Sales Pages... Please Make Them Stop!⁣⁣Ever feel like your sales page is a never-ending novel? You're not alone! I'm not sure who started the rumor that they need to be 6000 miles long to be effective, but it's time we revisit this conversation.⁣⁣In this episode of the podcast, I'm diving into some common sales page mistakes that aren't often talked about in the online space—mistakes that could be costing you sales. Let's get them fixed!⁣⁣If you're looking for actionable advice to set yoursel...
Published 06/18/24
Published 06/18/24
Over the years, I’ve learned what makes a website truly shine and what drags it down. Today, I’m sharing five easy tweaks to make your website work harder for you.Ever thought about those social media icons in your header? They might be sending visitors away! And, a dedicated testimonial page? It could be dating your site more than helping it. Let’s simplify those lead forms, optimize your thank you pages, and ensure your images reflect your brand beautifully.Want more details? Tune in to the...
Published 06/11/24
What's hottest lead generation strategy to grow your email list? Quizzes! If you’ve ever wondered how to create a quiz lead magnet that truly converts, you’re in for a treat.Today, I’m chatting with none other than Josh Haynam, the brilliant co-founder and CEO of Interact, an AI-powered quiz software platform. Josh has an incredible journey – he founded Interact 11 years ago and bootstrapped it to over 7,000 paying customers. Talk about impressive!In this episode, we dive deep into the f...
Published 06/04/24
Let's get real... trying to run your business while being a full-time parent during the summer is no joke! And, it can stir up a lot of those pandemic memories we’d rather forget.So, how can we balance parenting and business during school breaks?In this episode, I'm thrilled to chat with Carley Aroldi, a brilliant clinical play therapist and childhood mental health expert, who’s here to spill the secrets on how to master the summer hustle and keep your business thriving.You'll uncover Carley’...
Published 05/28/24
I can name a million times I wanted to quit my business, including when my mic didn't connect properly when I recorded this episode... Yep, you might notice the sound isn't quite what you're used to, but this conversation is one we really need to have.When is it time to quit your business?Today, we're diving into a topic that's not always easy to talk about but is oh-so-important: knowing when it's time to quit your business. Whether you're feeling the weight of burnout, struggling ...
Published 05/21/24
Today, we're diving into a hot topic that touches almost everyone: social media burnout. It's real, it's rampant, and it's exactly what we're tackling in today's episode.Joining us is the incredibly talented Rebecca Stanisic, a freelance writer, speaker, and the content strategist every solopreneur dreams of. She’s here to help us navigate the choppy waters of content creation with ease and intention.We’re exploring what burnout looks like, why it’s so common, and how to handle it without gho...
Published 05/14/24
Let's be real. Running a podcast can be a lot! The constant content creation, weekly releases, show notes and marketing... it's no wonder why so many podcasters ghost their own show. So, I'm bringing in some help to make your podcasting journey a whole lot smoother. Jason Cercone, the mastermind behind Bombtrack Media is back on the show. He's all about helping busy professionals like us take our brands to the next level through strategic content creation.Jason's on a mis...
Published 05/07/24
Creating an online course might seem like a breeze when you're knee-deep in the digital world. You grab the top-notch software, whip together some killer slides in Canva, hit record, and voila! Instant success, right? But let's keep it real—how do you ensure that the course you're pouring your soul into is actually moving the needle?Enter our guest today, Shannon Boyer. Shannon isn't your average course creation guru. With over two decades of experience and a master's degree in education...
Published 04/30/24
I bought a church...Well, technically, I rented a church, but it sounds much more dramatic when I say I bought one. It's actually the building that we secured to start a second business, and boy, this ride has been wild! I've chatted about this whole process quite a bit with some of the amazing women I work with, but I've been itching to dive into it on the podcast because it's been one heck of an adventure—opening a second business, and one that's totally offline. So, behind the sc...
Published 04/23/24
Want to get off the social media hamster wheel, but are worried about it impacting the number of eyes you get on your business. I've got your back! Today, we're diving deep into the world of visibility and uncovering five super simple yet incredibly powerful ways to skyrocket your presence—all without relying on social media. In this episode, we'll explore how you can elevate your visibility game without being tethered to social media platforms. No algorithms, no constant scrolling—just...
Published 04/16/24
I'm saying goodbye to Instagram... well, at least the main feed for now. And you know I wouldn't make a move like this without spilling all the tea on why. Honestly, Instagram and I? We've never quite clicked. Sure, I pushed through the friction because, let's face it, not liking something isn't always a good enough reason to quit, especially if there's a return on the investment. And for a minute there, Instagram did pay off. It wasn't exactly driving sales for my business, but it was a...
Published 04/09/24
Feel like your home office is more BLAH than YEAH? I get it! After a terrible background paint color that left me looking like a cast member of The Walking Dead, I started wondering what went behind designing your dream online business home office. In this episode of the podcast, I'm sitting down with the incredibly talented interior designer, Gabriella Milgrom, to uncover the secrets of creating a home office that not only looks great on camera but also fosters productivity and creativity....
Published 04/02/24
Get ready to dive deep into the world of lead generation and list building because today's episode is going to be an absolute game-changer! Five of my incredible clients, each with their own unique gifts and expertise, came together to create a lead generation powerhouse team. Yes, you heard that right, collaboration at its finest!  In this episode, we're pulling back the curtain on their journey as they brought to life a genius strategy I shared with them in one of my programs - an email...
Published 03/26/24
Women's Health and Business Mini-Series: Part Three You asked. We answered! Ever find yourself questioning the impact of stress and hormonal fluctuations on your business and well-being as a woman entrepreneur? Feeling like your body's at odds with you, but unsure how to regain control? Trust me, I've been there too! That's why in this special Q&A episode of No BS Business School, we're diving deep into your burning questions surrounding health, burnout, and stress management for female...
Published 03/21/24
Women's Health and Business Mini-Series: Part Two Can I just drop a truth bomb on you that might just rock your entrepreneurial world? Recent studies have shown that investing in your wellness as a business owner can lead to some seriously jaw-dropping returns. I'm talking about a whopping $6 return for every single dollar you put into your health strategy. Can you believe it? Mind officially blown! Now, you might be wondering, what are these mystical health secrets that us solopreneurs...
Published 03/20/24
Women's Health and Business Mini-Series: Part One Did you know that a whopping 42% of women in business are grappling with burnout? Yep, it's not just fatigue; we're talking gut issues, weight gain, hair loss, joint aches, anxiety...  and more. These are not just signs of aging, they're signs of a dysregulated nervous system and disease. It's high time we started paying attention to our health! In this episode of No BS Business School, I'm sitting down with my good friend, Vandghie, a...
Published 03/19/24
5 Days to Increase Your Business Revenue with a Podcast - Day #5 Let's talk about the heartbeat of your podcast—audience engagement! Today, we're shaking things up in our final episode of our 5-part series, where we've been unraveling the secrets of boosting your business revenue with a powerhouse podcast marketing and sales funnel.  We're delving into the realm of audience engagement strategies that'll not only skyrocket your download numbers but also boost your revenue by cultivating a...
Published 03/15/24
5 Days to Increase Your Business Revenue with a Podcast - Day #4 Let's talk about the money honey! Welcome back to Day 4 of my 5-day journey to skyrocket your business revenue with podcasting! Today, we're entering the dynamic world of podcast monetization strategies that are guaranteed to elevate your business to new heights. In this episode, we're going to explore four ingenious ways to generate revenue from your podcast, and guess what? You won't need to send out countless emails...
Published 03/14/24
5 Days to Increase Your Business Revenue with a Podcast - Day #3 Get excited because we're about to create content magic in the third episode of our 5-part series designed to show you how to add a new line of revenue to your business by integrating a podcasting marketing funnel. Today, we're delving deep into the art of crafting episodes that not only grab your audience's attention but also drive sales for your business. We'll be uncovering the secrets behind creating content that truly...
Published 03/13/24
5 Days to Increase Your Business Revenue with a Podcast - Day #2 Let's dive into the exciting world of funnels! Now, I know the term "funnels" can sometimes sound daunting, especially in the online space where it seems like there's a maze of confusing messages and trip wires at every turn. But fear not! Today, we're going to demystify funnels and focus on two specific ones that are absolute game-changers when it comes to driving revenue from your podcast. First up, we have what I like to...
Published 03/12/24
5 Days to Increase Your Business Revenue with a Podcast - Day #1 I'm back with a brand new podcast workshop series, 5 Days to Increase Your Business Revenue with a Podcast. This training series has been created to show you how to add a new line of revenue to your business by integrating a podcasting marketing funnel, allowing you to elevate your brand and attract high-quality leads. I'm going to break down how to add a new line of revenue to your business by integrating a podcasting...
Published 03/11/24
Are you ready to conquer lead generation like a boss? Lead generation can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack, right? But fear not! I've got your back. Today, we're diving deep into part two of my series on Lead Generation Made Simple. In this episode, we're not just talking theory – oh no! We're rolling up our sleeves and setting you up for success by tackling all the moving parts of your lead gen funnel. From crafting the perfect opt-in page to nailing your email sequences...
Published 03/05/24
Let's face it, lead generation can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But fear not! I'm here to guide you through the maze and show you how to attract those coveted leads like a magnet. In this episode, we're stripping away the mystery surrounding lead generation. We're breaking down the fundamentals, from understanding what lead generation is all about to crafting irresistible lead magnets that'll have your ideal customers knocking down your virtual door. So if you're tired...
Published 02/27/24
Today's episode is extra special because I'm giving you a backstage pass to something near and dear to my heart – the Intentional Action Academy. Yep, last month, I swung open those virtual doors and invited you all in to my new membership, and now, I'm taking you on a personal tour. We're going to dive deep into the journey of bringing the Intentional Action Academy to life, from its humble beginnings to where it stands today. I'll be sharing the ups, downs, and everything in between, along...
Published 02/20/24