In honor of the 150 anniversary of Gandhi’s birth Hugh Gunner Deery III discusses Gandhi’s life, activism and historical footprint. A leader committed to nonviolent protest through civil disobedience, Gandhi’s relevance today is explored. Hugh Gunner Deery III teaches Intro to Philosophy, Logic, and Ancient and Medieval philosophy in the Philosophy Dept. at UAA. He received a BA in philosophy at Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, MI) and an MA in philosophy from Colorado State...
Published 10/02/19
Journey for Justice, The Life of Larry Itliong is the first nonfiction illustrated Filipino American history book for children. It tells the story of labor leader Larry Itliong who was co-founder of the United Farm Workers. At this event, explored is his lifelong fight for a farmworkers union, the farmworker's struggle, and the creation of the United Farm Workers. Journey for Justice is written by historian Dawn Bohulano Mabalon and writer Gayle Romasanta. It is richly illustrated by...
Published 09/27/19
Chad Briggs presents his book Disaster Security: Using Intelligence and Military Planning for Energy and Environmental Risks. Chad Briggs is professor of Public Policy at UAA the new Director of Graduate Public Policy and Administration Programs. Much of his research focuses on post-conflict environmental health and energy reconstruction, disaster planning in the Arctic and Asia-Pacific, and the integration of energy and environmental risks to joint planning and intelligence operations. An...
Published 09/16/19
Terrence and Dermot Cole share their insights and stories about Alaska with Michael Carey and longtime friends toast Terrence Cole. The book, The Big Wild Soul of Terrence Cole is an eclectic collection of work created to honor Alaska's Public Historian is also highlighted. Published by University of Alaska Press, the inspired collection of essays, authored by Terrence’s students, colleagues and friends. It is edited by Frank Soos and Mary Ehrlander. Terrence Cole is Emeritus Professor of...
Published 04/29/19
Ian Hartman and James K. Barnett present Imagining Anchorage: The Making of America’s Northernmost Metropolis. With over a hundred full-color images and photographs to accompany historical essays, the book Imagining Anchorage brings together twenty renowned contributors to tell pieces of Anchorage’s story. “The essays move through four parts covering some of the major movements in Anchorage: the first people, the arrival of Europeans, the founding of Anchorage, and its transformation...
Published 02/26/19
In his highly acclaimed book, Facts of the Matter Looking Past Today's Rhetoric on the Environment and Responsible Development, Alaskan David Parish promotes a fact-based approach toward environmental stewardship, responsible development, improved public health, and the elimination of poverty. In it, he examines how the traditional approaches to natural resource development, with the "us versus them" divides, can be bridged. David Parish has worked around the globe as an independent...
Published 02/04/19
Mikey Huff, founder of the Wool Sock Project, shares his experiences meeting members of homeless communities in California and Anchorage. The Wool Sock Project is a community-centered group with the objective to challenge preconceptions through shared experience. "Our intent is to help each individual we interact with in some small way.” Everyone is encouraged to listen to this podcast and find out how a moment of kindness can change one’s life and how compassion training can influence...
Published 11/26/18
What does it truly means for diverse individuals to coexist within the same society? How can individuals begin to heal from negative issues related to diversity? UAA Art professor Thomas Chung and President of the UAA Black Student Union Cheryl Williams lead a discussion on multiculturalism, bigotry, racism and their psychological effects. (Note, event timeline: hang musical peformance, Thomas Chung (4:16-44:40), and Cheryl Cox Williams (48:45-1:48). Thomas Chung, born in New Jersey,...
Published 11/02/18
Dr. Steve Konkel presents Alaska Decision Making 2018, Research, Analysis, and Politics. At the event he discusses Alaska government, working with Governor Jay Hammond, and the need for civic engagement. Dr. Steve Konkel teaches in the College of Business and Public Policy at UAA. He has published a statewide inventory and economic assessment of wind generation, and studies of the impact of climate change in Alaska's NW Arctic Borough. In addition, he has testified before the State of...
Published 10/24/18
The Search for White Identity seeks to clarify the meaning of “white identity" in our current polarizing times. Panelists include Prof. Dan Kline who discusses "Teutonic Knights in 2018", how white nationalists and neo-Nazis attempt to misappropriate medieval literature and culture. Prof.Forrest Nabors addresses "American Codes and Colors" and Dr. Wenfei Tong examines “The Evolution of White Identity”. Dan Kline is Professor of English and Director of General Education at UAA. He...
Published 10/03/18
This presenation accompanies the audio podcast, also posted in iTunes, for Robert Poe Jr. presents Rebuilding Power in Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria, PREPA, and the Future of Puerto Rico. At the event, Robert Poe Jr offers a firsthand account about what happened in Puerto Rico when Hurricane Maria struck with over 165 mph winds. The problems of competency concerning PREPA (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority), his current consulting relationship with PREPA, and an analysis of what is needed...
Published 10/02/18
Robert Poe Jr. presents Rebuilding Power in Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria, PREPA, and the Future of Puerto Rico. At this event, Robert Poe Jr offers a firsthand account about what happened in Puerto Rico when, in 2018, Hurricane Maria struck with over 165 mph winds. The problems of competency concerning PREPA (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority), his current consulting relationship with PREPA and an analysis of what is needed to rebuild in Puerto Rico will be addressed. Robert Poe Jr....
Published 10/02/18
UAA Archives & Special Collections staff Arlene Schmuland, Veronica Denison and Gwen Higgins discuss the makeup of the archive collections, a treasure chest of community stories and Alaska History. Selected stories and material from 1917-2018 are featured. Everyone is encouraged to come and find out how learning about Anchorage can be fun for all Anchoragites. This event is sponsored with UAA/APU Consortium Library.
Published 09/20/18
The Lives of Spanish Speaking People in Anchorage part 2 welcomes Lina Mariscal, Itzel Yarger-Zagal, and Attorney Nicolas A. Olano. This event brings attention to the lives of Spanish speaking people in Anchorage. Panelist include Attorney Nicolas A. Olano, Lina Mariscal -co-founder of the bilingual newspaper Sol de Medianoche, Dr. Irasema Ortega, Associate Professor of Science Education, UAA School of Education , and Itzel Yarger-Zagal, UAA Department of Languages. How each of us can...
Published 09/18/18
The Lives of Spanish Speaking People in Anchorage part highlights the life of Dr. Irasema Ortega. This event brings attention to the lives of Spanish speaking people in Anchorage. Panelist include Attorney Nicolas A. Olano, Lina Mariscal -co-founder of the bilingual newspaper Sol de Medianoche, Dr. Irasema Ortega, Associate Professor of Science Education, UAA School of Education , and Itzel Yarger-Zagal, UAA Department of Languages. .. How each of us can better nurture Anchorage will...
Published 09/18/18
At the event Cuba in Poetry, History, and Images, Caroline Streff and Prof. Ray Ball discuss their experiences conducting archival and library research in Havana and writing historically informed poetry. Caroline Streff's poetry focuses on the complex issues related to the Revolution’s redistribution of physical space. Dr. Ball’s poetry concerns the ways in which the history of colonialism intersects with how history is told and retold on the island. Caroline Streff majored in English and...
Published 08/03/18
Professor Patrick Dulin discusses his research on smartphone apps and technology in the treatment of alcohol addiction and other addictions. In 2008, he conceived of the idea for the app called Step Away, which is a system for helping people with alcohol use disorders. Step Away leads users through coping strategies, monitors how often they drink, identifies ‘triggers’ and gives weekly feedback reports tracking their progress in kicking bad habits. Dr. Patrick Dulin, is professor in the...
Published 05/01/18
Rebeca Maseda Garcia discusses new research in gender studies and the book Gender and Violence in Spanish Culture: From Vulnerability to Accountability. The book features contributions from various specialists in violence and gender disciplines and offers an interdisciplinary approach to the debate on patriarchal violence. According to the editors, María José Gámez Fuentes (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain) and Rebeca Maseda García (University of Alaska Anchorage), for the true...
Published 04/19/18
Dr. Steve Konkel presents Are Healthy Sustainable Alaskan Communities Attainable? Change and Innovation in NW Alaska Communities. Today, changes in environmental conditions have accelerated in NW Alaska communities. Given a host of problems, from coastal erosion to melting permafrost to the effects of severe winter storms, it seems improbable that healthy sustainable communities are possible. Dr. Steve Konkel envisions otherwise and offers a refreshing analysis of how Arctic governing...
Published 04/16/18
Veronica Howard, Assistant Professor in UAA Department of Psychology welcomes Claudia Lampman, UAA Vice Provost for Student Success and Professor of Psychology, Lorelei Sterling, Assistant Professor Distance Education Librarian at UAA/APU Consortium Library, Penny Kimball, Director UAA Bookstore, and Monte Burton, Textbook Manager UAA Bookstore to discuss factors driving textbook costs. Topics include where the costs originate, unexpected sources of higher textbook costs, strategies to reduce...
Published 03/27/18
Buddhist Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and study of knowledge. At this event, types of knowing linked to Buddhist concepts of self, mental cognition, dependent origination, and causation are explained. Hugh Deery Gunner III teaches Intro to Philosophy, Logic, and Ancient and Medieval philosophy in the Philosophy Dept. at UAA. He received a BA in philosophy at Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, MI) and an MA in philosophy from Colorado State...
Published 02/27/18
This is Darren Prokop's presentation for the event United States' Role in the Arctic and What Alaskans Need to Know about Plans and Future Developments with guest speakers Dalee Sambo Dorough, Randy “Church” Kee, and Darren Prokop. It accompanies the audio podcast,that is also posted in iTunes, at(1:09:12-1:24:43). Darren Prokop Professor of Logistics at UAA. He has published research in leading academic journals with topics ranging from: cabotage regulations; air cargo logistics; and...
Published 02/19/18
This is Randy Church Kee's presentation for the event United States' Role in the Arctic and What Alaskans Need to Know about Plans and Future Developments with guest speakers Dalee Sambo Dorough,Randy “Church” Kee, and Darren Prokop. It accompanies the audio podcast, that is also posted in iTunes, at (37:59-1:08:27). Randy “Church” Kee, Major General USAF (Ret.) had an impressive 30-year career in the U.S. Air Force. He is a career pilot and possesses three graduate degrees. In 2016, he...
Published 02/19/18
United States' Role in the Arctic and What Alaskans Need to Know about Plans and Future Developments is the topic for this event. Notable guest speakers Dalee Sambo Dorough (4:51-37:07), Randy “Church” Kee (37:59-1:08:27), and Darren Prokop (1:09:12-1:24:43) come together to share their views about Alaska and the changing Arctic, with Q & A (1:25:11-1:48:36. (Note, the presentations from Randy Church Kee and Darren Prokop are also posted in iTunes.) Dalee Sambo Dorough is Associate...
Published 02/19/18
Dr. Kim Patterson is former director of UAA Student Support Services, which served first generation, nontraditional, and veteran students returning to school. He is author of Embracing the Homeless Community and the book Swift Justice: Leveling the Playing Field for America’s Re-entry Citizens. With a commitment to renewal initiatives within social and faith-based communities, he founded Connections Alaska, Inc.
Published 01/30/18