How we measure success or failure depends on our core values. So what are your core values? That's not the easiest thing to define. Liana is joined by Marianna Lead, founder of Goal Imagery Coaching Academy and author of the book Me, My Brand And Why, to help you name the personal values that guide your life.
Published 06/14/24
Published 06/14/24
What we have here is a failure to communicate "So, what are you saying?" That's a question people get asked, but also one we should be asking of ourselves. Are we really delivering the message we intend, or has it gone (maybe horribly) awry? Communication errors plague everyone at some point, so Liana takes us through easy ways to get our message across more effectively and avoid misunderstandings.
Published 06/07/24
Introverts Unite! Believe it or not, Liana - Youtuber, podcast host, peer counselor and former TV personality & pin-up model - is an introvert. It is possible for introverts to navigate and succeed in a world built for extroverts and communications expert and NYU educator Nancy Ancowitz, the author of Self-Promotion for Introverts (a Quiet Guide for Getting Ahead) will share strategies on how you can do it. Nancy should know - she's an introvert too.
Published 05/31/24
It's as simple as this - You. Matter. It's not your job, your family, your income - your value is inherent from the day you were born. So why do so many of us struggle with feelings of worthlessness?  Psychologist Dr. Julie Radico, author of the forthcoming You Will Get Through This: A Mental Health First-Aid Book, talks to Liana about why we matter and how to break through the relentless messaging that tells you otherwise.
Published 05/24/24
Validation - recognition that our thoughts and efforts have value - is essential for healthy self-esteem. Yet we're exposed to so much messaging that is invalidating, it's hard to fight it...but you can do it. One of the groups facing greatest public invalidation is trans people, and Liana speaks to Aquila, a military veteran and bi-racial trans woman, about how she grappled with and overcame a lifetime of racial and gender invalidation. It's a very timely story that is emotional and uplifting.
Published 05/17/24
The rising tide of homophobia and transphobia has made 2SLGBTQ+ people targets of surging intolerance, and nobody knows that better than Fae Johnstone. Fae is a trans woman and advocate whose face appeared on a Hershey chocolate bar celebrating International Women's Day which brought her waves of hate and derision. Why do some people fear trans men and women, and what's it like being the focus of such public abuse? Liana talks to Fae about her experiences and perspectives, some of which may...
Published 05/10/24
We all do. Our buttons get pushed, our emotions take over. But our attempts to defend ourselves often lead to offending others. And do we really need to defend ourselves? Liana walks us through the pitfalls that add fuel to an argument and some tools to use to get better results.
Published 05/03/24
There was an issue with the upload the first time around!  Description: According to psychotherapist and author Dr. Avrum Weiss, there's one relationship men have in common that controls their relationship with women - and most don't even know it. Liana talks with Dr. Weiss, author of Hidden in Plain Sight: How Men's Fears of Women Shape Their Intimate Relationships about exactly that.   
Published 04/19/24
According to psychotherapist and author Dr. Avrum Weiss, there's one relationship men have in common that controls their relationship with women - and most don't even know it. Liana talks with Dr. Weiss, author of Hidden in Plain Sight: How Men's Fears of Women Shape Their Intimate Relationships about exactly that. 
Published 04/19/24
According to some experts, we're living in the age of narcissism. It's even been called an "epidemic". So...what is narcissism, really? How do you spot it, deal with a narcissist or find out if you are one? Jeremy Sherman, Ph.D., a self-described 'Jerkologist' and author of the book What's Up with A**holes?: How to spot them and stop without becoming one talks to Liana about...well...his book title says it all.
Published 04/12/24
They're Shaping Your Brain! But it's not as terrifying as it sounds! Liana talks with Branding expert Matt Johnson, author of Blindsight: The (Mostly) Hidden Ways Marketing Reshapes Our Brains, about how your brain's mental shorthand guides you to make decisions you aren't aware you're making - and how companies use this to influence our thinking. 
Published 04/05/24
We live in an identity obsessed age and a lot of us are exhausted by it. However, how we define ourselves determines our self worth, self esteem, and awareness of others. But putting together our self-concept isn't like following assembly instructions from IKEA. Liana dives deep into her own difficult, heart-breaking experiences to show how the good, the bad and the ugly helped her find out who she is.
Published 03/29/24
Connections - In our digital world, opportunities for human connections are growing scarce - especially if you're shy, anxious, uncomfortable in crowds or socially awkward. Yet those human connections are what keep us feeling...human. Liana talks to Bobby Calloway, an actor/writer/filmmaker and content creator for Better With Bob? on YouTube, on how he forges these connections despite his quiet nature, autism and social anxiety.
Published 03/22/24
Massive content warning. Listener discretion advised. In the interests of disclosure, I'm putting up the entire, unedited interview Poppy and Zena did. It runs almost an hour long and contains additional details from the radio version of the show. This is the raw file, so there have been no audio level corrections or other adjustments. Because of the harassment that Poppy, Zena and Saige have received, I thought it was important to allow people to hear everything in their own words.
Published 03/15/24
LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED.  The Perfect Storm: dishonesty, violating consent, borderline personality disorder, gender issues and complex sexual politics - therapist "Poppy" and her partner Zena navigated all this together over one Christmas break.  Liana hears their story, which is heartbreaking and, ultimately, uplifting. Note: the complete, unedited interview with Poppy and Zena has been posted as a bonus episode, out of respect for the right of trauma survivors to be fully heard.
Published 03/15/24
When applied to old dark houses or Scooby-Doo villains, we know what the word 'creepy' means. But what does it mean when it's weaponized against men and women? It can lead to ostracism, fear and worse. Liana talks to It's Not Therapy community facilitator Jake about how & why 'creepy' is perceived, why it's become so powerful a word and how to handle it when you get labeled.
Published 03/01/24
Do people blow up when you set boundaries? Boundaries are emotional 'guard rails' that have the ability to make us feel secure, happier and more fulfilled. Liana uses her personal experiences to illustrate how to establish better boundaries and why they are essential four our mental wellbeing... even when people react terribly to them.
Published 02/23/24
Within today's political battles and social media landscape, it seems that lying is on the rise. And not even good lies, but obvious ones! Liana delves into the different motivations for lying (they're not all bad), how to confront possible liars and how to handle it when you've been caught lying! Also - Jedis!
Published 02/16/24
Racism and bigotry are making a comeback - or at least, they're speaking much louder. We know that millions of Canadians face overt prejudice every day, but do we know what that feels like? Liana talks to award-winning Canadian-Chinese author Derwin Mak about the overt and subtle anti-Asian ignorance he's faced for decades and how he deals with it. Plus, how not to hate...Hate.
Published 02/09/24
'We're in this together' - Mental illness affects not just the individual, but their friends, loved ones and especially their partner. Dr. David T. Culkin, co-author (with his wife Michaela) of OCD and Marriage, has had obsessive-compulsive disorder throughout his ongoing 28 year marriage. Liana talks to David about the need for honesty, respect and compromise in a partnership with someone with mental health challenges.
Published 02/02/24
Really, you're not! But you *are* facing a difficult life challenge that has you feeling overwhelmed. Liana talks to psychotherapist Jennifer Gerlach, author of the Psychosis & Mental Health Recovery Workbook, about how to overcome your overwhelm and live a better life.
Published 01/26/24
Mistakes are inevitable, but they don't have to be insurmountable. Liana shares personal stories of her own mistakes, how & why she compounded some and learned to turn mistakes into something positive. Hear how childhood trauma, parents, friends and our work & home environments can influence what mistakes we make and how we process them - and how to turn those mistakes into fuel for positive growth.   A special extended version of this episode with extra information
Published 01/19/24
Over the holidays we're encouraged to be grateful for what we have, and sometimes, that's not a request, it's a demand. While feeling sincerely grateful is good for mental health, no one ever feels gratitude by force. Liana goes through where the lines are, and why gratitude can become resentment when it's not freely given.
Published 12/22/23
Over the holidays we're encouraged to be grateful for what we have, and sometimes, that's not a request, it's a demand. While feeling sincerely grateful is good for mental health, no one ever feels gratitude by force. Liana goes through where the lines are, and why gratitude can become resentment when it's not freely given.
Published 12/22/23