What do you do when someone takes advantage of you or tells YOU how YOU'RE feeling? You might want to cozy up in bed with a pillow on your head. But advocating for yourself and tackling the problem head on will make you feel better. You deserve to be your biggest advocate :) Xo Sarah sarahmikutel.com postcardacademy.co @sarahmikutel --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/sarah-mikutel/message
Published 11/08/20
Are you treating yourself as well as you treat your best friend? The next time you find yourself holding back when you want to ask for help, consider how you'd respond if a friend asked the same of you. Xo Sarah sarahmikutel.com postcardacademy.co @sarahmikutel --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/sarah-mikutel/message
Published 11/01/20
Do you feel like you matter? When I first learned about the Enneagram, I resonated with almost everything there was to say about 9s, except the idea that we think we're not important, that we don't matter. "That doesn't resonate with me. Of course I matter," I thought.  But this weekend I've been reflecting on how I've actually lived my life and had some real moments of clarity that might help you, too. Xo Sarah Mikutel sarahmikutel.com postcardacademy.co @sarahmikutel ---...
Published 10/25/20
Last year around this time, I went to the beach with my mom. She was flipping through Real Simple magazine, which is our favorite beach read, and one of the articles posed this question: “What book has had the greatest impact on your life?” I immediately knew that the book that changed my life the most was Mindset by Carol Dweck, who is a psychologist, Stamford professor, and one of the world's leading researchers on motivation. You heard me reference this book in the last...
Published 08/02/20
Are you having a hard time getting things done? Maybe you’re a daydreamer. Maybe something is going on with your family. Maybe you’re devastated at the state of the world. Maybe you’re happy and hopeful and jumping around from thing to thing because you’re so excited. Maybe you have ADHD like today’s guest. I’m speaking with my friend Emily Prokop, podcast editor, host of the Story Behind, and co-host of the Hate to Weight podcast. Emily and I have a lot in common, including being...
Published 07/19/20
Are you overthinking something right now and can’t seem to move forward?  I have a simple yet very powerful mindset mantra that will get you moving in the right direction: "Let Future You take care of it." Whoah! So simple yet such a powerful mindset shift.  I heard this idea from one of my online business mentors, Elizabeth Goddard. Here's what she means by 'let future you take care of it': Have faith that Future You will have the experience and the context to make the right...
Published 07/05/20
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been walking around coastal England and marveling at how nature just keeps going. The tulips here are so red and lush and full of life. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, the waves keep crashing as they always do. They don’t pause when there's a pandemic or when there's any other type of crisis in the world. We can learn from them. www.sarahmikutel.com postcardacademy.co --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/sarah-mikutel/message
Published 05/24/20
Do you ever feel like you're a workaholic who never gets anything done? I felt like this for so long. When I started my own business, I really, really struggled with moving forward and taking action. I got stuck in rabbit holes and analysis paralysis and spent so many days and nights, including weekends when I could have been seeing my friends, staying home because I had to work. But then I would look at the clock. The entire day had passed and I couldn't point to anything that I had...
Published 04/19/20
Today I’m sharing a podcast episode I did with my friend Caitlin Hawekotte, who is an MBTI® Certified Practitioner, which means that she administers and interprets the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment to help people discover more about their personality types and preferences. I actually shared this episode on both of my other podcasts because I loved it so much and I thought you might get a lot out of it, as well. Learning how people think about and process our world, especially those...
Published 04/05/20
Hello from lock down in the UK. I’m sending you a big virtual hug wherever you are waiting out the COVID-19 coronavirus. Do you feel like you’re the only one not losing your mind grapes right now? Or maybe you were feeling really calm, but easing the anxiety of others is weighing on you and now you’re freaking out? I imagine we’ll feel a range of emotions while sheltering at home. As Enneagram 9s, our go-to feeling is calm, and the world needs this energy. Now is our time to step up as...
Published 03/29/20
New to Myers Briggs and the Enneagram? I am. I’ve been digging in deeper with both these assessments this year, especially the Enneagram, and I’m obsessed! I believe personal development is essential to living a happy, meaningful life and that we should explore tools not only to understand ourselves better, but also those around us. In this episode, I share definitions of the INFP personality type from 16Personalities, and of the 9 Type from the Enneagram...
Published 03/29/20
As INFP Enneagram 9s, we don’t always love putting ourselves out there publicly, but that doesn’t mean we’re not dream chasers. On this episode, I share how I, as an American, achieved my dream of living abroad. It all started with me scrubbing bathtubs as a chambermaid in England, where I lived in a converted stable. Humbling for sure, but an experience I wouldn’t trade for the world. I also get into three big life lessons that I’ve learned as an expat/entrepreneur that can apply to anyone...
Published 03/29/20
Are you the type of person who puts everyone else first? The one everyone runs to when they need advice on taking their ideas to the next level? And maybe you’ve loved this support role, in the past but...you're ready to step out of the shadows. Right now, you’re seen as the friendly sidekick, rather than a visionary or a leader. You believe in your potential and your immediate colleagues would be lost without you, but leadership doesn’t even know your name. You have more to offer this...
Published 02/05/20