Published 08/09/21
For our season finale, we dive into a feeling most of us have felt even if that's not what we called it. Check what you're saying (to yourself), find some good people, and embrace the tissue as Kayleigh, Molly, and Gestalt psychotherapist Donnie Nicolson help you survive Shame.  Donnie Nicolson is a Gestalt psychotherapist living in Barcelona, working mainly with the ex-pat community. He is currently doing an MA looking at the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics. Donnie is originally from...
Published 08/09/21
For some, travel is a regular thing. For others, it's a once-in-a-lifetime odyssey. Either way, it's an adventure. Seek some knowledge, go to the bookstore (again), and trust (actually don't) your phone as Molly, Kayleigh, and guest Sam Irving, an improviser and world-traveler, help you navigate and survive travel.  Sam Irving is an improviser with over a decade's experience, most notably performing across the UK with award-winning Scottish improv groups Men With Coconuts and the...
Published 08/02/21
Half the population has them or has had them and yet it's still a bit taboo to talk about. And whether you have one or not, Kayleigh, Molly, and guest Hana Jarrah, an Arab British drama teacher and workshop facilitator, are doing the good work and talking Periods.  Get ready to talk (a lot) and go to the book store as we help you survive Periods.  Hana Jarrah is an Arab British drama teacher and workshop facilitator. During the summer holidays, Hana is planning on writing a TV show about...
Published 07/25/21
Whether you are working in one or are a customer, people have a lot of opinions and feelings about restaurants. It can feel a bit of feast or famine and we are not just talking about food. Say hi to the chief, find a good friend, and join Molly, Kayleigh, and former server and actor and current very special guest, Eddie Valdivia as they help you survive Restaurants.  Before pursuing his passion in the beauty industry, Eddie was an actor and therefore server working in multiple American...
Published 07/19/21
If you're under the age of 40 then you are part of Generation Rent which means at one point (or thirty-five) you have had to deal with a landlord. Join Molly, Kayleigh and actor, comedian, and housing advisor Lorna Shaw and they help you keep calm and lease on. Get those e-mails ready, be careful which films you watch, and join us as we help you survive Landlords.    Lorna Shaw is an actor, comedian, writer, improviser and currently studying for a Masters in Psychology. Lorna works as a...
Published 07/12/21
All of us have had one or a few in our lifetime and as we get older Friendships can be harder to navigate and dare we say survive. That's why Kayleigh, Molly, and special guest Audra Goffeney are here to help. Be careful what you say, perhaps see what Winnie (the Pooh) might say, and get on board the metaphor train as we help you survive Friendships.  Audra Goffeney is a potter and improviser whose work centres around relationships between people, places, and parody. She has two cats who...
Published 07/05/21
Either you're trying to get it, get over it, or keep it, love is something we all know, for better or worse. This week, Kayleigh and Molly are joined by actor, singer, and songwriter, David Chevers, to explore the universal emotion of Love. Queue up RuPaul, don't buy a coat...yet, and join us we help you survive Love.  David Chevers is a South African actor, singer,  songwriter, voice artist, and improviser. Currently appearing in The Vault (if you blink you might miss him) and on local...
Published 06/28/21
It can be scary, stress inducing or exhilarating when you hear "the law." With so many facets, it may be hard to know what to do when you are dealing with a legal problem. Fear not, that's why Molly and Kayleigh are here with guest, and actual law professional, Barrister Joel Semakula. Don't stress over the sirens, call a friend, and join us as we help you survive the Law.  Joel Semakula is a barrister at Landmark Chambers specialising in property, planning, public and environmental law....
Published 06/21/21
It's something most of us had at one time or a hundred, a hangover. As we start to enjoy freedoms in pubs and parks again with friends and family, we may have forgotten how to survive this time honoured tradition. Fear not, the ladies along with guest Declan Perring are here. Grab a gold lamp, check your stock of Coca-cola, and avoid the tonic as we help you survive Hangovers.  Declan Perring is an Actor, Writer and Voice over artist. He has lived in London for the past 15 years and these...
Published 06/14/21
New season, new format, so it's fitting that we tackle the New Normal. As restrictions are starting to lift not only in the UK, but around the world, it may be hard to know what to do in the new world we find ourselves in. Grab a mirror as the ladies help you make plans (or not) and stay true to the new (or old) you, and help you survive the New Normal.    For our first episode of the new season we are joined by Monica Gaga who is a British-born black, African queer improviser, facilitator,...
Published 06/07/21
Did you miss us? We missed you. The girls are coming back soon. Well, most of us are and this time we're bringing some friends. Like and subscribe where ever you get your podcasts! 
Published 05/17/21
In our season finale, we deal with one of the hardest things to do; say goodbye. But it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Sometimes Goodbye is another way of saying Hello. Get off the phone with your mom, grab some Ben & Jerry's and join us as help you survive Goodbyes.    If you liked this episode please like and subscribe where ever you are listening and tell a friend! Thanks for listening!
Published 03/29/21
Jean-Paul Sartre once said 'Hell is other people.' While Anna Sewell said, 'It is good people who make good places.' The truth is someone in the middle. As we emerge from lockdowns and go out into the public, people will be everywhere. Consider trips to the moon, think about what your granny said, and join us as we help you survive People.    If you enjoyed this episode please like and subscribe where ever you are listening and tell some people. Thanks for listening!
Published 03/22/21
It happens to us all, eventually, hopefully; your thirties. Some call it the panic years. Others call it the best years of your life. Whatever you call it, grab a book, see if your mom has any advice, and join us as we tell you how to survive Your Thirties.    If you enjoy this episode please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. And tell a friend. Thank you!
Published 03/15/21
We are boldly going where no one has gone before... or at least a rover named Perseverance is. Prepare a message for your ex, get the poop tanks ready, and join us as we look beyond our own planet and tell you how to survive Mars.    If you enjoy this episode or any of our other episodes please like and subscribe where ever you are listening and tell a friend (maybe a Martain?). Thank you!
Published 03/08/21
A little over a year ago if someone had said the word zoom you most likely would have thought they were referring to a camera. As we connect to friends, family, and colleagues, Zoom has become a verb and a noun. Find a goat, maybe come up with a lie, and join us as we help you survive Zoom.   If you like this episode please like and subscribe and tell a friend (Over Zoom?). Thank you!  
Published 03/01/21
Whether you say Mum, Mom, or Mama, we all can agree we couldn't survive without her. However, they are human and with that comes emotional ninjary and expectations. Check your rearview mirror, do not call in to a radio contest, and join us as survive Mothers (whom we love and adore).    If you like this episode please like and subscribe where ever you are listening and tell a friend (Or maybe your mom?). Thank you!
Published 02/22/21
Long histories, sprawling streets, and scams. Things you can expect living in a city, but it's not all bad. Especially if you have the right walking shoes and just commit to all city life has to offer. In this episode, the ladies are a little loopy as they help you survive City Living.  If you like this episode or any of our other episode please like and subscribe where ever you are listening! Thanks!
Published 02/15/21
With most forms of fun and socialising cancelled, online dating is one of the view options available for those looking for a partner. Interestingly, it's also become an option to find insurrectionists. In this week's episode, Daisy learns not to question her own tip. Kayleigh laughs so much she forgets her response. As an online dating virgin, Molly takes lots of notes (And gives points accordingly, of course.). Whether you are a seasoned pro or a novice, join us we help you survive Online...
Published 02/08/21
We have all thought about it; the end of the world. Or at least as we know it. Zombies, asteroids, the plague; there are many ways it could all end. (And some of us may feel we are facing one right now.) However, in the words of R.E.M., it's the end of the world and we feel fine. Check on Derren Brown, make a list, and join us as we help you survive the Apocalypse.  If you like this episode please like and subscribe wherever you are listening! Thank you!
Published 02/01/21
In this special episode, the tables are turned. Daisy gets drunk with power as the judge in celebration of her birthday.Every year it comes; your birthday. For some, it's a joyous occasion for others it's a day they would like to forget. With the UK in another lockdown and much of the world still in restrictions, many are looking at a lockdown birthday, some for a second time. But that may not be a bad thing. Order some balloons, get your Zoom ready, and join us as we help you survive...
Published 01/25/21
New year, new you? Maybe. Maybe not. Each year we set the best of intentions to start anew, but what works for some may not work for all. Get your blender ready, find your favourite reality show, and join us as we help you survive Resolutions.  If you like this episode or any of episodes please like and subscribe wherever you get your podcast and maybe tell a friend! Thank you!
Published 01/18/21
With the beginning of any journey, it's good to look back on the previous one. This week we thought it might be fun to have a listen back to a previous episode as we getting ready for 2021.  With not a lot of options for things to do outside while keeping safe distances, a lot of people have been exercising more... or at least trying to. If you are trying to start exercising or need the inspiration to keep going, join Molly, Kayleigh and Daisy as they give you top tips on how to survive...
Published 01/11/21
The ladies are taking a two-week break. In the meantime, enjoy a few outtakes that didn't make it to the final edit. A big thank you to all who have listened, rated, and subscribed this year. Looking forward to 2021!
Published 12/28/20