"We can actually grow little brains in the dish too... And we can age them forwards, make them older... And then we reverse it." - Dr. David Sinclair Prepare for a journey into the cutting edge of longevity science as Lewis sits down with world-renowned geneticist and aging expert, Dr. David Sinclair. In this electrifying episode, Sinclair unveils the revolutionary concept that aging isn't just a natural process - it's a disease we can potentially cure. From the secrets of 'longevity genes'...
Published 07/26/24
Published 07/26/24
"Coffee isn't giving you a gift of energy. It's like it's forcing your body to give up chemically stored energy that it would normally not release all at once." - Dr. Andrew Weil Prepare to have your mind steeped in wisdom as Lewis sits down with renowned integrative medicine pioneer, Dr. Andrew Weil. In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Weil pours out his extensive knowledge on the surprising health benefits of tea, challenging everything you thought you knew about your daily caffeine fix. From...
Published 07/25/24
"I'm never surprised when I meet somebody that's successful that's positive, because of course they are, because look at the way they look at life." - Dan Martell In this insightful episode, renowned entrepreneur and coach Dan Martell shares his powerful perspective on shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and prosperity. Martell emphasizes the importance of focusing on the abundance that already exists in our lives, challenging listeners to consciously choose positivity and...
Published 07/24/24
"In boxing, I never feel how it's like to feel that fear. I always enjoy it. My favorite day, my favorite thing is sparring days and a fight day. I just enjoy it a lot. I enjoy it. And I never have that experience to feel the fear or something." - Canelo Alvarez In this riveting episode, boxing superstar Canelo Alvarez offers a rare glimpse into the mindset of a champion. With disarming honesty, Alvarez reveals his unique relationship with fear - or rather, his lack thereof - in the ring. He...
Published 07/23/24
"The happiest men in the world are married men and the unhappiest women in the world are married women." - Dr. Mary Claire Haver In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Mary Claire Haver delves into the complex relationship between menopause, sexual health, and divorce. With candor and expertise, she unpacks the often-overlooked challenges women face during this transitional period, shedding light on why divorce rates tend to spike around menopause. Dr. Haver presents a startling statistic: married...
Published 07/22/24
"I woke up one morning and I thought, I never chose to be a doctor. My parents told me to be a doctor. I was told at school, I was smart. I was so smart that I didn't just do an MD, I did a PhD as well. And I said to myself that morning, if I'm so effing smart, what do I actually want to do?" - Dr. Tara Swart Bieber In this powerful episode, neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart Bieber shares her personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. She reveals how she broke free from limiting...
Published 07/21/24
"People have to understand there is such a thing as right person, wrong time. People don't want to believe that, there are a lot of people who reject that idea, they say, oh, if it's the wrong time, it's not the right person, that's not true. You can meet that individual that you have an amazing connection with, but both parties still need growth before they can come together." - Stephan Speaks In this insightful episode, relationship expert Stephan Speaks delves into the complexities of...
Published 07/20/24
"There's something powerful with keeping some things about you to you. You don't have to be an open book. I know this goes against a lot of "be vulnerable, be vulnerable". I'm not telling you to be a jerk, and I'm not telling you to conceal everything about you. But what I'm telling you is you need to have a filter. People don't need to know everything about you. Keep that stuff to yourself." - Evy Poumpouras In this thought-provoking episode, former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras...
Published 07/19/24
"The commitment now very clearly, you are creating because you want to help. - To serve, to help others, yes. - You are not creating any identity of yours in order to harm. Because I think if this is what your initial intention is, then I think the penalty will come." - Shi Heng Yi In this profound episode, Shaolin master Shi Heng Yi shares his wisdom on the nature of dreams, vision, and personal growth. He emphasizes the importance of having a grand vision for oneself while maintaining a...
Published 07/18/24
"My mom is my muse. My mom is someone, if I can get dying laughing, I'm like, 'I'll use that on stage.' That works. My mom is a good gauge of kind of what's funny. And when I call her and we get on a roll, there's nothing better than making my mother laugh." - Sebastian Maniscalco In this heartwarming episode, acclaimed comedian Sebastian Maniscalco opens up about the profound influence his mother has had on his career and personal life. With his signature blend of humor and vulnerability,...
Published 07/17/24
"The best thing is to be able to get inside the minds of other people. If you develop that skill, the sky's the limit. Nothing will ever stop you because people are like a mystery. They wear a mask and you don't have any idea what they're thinking." - Robert Greene In this illuminating episode, renowned strategist and author Robert Greene shares his insights on the most crucial skill for personal and professional success: the ability to understand others deeply. Greene argues that developing...
Published 07/16/24
"In my personal experience with the women that do cheat, it's not that all women cheat, but the women that do cheat, it's very little to do with the woman itself. It's more to do with the man she selects." - Sadia Khan In this provocative episode, relationship expert Sadia Khan offers a candid perspective on infidelity in long-term relationships. Drawing from her professional experience and personal insights as a woman, Khan challenges common assumptions about cheating, suggesting that women...
Published 07/15/24
"The way to think of this is, if you've ever heard of the epigenome, these are the control systems that control our DNA. It turns out that that system you can measure. It's chemicals on your DNA that change over time predictably. And we've just developed a way to measure that 100 times cheaper than it was before. And I'm gonna bring this test to the public so that people can test their biological age." - Dr. David Sinclair In this fascinating episode, renowned longevity expert Dr. David...
Published 07/14/24
"At this point, the World Health Organization considers 13 different types of cancer as obesity-related cancers, which is huge because from 2003, we didn't even know. When I went to medical school, nobody thought obesity caused cancer. It's almost as big as smoking. It's a huge, huge thing." - Dr. Jason Fung In this eye-opening episode, renowned nephrologist and bestselling author Dr. Jason Fung provides a comprehensive overview of cancer causes, challenging common misconceptions and...
Published 07/13/24
"Let us not think anger happens to us, resentment happens to us. No, these things we are creating, we have the power to emote. We can make it love, we can make it joy, we can make it ecstasy, but people have chosen to make it tension, anger, resentment, hatred, they've turned it that way." - Sadhguru In this profound episode, spiritual leader and visionary Sadhguru challenges our fundamental understanding of emotions and suffering. With his characteristic blend of wisdom and pragmatism,...
Published 07/12/24
"But I tend to do that with things I really wanna do anyway, but there's a strong fear. Like I'm afraid to do this or I'm kind of anxious about doing this, so I'll tell people and then I'm like, okay, now I'm committed. And I tell people that I'm certain they're gonna give me a hard time. That's just my nature. And I'm not trying to prove them wrong, I'm just trying to make sure that they don't have any ground to stand on." - Andrew Huberman In this insightful episode, neuroscientist Andrew...
Published 07/11/24
"Women, generally speaking, mate horizontally and up socioeconomically, men horizontally and down. And the pool of men horizontal and up is shrinking. Meanwhile, and this is wonderful, no group of people is ascended faster globally than women." - Scott Galloway In this thought-provoking episode, renowned business professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway challenges conventional wisdom about relationships and economic success. Drawing from his book, Galloway argues that the choice of a life...
Published 07/10/24
"All in all, you know, committed sex is premeditated sex. It's not just gonna happen because whatever is gonna just happen already has. So you're gonna make it happen because you say, we matter, we're important." - Esther Perel In this captivating episode, renowned psychotherapist and relationship expert Esther Perel delves into the complex dynamics of desire and love in long-term relationships. With her signature blend of insight and candor, Perel challenges conventional wisdom about...
Published 07/09/24
"There's two motivational mindsets, actually it's called sense making. The research shows one mindset is identity, one mindset is instrumental. An identity person is very self-focused... Instrumental is "I mission focused, I'm goal focused, I have a goal, this is what my goal is and I'm looking how to get to that place."" - Evy Poumpouras In this riveting episode, former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras shares invaluable insights from her years protecting the President of the United...
Published 07/08/24
"If you wanna see the power that you have to change your life really fast, then start doing gratitude and it will just blow your mind. It changes everything." - Rhonda Byrne In this transformative episode, Rhonda Byrne, the visionary behind "The Secret," shares profound insights on the life-altering power of gratitude. Byrne delves into the intricate connection between our mindset and the reality we experience, revealing how gratitude can act as a catalyst for positive change. She recounts a...
Published 07/07/24
"So there's all these symptoms of romantic love. You know, if we're talking about in love, like acutely in love, the symptom that you're looking for is obsessive thinking, thinking about them all the time." - Macken Murphy In this fascinating episode, Macken Murphy delves deep into the science of love, offering listeners a captivating exploration of romantic relationships. Drawing from extensive research and insights from renowned experts like Helen Fisher, Murphy breaks down the complex...
Published 07/06/24
"Although healing isn't a never-ending journey, we were very aware of what was the inner child wounds that was having you attract in certain type of women and me, certain type of men." - Martha Higareda In this intimate and revealing conversation, acclaimed actress Martha Higareda opens up about her journey to finding true love and building a healthy relationship. With refreshing honesty, she explores the pitfalls of past relationships where she felt pressured to change herself to make her...
Published 07/05/24
"The happiest people I know were very uncertain for a long time and their decisions, I saw this on Dirty Jobs over and over, people ultimately wound up in their vocation because they looked around to see where everybody else was going, and they went the other way." - Mike Rowe Mike Rowe, the charismatic host of "Dirty Jobs," shares profound insights gleaned from his years exploring America's most unsung professions. With his trademark wit and wisdom, Rowe challenges conventional notions of...
Published 07/04/24
"Epigenetics says the environment signals the gene, but the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion. The body's so objective that when it's living in an emotional state, it's believing it's living the same past experience 24 hours a day." - Dr. Joe Dispenza In this groundbreaking episode, Dr. Joe Dispenza delves deep into the fascinating world of neuroscience, epigenetics, and personal transformation. Dr. Dispenza unravels the complex relationship between our thoughts,...
Published 07/03/24