Published 10/30/21
In an unusual twist, Christopher reveals he technically has known Dave for longer than Dave has known him. How such a thing might be possible, details of their high school friendship and co-worker status at both a skate shop and an engineering firm, and what took place during the twenty five or so years after […]
Published 07/07/20
Aram drops in to catch us up on what he’s been doing in the years since his last appearance. We start off with a conversation about the importance of simple, foundational HC lyrics and move on to cover Aram’s new band, new business, and new addition to his family. Miss Michaelanne, who sat in for all three hours of Aram’s original episode, was on another continent while we recorded this one, but we still found a way to include her through the magic of modern technology.
Published 01/01/20
Published 01/01/20
In honor of our friend, who left us too soon.
Published 08/07/19
It’s not often these boys are all in the same place, so when you get the call they want to do a full-band version of the podcast, you’ve got to roll with it despite the limitations of your recording equipment.
Published 08/05/19
Bob Swift is not a morning drive-time radio host and neither is Dave Larson, but don’t tell them that. Returning to the scene of the rent-theft extracted by Larson’s significant other, Swift finally answers the question on everyone’s mind: “When was the first time you danced with glow sticks?”
Published 03/25/19
Dave sits down with Canadian expat Sean O’Leary at an undisclosed location in his prior homeland to discus details of their shared past. Bill Baker joins in the conversation and adds morning zoo radio effects on demand. Or at least he was supposed to. Sean recounts events from his life and sheds light on a series of questions provided by a mysterious intern. Some things become less clear than before, like does Sean really think that 1960’s “rock and roll band with horns” CHICAGO was the PUSSY...
Published 02/08/19
For our big episode XXX, John Pettibone returns to continue the conversation where we left off in episode 24. Keep listening after the end credits for bonus content, because we kept the conversation going a lot longer than expected. “Put it on the Cast!”
Published 08/21/18
Three previous episode all-stars (Eric Kinder, Sotirios Rebelos, and Mark Holcomb) return for a star-studded descent into podcast madness. Dipcone? Samsquatch? Skittledick? It’ll all make sense in the end.
Published 12/19/17
Not everyone with the last name Murphy can be a Murph, but many who know Ryan from the scene may have never known him by any other name. If you ever had cause to doubt that Murph is a genuine Murph, this podcast episode should set you straight once and for all. He and Dave cover a lot of ground, charting his path from kindergarten delinquent to junior high criminal to high school Straight Edge drummer and beyond.
Published 07/19/17
Dave tried unsuccessfully to get Mark on the show for months. When it finally happened they pretty much just talked about He-Man toys and boomerangs. Also Punk Rock, Straight Edge, the formation of UNDERTOW, and all the other stuff you might expect. Boomerangs do play a prominent role though.
Published 05/25/17
Demian returns to fill Dave in on his whereabouts and activities since the last time he was on the show. They talk politics and conspiracy theories, as you might expect.
Published 01/20/17
The podcast returns after a break of many months to find Dave sitting down with drummer extraordinaire Eric Kinder. The discussion takes the usual twists and turns and, with the addition of Soto Rebelos in seat #2, some of the hazier details are filled in. Some truly great fight stories pop up in this one, including previously unknown details of an event that was part of Dave’s inspiration for writing THE EDGE OF QUARREL.
Published 10/18/16
For a mostly unplanned 1st year celebration of Nobodysnose.com, Greg Bennick drops in on Dave to discuss his recent hand injury and the kinds of new perspectives a thing like that will bring. They also get real serious about THE WALKING DEAD, disaster survival, the politics surrounding the current vacancy at the Supreme Court, and Dave tries to convince Greg to watch THE VENTURE BROS.
Published 02/24/16
Kyle and Dave worked together in the 90’s at a Kinko’s so renowned that it is still celebrated by ex-employees to this day, despite the physical location being long gone. Kyle told Dave he was in a local hardcore band, which threw Dave for a loop since he had never heard of his band and foolishly thought he had a handle on all that was going on at the time. Now, so many years later, Dave learns even more about Kyle that he did not know, including his early obsession with Ace Frehley, jumping...
Published 02/17/16
John and Dave share a love of many things, from Straight Edge to skateboarding to The Cure, to apparently Miss Michaelanne, who makes one of her unplanned drop-ins on the recording to hang out next to John. Those two have also known each other too long, it turns out. “Did you ever hang out at the Fall City park-n-ride?” is an actual question between them, and the answer probably won’t surprise you. Somehow Dave manages to keep the interview on track and his relationship intact despite JP’s...
Published 01/22/16
Carrie appeared out of nowhere in the NW Hardcore scene in mid-1994. That was Dave’s perspective anyway, but of course that doesn’t explain how a girl with a nice smile he passed on the street one day became a fully immersed part of his subculture almost immediately and a key player in his life at various points over the next two decades. People appear from somewhere, it turns out, and so these two spend some time going over the whens, wheres, whos, and whys that led them to an enduring...
Published 12/21/15
Ben was quite young when he first accosted Dave at a show about a missing lyric sheet in an Excursion record. At the time he was the kid brother of the Botch singer, and though he always will be, he quickly established himself as a force to be reckoned with on his own. Dave tricks Ben into revisiting his days as a junior high gang member and divulging how he escaped the life in part by stealing everything he could get his thieving mitts on. And Ben thought they were just going to talk about...
Published 12/03/15
A chance conversation on a city bus in the 90s forged the bonds of friendship between Griff and Dave, and they have been made only stronger over the years by the fact that they are both members of an elite group who have been close to the enigma that is Matt Matsuoka. So they talk about that, and along the way Griff charts his course from grade school skateboarder to teenage punk rocker to the black belt holding, Brazilian jiu-jitsu school owning adult that he is today. “The metal kids were...
Published 10/30/15
Dave lucks out and gets Ranae from FINDING BIGFOOT to sit down with him for a long chat despite the fact that it violates the arbitrary rules of the podcast. Then they sort of figure out that it doesn’t. Ranae recounts stories from her youth growing up in South Dakota and harrowing tales of intrigue, danger, and her stuntman father’s final exhibition gone horribly wrong. Along the way the obligatory Sasquatch conversations are had and Ranae’s natural skepticism is pleasantly challenged by her...
Published 09/25/15
“Posi” Chris Williams has been a fixture in the NW Hardcore community for the better part of two decades. Dave and Chris discuss the rocks he used to throw at his friendly neighborhood BMX Hesher and then turn over some others in search of clues to the reason for his early and long-lasting attraction to skateboarding, Punk Rock, Straight Edge, and whatever other good things there may be in life. Chris also explains the rules to CHAMPION’s potentially dangerous game “Classic Combinations”...
Published 09/11/15
For our debut half-step episode, Dave’s first guest Greg Bennick returns to catch us up on his activities as a touring band vocalist, spoken word activist, and potential stand up comedy powerhouse. Then we laugh about genocide. It makes sense, I promise.
Published 08/28/15
Derek and Dave didn’t start out as friends right away, as an offhand comment from Dave regarding one of Derek’s early bands was played up into a serious affront by mutual friend and chaos instigator Matt Matsuoka. That was eventually smoothed over and Dave was able to conquer Derek’s famous resting mean face thanks in no small part to the efforts of Miss Michaelanne, who pops into the episode to reminisce about their early days causing trouble at various churches and temples across the...
Published 08/14/15
Dave and Carl both do music-based interview podcasts, so they split up the hosting duties on this one to interview each other. Dave gets a chance to revel in his redneck upbringing as Carl’s story reveals similarities in their pasts including county living, dangerous rural activities, and endless days spent on crappy BMX bikes.
Published 07/31/15