Helgi, David and Jeanne have a chat about what happened this summer and the Champion of Champions games that were played yesterday. We begin by talking about the games in the men and women's Champion of Champions title yesterday and what this title means to teams. After that we go into the first (and second) divisions and encourage people to write up games that they go to and send it into, all coverage is appreciated. We then go over what we think will happen in the first divis...
Sjötti maðurinn breytti útaf vananum þar sem var farið í King of the court útgáfu eða viðtalsútgáfu. Í þáttinn fékk Sjötti maðurinn þjálfarann Árna Þór Hilmarsson sem þjálfað hefur til fjölda ára í yngri flokkum sem og meistaraflokki og þá aðallega á Flúðum, en síðast var hann með meistaraflokk...
Published 11/24/24
Helgi, David and Jeanne start off laughing about notebooks and coaching and then get into the leagues, the tables and news stories. The women's league is first up and interesting coaching tactis there are discussed. After that and some new stories we get into the national women's team games and...
Published 11/22/24