CMOs may be facing more pressure than ever. Despite budget cuts, marketing leaders still urgently need to drive business growth, leverage new advances in AI, and manage diverse stakeholder groups with varying priorities. A top CMO shares the keys to proving impact and ROI.
Published 09/12/24
AI has rocked the business world lately. But with only 10% of companies implementing GenAI projects at scale, is it truly transforming the workplace as fast as we thought? A top expert separates the AI facts from fiction.
Published 08/29/24
Believe it or not, 71% of US CEOs say they have imposter syndrome - compared to only 47% of employees overall. A CEO and a performance expert break it down.
Published 08/16/24
It may be turnover time in the boardroom. Nine in ten executives think at least one board member should be replaced and almost a quarter of S&P 500 directors are near retirement. Two experts share how to make a seamless transition.
Published 08/09/24
The world's star athletes are shining brightly, but star performers at work seem more elusive than ever. Seven in 10 CEOs worry their employees lack the right skills. Two experts discuss if it’s wiser to pay to train future stars—or pay to hire them in the first place.
Published 07/19/24
One in three workers say they’re currently dealing with a toxic leader—and two thirds of them are actively job-hunting. But is leaving the right answer? Two experts break down this perennial issue—and explain why some bosses may not be entirely to blame.
Published 07/12/24
Blame AI or cutbacks in HR staffing, but job candidates and firms alike are frustrated with the current job hiring process. A top expert explains what has gone wrong and what needs to change.
Published 06/21/24
Layoffs can be deeply painful. But they're also one of the stark realities of the business world, with four in ten companies this year alone expecting to let people go. Two experts explore techniques to launch anew after a layoff.
Published 06/14/24
Amid record viewership and investment, it seems like women’s sports has made a quick and stunning leap forward. But can the winning streak keep going? A former college coach and sports writer share their take on today's whole new ballgame.
Published 05/31/24
Nine to five was once synonymous with the workday. But workers are now logging off an hour earlier than they did in 2021—and governments are getting serious about their right to disconnect afterwards. Three experts weigh in on how leaders might address this watershed moment for the workday. For more information, check out www.kornferry.com/briefings-podcast and follow us on www.instagram.com/kornferry.
Published 05/17/24
With inflation steadily inching upwards, many might be aching for a major pay raise. But salary increases are projected to dip down to about 4% after a two-decade high. A top payments expert shares how to buck the trend to get more bucks in this tight economy. For more information, check out www.kornferry.com/briefings-podcast and follow us on www.instagram.com/kornferry.
Published 05/09/24
Two experts tell us what leaders can do to tackle this health issue at work.
Published 04/26/24
In a sea change for the cruise industry, Gen Zers are now the age group most keen on taking a cruise vacation—69% describe themselves as either “very or somewhat interested.” Two experts share how cruise lines as well as other industries are transforming to catch the youngest crop of adult consumers.   For more information, check out www.kornferry.com/briefings-podcast and follow us on www.instagram.com/kornferry.
Published 04/19/24
Only two in ten workers claim to have a best friend in the office and it’s a number that keeps falling. It's a serious issue for corporate leaders keen to drive culture, which data shows can be responsible for up to one third of a firm’s market value. We speak to a journalist and a leadership expert to get to the bottom of this camaraderie conundrum.   For more information, check out www.kornferry.com/briefings-podcast and follow us on www.instagram.com/kornferry.
Published 04/05/24
Despite a resilient economy, coveted corner offices hang in the balance with companies projected to promote 10% fewer employees this year than last. A top career coach shares her secrets to moving up the company ladder when the going gets tough. For more information, check out www.kornferry.com/briefings-podcast and follow us on www.instagram.com/kornferry.
Published 04/01/24
Should companies cover pricey weight loss drugs, better sleep aids, and more mental health support? As the definition of corporate wellness now extends way past offering yoga classes and healthy snacks, companies must decide if they can afford this next level of aid or risk being labeled as “wellbeing washers.”
Published 03/22/24
The majority of S&P (Standard & Poor’s) 500 companies are beating their quarterly earnings estimates, but how can firms keep up this peak performance? Famed author, Daniel Goleman and Olympic silver medalist, Mark Richardson offer some unique options for both firms and individuals.
Published 03/08/24
Are companies micromanaging workers to death? Eight in 10 firms plan to use technology to track office attendance this year. Even sick days are being questioned. Firms say they need to clamp down on abuses that started after the pandemic, but we talk to two experts on how this critical breakdown in trust can be a blow to the bottom line.
Published 02/29/24
At some point between the ages of 50 and 59, half of workers will lose their jobs. Some are voluntarily stepping away, but the vast majority are being laid off or pushed out—even in countries where ageism is illegal. We talk to a 72-year-old job seeker and a top career coach to find out what seasoned professionals can do to even the odds.
Published 02/16/24
More and more execs are heading back to top universities to bone up on the hottest new technology of the day, artificial intelligence. But with a price tag of up to $15k, are these AI executive education courses worth it? We chat with two leading education experts to get the full scoop.
Published 02/09/24
Is your career going nowhere fast? Maybe the new CEO wants a new team or AI threatens to make people redundant. Experts say more people are struggling in this economy to climb the corporate ladder. Two top career experts discuss ways to get out of a career rut.
Published 02/05/24
Is the multi-trillion dollar world of private equity undergoing a quiet revolution? An industry known for rapidly buying and flipping companies is now holding them longer—creating a whole new challenge around managing people. We talk to two experts about PE's new leadership playbook for 2024 and beyond.
Published 01/29/24
"I have some difficult news." How top corporate players deliver difficult news to employees could be the difference between courageous leadership and going viral in all the wrong ways. With four in ten firms planning layoffs this year and over half of CEOs expecting economic gloom, we take a deep dive into how to get this critical communication just right.
Published 01/23/24
Don't trust salespeople? Turns out you’re not alone—our data shows only 21% of corporate buyers engage sellers early in the selling process. That's a potential problem for companies—especially as high-level buyers tighten budgets. We speak to a sales team whisperer to learn what today's top corporate sellers are doing to win deals.
Published 01/08/24