode, I cut the fluff and dive into the nitty-gritty of common PCOS mistakes we should leave behind this year! 1. Accepting all your labs look normal even when you don't feel well. 2. Going to Dr. Google and self-prescribing supplements. 3. Jumping straight to Clomid, IUI, and IVF. Have a topic you really want covered this year? Shoot me a DM on...
Published 01/05/24
Welcome back! After almost a month off I'm excited to welcome 2024 in with the start of the THIRD season of the Heal Your Hormones podcast. I can't believe it's been exactly two years since this community began and I cannot thank you enough for being along for the ride. I can't wait to see what this year has in store and to continue to be here for you as a source of education and empowerment as you navigate your PCOS and fertility journey. In this episode I recap my time in Paris and...
Published 01/02/24
Do you have to give up alcohol to heal your hormones? It’s a topic so many would prefer to ignore, but in today’s episode, I’m sharing the truth about alcohol and hormones, including my top tips and recommendations if you aren’t ready to give it up. In this show, you’ll learn: How long alcohol actually stays in the body How alcohol impacts estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones How alcohol impacts PCOS and PMS symptoms How alcohol impacts IVF treatments What is...
Published 12/12/23
We are now deep in the holiday season and with that often comes some degree of stress, good and/or bad. Everyone can benefit from practices to help manage stress during these months. On today’s Friday Chats, I’m sharing a quick and simple method used by the Navy Seals to help you remain calm, increase focus, and quickly get your body back into a parasympathetic state. This exercise can be used immediately in the moments you feel stress or it can be a part of your daily routine to encourage...
Published 12/08/23
When the holidays roll around it can be easy to feel the stress of trying to stick to all of your health goals and routines. But, you don’t have to throw all of your hard work out the window! It is possible to enjoy the holidays, indulge in the special treats, and still stay on track with improving your health and feeling good. In the midst of cookies, pies, and casseroles, keeping your blood sugar balanced is the key! On today’s Friday Chats, I’m sharing 3 quick tips for balancing your blood...
Published 12/01/23
This time of year can be FULL of carbs! There can be a lot of confusion and fear around this food group, particularly in the PCOS community. On today’s episode, I’m setting the record straight on the truth about carbs and PCOS! In this episode, I’ll discuss: Can you eat carbs with PCOS How carbs impact PCOS How carbs can and should be a part of a PCOS-friendly diet Carbs impact on insulin resistant PCOS specifically Signs of insulin resistant PCOS The 3 types of carbs...
Published 11/28/23
In today’s episode, I’m sharing 3 case studies of women with PCOS who each struggled with fertility. While their driving cause of PCOS and infertility, time frame to conceive, and the solution to getting pregnant are all different, by using the framework in the PCOS Pregnancy Protocol, we were able to get each woman’s hormones in an optimal place to conceive. A healthy, natural pregnancy is possible with PCOS! These case studies will encourage you that, with the right tools and support, it...
Published 11/24/23
Today’s episode features special guest Jesenia Villoldo from @‌invisibleWoundsTherapist. Jesenia joins me to discuss the impact of trauma on our bodies and holistic and trauma informed therapy practices. In this show, you’ll hear: Jesenia’s journey to becoming a holistic therapist How trauma impacts our physical and mental health, specifically our nervous system How trauma an impact your immune system and lead to chronic illness Outward signs you might see of trauma The...
Published 11/21/23
Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Before you spend the day gathering with friends and family and eating all kinds of delicious food, listen to these 3 tips to ensure you are feeling your best, physically and mentally, as you go into this holiday! In this episode, you’ll hear about my upcoming Black Friday sale on the PCOS Pregnancy Protocol. Click the link below to book a discovery call before the sale begins on 11/24 to help you determine if this program is the right fit for...
Published 11/17/23
On today’s episode, I’m talking with special guest, Dr. Yeni. As a holistic pelvic physical therapist, Dr. Yeni has seen firsthand the power of pelvic PT in optimizing fertility. The amazing impact of PT on PCOS and fertility can frequently be overlooked, but along with lifestyle changes, it can produce incredible results! In our conversation, we dive into: How Dr. Yeni got involved in PT The difference between PT and Pelvic PT How Pelvic PT can support fertility cycles What...
Published 11/14/23
Holiday season is upon us and Winter is coming! As the weather turns colder and the holiday parties begin, unfortunately, stress and sickness are often not far behind. On today’s Friday Chat’s, I’m sharing some quick tips to support your immune system this Winter. I’ll be covering tips for both prevention and for when you are sick. Learn how to support your body during this season so you can enjoy it to the fullest! I’m also dishing all the details about my upcoming Black Friday sale. Be the...
Published 11/10/23
This is an episode unlike any other I’ve done in the past! On today’s show I have guest, Alex Bonanno, with me to discuss how to navigate your fertility journey with your employer. As an HR leader in the health benefits space, Alex shares how to talk to your employer about reproduction support, parental leave, and insurance coverage for fertility procedures. We also dive into: The pros and cons of HSAs and FSAs The infertility benefits covered in the medical insurance world What...
Published 11/07/23
As we head into holiday season, it is not unusual to indulge in a lot of sweets, treats, and alcohol. Eating a balanced, hormone friendly breakfast can help to keep your body fueled and your blood sugar stable, allowing you to enjoy the season without the guilt of over indulging. On this Friday Chats, I’m sharing 3 hormone friendly breakfasts that I’ve been loving lately! --- Fullscript Supplement Dispensary 👉 Download your free Hormone Balancing Smoothie Recipe...
Published 11/03/23
Is there a moment in time where you noticed your hair loss really picked up pace? Are you noticing hand fulls of hair every time you brush your hair? Are you noticing bald spots? While hair loss is expected as we go throughout life, these may be signs that the hair loss you are experiencing is abnormal. When dealing with an abnormal amount of hair loss, the first step toward regrowth is to determine the root cause. On today’s episode, I’m diving into 5 common root causes of hair loss. I’ll be...
Published 10/31/23
The different types of PCOS and their root cause is a conversation not often held in conventional medicine. However, determining the type of PCOS and its cause is the first place to start when looking for relief from your symptoms and ultimately to heal. In today’s Friday Chats, I’m simplifying the 4 types of PCOS. Understanding these types can save you time, money, and a lot of frustration in your healing journey! --- Fullscript Supplement Dispensary 👉 Download your free Hormone Balancing...
Published 10/27/23
Did you know the average woman puts 176 toxins on her body a day?! 😱 There is no way around the fact that the world we live in today is very toxic. And while there are many things we can not control, there is a lot within our control. In today’s episode, I chat with Dr. Kat Bodden about environmental toxins in our homes and how they impact hormones and fertility. Tune in to hear what the most common toxins impacting hormones are, signs you might be affected by those toxins, simple changes you...
Published 10/24/23
Letrozole is an oral, FDA approved, medication used for the treatment of breast cancer. However, by inducing ovulation, it has been found to be effective in helping women with anovulatory infertility conceive. In this episode of Friday Chats, I’m sharing how this drug works, what the science is saying (spoiler alert: it’s more effective than Clomid!), and its potential side effects. --- Fullscript Supplement Dispensary 👉 Download your free Hormone Balancing Smoothie Recipe...
Published 10/20/23