Published 05/14/24
It's 1987. Tim Grandage, a young up-and-comer of a banker, assigned to a branch in central Kolkata, befriends street kids who hang around outside his branch.  They look after his car, fearing any damage would send blame their way, but never ask for a single rupee. One day, medical attention is required, Tim steps in... and the story begins.  Future Hope was a dream, born on the floor of his apartment, and, 36 years later, it remains this man's passion. Relentlessly caring, finding...
Published 05/14/24
As we reveal more of the aspirations and achievements of Future Hope students, we take to the streets of Kolkata to gain a deeper understanding of their incredible journeys. From the stations, to the slums, to the incredible night market; we dive deep into the heart of one of the great cities of the world.   It’s easy to forget where these young people have come from. Often, lives begin in extreme poverty. Most are malnourished, many are abused. Born and raised in a mud-hut by the railway...
Published 05/07/24
With energy to burn and rules non-existent, street children in Kolkata are wild and free. “They’re used to getting bumped” says Tim, “but on the rugby ground, they can bump somebody else!”  "Tim made Rugby accessible to all," says Sujata Sen, Future Hope CEO. Four students of the school have gone onto represent the India national team! This is inspiring stuff... Rugby was the first sport introduced at Future Hope; playing a vital role in developing discipline, team work and personal...
Published 05/03/24
“It’s fantabulous!” exclaims Dr Sarkur in the medical room at Future Hope, a tiny space off the main assembly hall. He’s talking about the dedication of Erica Grandage, a trained nurse and first Future Hope volunteer, whose work has completely transformed the medical provision at school over three decades.  Erica's story, as we're discovering, is remarkable in itself. This episode begins with an atmospheric description of her first impressions of Kolkata. When she describes the early...
Published 04/30/24
For the first time, we’ve escaped the frenetic city centre of Kolkata and, in this episode, find ourselves immersed in the beautiful West Bengal countryside.  Accompanied by a tranquill soundscape, we move closer to life in Rajarhat; about an hour away from Rowland Road. For Future Hope, this is indeed the future! More in a moment... Before that, we pick up the story of the family from Sealdah Station. Future Hope can't offer direct school places any more, it is 100% compliant in all its...
Published 04/26/24
Evicted twice and threatened with closure in the late 1990s, Future Hope needed some good fortune. When all seemed lost, a chance meeting on a street corner in central Kolkata would shape the future... an emotional reunion awaits. And so we arrive at Rowland Road, the school’s current home. In the heavy pollution of the city centre, walking through the gates comes as “a whiff of fresh air”, according to Principal Meenu Patodia!  We’re introduced to many of her staff as we take a tour of the...
Published 04/23/24
Future Hope is an expanding school with a growing reputation for excellence. That comes as no surprise when you hear Head Girl, Isha. Her powerful testimony illustrates perfectly how vital Future Hope’s work continues to be. After she speaks passionately on the role of women in India today, it’s symbolic that the return visit to Sealdah Station reveals a surprise twist.  How different things would have been had Tim Grandage failed to navigate choppy waters in the Future Hope early years! As...
Published 04/19/24
For part one of the series, immersed in the sounds of Kolkata, say hello to Nikhat Khatun, your guide on this remarkable journey! Providing first-hand evidence of the transformational work of Future Hope, Nikhat has moved from life on the streets, through ten years at the school, to graduation, to full-time employment, to her debut as an international broadcaster! What a story! Children arrive at Future Hope with nothing. No home, often no family. Malnourished, often abused. But in the centre...
Published 04/19/24
Coming soon; the remarkable story of Future Hope, a unique school for street and slum children in Kolkata, India! This immersive documentary series will be released in April 2024 over eight remarkable episodes, with further content to follow. Future Hope is about transforming lives. Kids arrive with a history of unimaginable hardship; most severely malnourished, many seriously abused. This series discovers how, through education, mentoring and sport, children are given hope and the...
Published 04/01/24