It's the shortest day of the year and that means it's officially Winter. Romans survived winter long before we did so maybe we should take a note from them. Then again, animals have been surviving winter for a lot longer so maybe they know what to do. Grab your porridge (or not), get your Mountain Warehouse jacket (or not), and join us as we help you survive Winter.   If you like this episode please like and subscribe and tell a friend! Thank you!
Published 12/21/20
It's that time of the year. Families gather, presents are exchanged, and alcohol is consumed. But Christmas can be tricky in the best of times, and this year it may be especially...interesting. Watch some Panto (online), put the nut roast in the oven, and join us as we tell you how to survive Christmas.  If you liked this episode or any of our episodes give us a like and subscribe or tell a friend! Thanks!
Published 12/16/20
Self-doubt? Feeling like you're not good enough? You're not alone. On top of everything else, 2020 has everyone feeling they are pretending to be something they aren't. But maybe that's not a bad thing? Maybe embrace it, find your inner hippie-dippie, and join us as we help you survive Imposter Syndrome. If you enjoyed this episode or any of our episodes please like and subscribe where ever you get your podcasts and tell a friend! Thank you!
Published 12/07/20
While it's always interesting when it comes to family, this year has been particularly unique. Maybe you don't see your family enough or maybe you're seeing too much of them. Between lockdowns, holidays, and everything in between now is the time to think about those people we love, even if sometimes we don't like them. Go out to the shed, grab a bucket of spaghetti, and join us as we help you survive Family.  If you enjoyed this episode please tell your mom, your aunt, your cousin or anyone,...
Published 11/30/20
Commencement, diploma, cap and gown, knickers...wait, what? Graduation is a special part of anyone's journey no matter how you got there. With COVID, the journey through graduation is a little more...interesting. Put on a dress (or suit), pop that bottle of Prosecco, and join us as we help you survive Graduation. If you like this episode or any of our episodes tell a friend and give us a review where ever you get your podcasts!
Published 11/23/20
In between jobs, on the dole, job seeker, however you say it, unfortunately, a lot of people are experiencing or have experienced unemployment. While it can seem like a job in it itself, job hunting is rarely fun. Put on some music, think creatively, and join us as we help you survive unemployment. 
Published 11/16/20
We are back for Season 2! And like many people, we're having an excessively sentimental yearning for a return to or of some past period. That yearning could be for university... or even earlier this year. However, don't be tricked by it, try thinking of mantra for it, and join us as we help you survive Nostalgia. 
Published 11/09/20
Bored? Try Season 2. #comingsoon
Published 11/02/20
In our season one finale the ladies put points aside (for now), and they each give you tips on how to survive life in general. Also, we learn who is the ultimate survivalist of season one: Daisy or Kayleigh. 
Published 08/31/20
Every year in August, millions of people flock to Edinburgh, Scotland for the largest arts festival in the world: Edinburgh Fringe. But this year, like most things, Fringe has been cancelled. However, Molly, Daisy, and Kayleigh are here to help you prepare for Fringe 2021 either as a performer or audience member. Grab a tatty, make a (loose) plan, and call someone you trust as we help you survive Edinburgh Fringe. Follow us on IG and Twitter @how2survivepod or Facebook @HowToSurviveYourLife....
Published 08/24/20
No matter where you live or what you do face masks are the new accessory. Do you vogue it? What is the best kind to wear? What should you do when someone asks you to wear one? Put your judgements aside as we give you the best tips on how to survive face masks. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @how2survivepod and Facebook @HowToSurviveYourLife! 
Published 08/17/20
During lockdown food could only be found at home (Maybe the occasional delivery?). Even now restaurants are limiting capacity. Make sure the gas is turned on or off correctly, get out the lemon, and give yourself a pep talk because this week the ladies are telling you how to survive Homecooking. If you like this podcast please tell a friend (or two!) and like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Follow us at:IG and Twitter: @how2survivepodFacebook: @HowToSurviveYourLifeE-mail:...
Published 08/10/20
Relationships. Whether it's with a romantic partner, flat mate, or family member they can be tricky. A dictionary or language book of sorts would help. Maybe ignore Disney and lower your expectations. Whatever you decide, pop into Tiger and buy something colourful and join us as we help you survive relationships.  If you like this episode please like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. (And tell a friend or someone you are in a relationship with!)
Published 08/03/20
As lockdown eases, you may be thinking of going back to the pub. However, since it's been so long, you may have forgotten how to choose which one to go to & how to act when you get there. Grab some lavender, check on the sheep, and join us we help you survive Pubs!  If you enjoy our show please tell a friend and like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!IG and Twitter: @how2survivepodFB: HowToSurviveYourLifeE-mail: [email protected]
Published 07/27/20
Now that lockdowns are easing in the UK and other parts of the world, we can now start thinking about holidays (or "vacations" to our North American friends). But where to go? What to do? How should you act when you get there? It's been so long since we have been able to think about a holiday you might have forgotten. No problem. Grab your guidebook and your glockenspiel and join us as we help you survive holidays. If you enjoy our podcast please like and subscribe and tell a friend! IG &...
Published 07/20/20
Whether trying to board a plane, at the ladies toilet in a bar or trying to cancel a phone contract, Queues are the great human constant. Grab a cider, read some poetry, have a moment to yourself, and join us we tell you how to survive Queues (maybe even listen while you are standing in one at Aldi).Thanks to Jahzzar for our theme music!
Published 07/13/20
In this special episode join Captain Kayleigh as she plays the judge and determines if Molly Sailor-Jerry Merwin or Daisy Popeye Earl would survive living on a houseboat. Gather your sailor ladies and join us as we explore Boat Karens, security, and the best song to sing on a boat as we survive houseboats. 
Published 07/06/20
Checking for ghosts, decluttering, and take away. When moving house there are several things you can do, but only a few will help you survive. Check-in with your heart and join Molly, Kayleigh, and Daisy as they help you navigate boxes and schedule the movers (AKA: your friends that you pay with booze and pizza) and tell you how to survive moving house. 
Published 06/29/20
What do keeping it birdie, Sologamy, and fake brides have in common? Ways you might try to survive a wedding. Join Molly, Kayleigh, and Daisy as they look at families, cultures, and 90-day fiancés and give you top tips on how to survive Weddings. 
Published 06/22/20
Agreements, rules, not killing each other. Co-habitating can be hard, but don't worry Kayleigh, Daisy, and Molly will discuss, debate, and give you top tips on how to survive Flat Mates .... or RoomMates for our North American friends. And don't worry, the percussions will not be that bad. 
Published 06/15/20
With not a lot of options for things to do outside while keeping safe distances, a lot of people have been exercising more... or at least trying to. If you are trying to start exercising or need the inspiration to keep going, join Molly, Kayleigh and Daisy as they give you top tips on how to survive exercise. **Special note: This episode has a special message at the beginning addressing world events. If you wish not to listen to it you can fast forward to the two-minute mark. 
Published 06/08/20
Ghosting, virtual dates, sex robots. Concepts that only make sense when trying to find love in the modern world. Join Molly, Daisy, and Kayleigh as they discuss, debate, and give you tops tips on how to survive Modern Love. Will Kayleigh continue her survivalist of the week streak or does Daisy get her first win since episode one? Grab a broad bean and find out. Thanks to Jahzzar for our theme music. 
Published 06/01/20
In the new normal, more and more people are working from home, for better or worse. If you are wondering how to survive perhaps the fairy tale of Johnathan Smith will help? Join Molly, Daisy, and Kayleigh as they discuss, debate, and give you top tips on how to survive working from home. Theme music by Jahzzar.
Published 05/25/20
Taking inspiration from the news, your three agony aunts discuss and debate the best ways to survive insomnia. Ever find yourself wide awake at 4 am? Us, too! Perhaps collaging is the way forward? Or do like they did back in the day with a bit of dog ear wax. Or just keep calm and carry on...awake. Also, Kayleigh gets kidnapped! (Don't worry. She returns.)
Published 05/18/20
Taking inspiration from the news, your three agony aunts discuss and debate the best ways to survive your life and everything else. With the pandemic, schools are shut and suddenly everyone is homeschooling, for better or worse. Join Molly, Daisy, and Kayleigh as they debate and give you tips on how to survive homeschooling.Thanks to Jahzzar for our theme music. 
Published 05/11/20