Welcome to the remarkable story of Future Hope, a unique school for street and slum children in Kolkata, India, transforming lives on a daily basis! Kids arrive with a history of unimaginable hardship; most severely malnourished, many seriously abused. Through education, mentoring and sport, they are given opportunity and hope. More than three decades of on-the-ground humanitarian work has grown Future Hope into a thriving school for more than 350 children who, invariably, will leave with bright futures. But it hasn't been easy. From humble beginnings in the late 1980s, Future Hope has...
It's 1987.
Tim Grandage, a young up-and-comer of a banker, assigned to a branch in central Kolkata, befriends street kids who hang around outside his branch.
They look after his car, fearing any damage would send blame their way, but never ask for a single rupee.
One day, medical attention...
Published 05/14/24
As we reveal more of the aspirations and achievements of Future Hope students, we take to the streets of Kolkata to gain a deeper understanding of their incredible journeys.
From the stations, to the slums, to the incredible night market; we dive deep into the heart of one of the great cities of...
Published 05/07/24