“Challenging role Mr. Adamson has assumed! An auspicious start has transitioned into a mature narrative that is as pleasurable as it is compelling and educational. Wasting little time as an amateur, the consumate professional asserted control, establishing a style and rhythmn that communicates oddly canted concepts (i.e. philosophical) with ease and elan. The stereotypical philosopher does make the occasional appearance, but solely for comic relief.
The outlook for maintaining exceptional quality in the many episodes to come is extremely good. The gentleman, though always professional and never vulgar, cannot hide the passion he feels for his subject! Further assurance may be taken from the knowledge that being virtuous will not allow him to disappoint us (his fans), or abandon a rare promotional vehicle for Buster Keaton.
My heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Peter Adamson, and his sponsors, for a truly wonderful gift!”
C.L.S. Jr. via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·