🖨️貼春聯勞作紙列印連結 Spring Festival decorations activity print out link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyqrIDVbsRX0p_PhrE3VvUSdMfhPgArU/view?usp=sharing 📜請先幫小朋友列印貼春聯勞作紙,總共有兩頁,我們還需要彩色筆或是蠟筆,剪刀和黏膠For this activity, we need  “spring festival decorations activity print out” (2 pages, print out link above), crayon or markers, a pair of scissors and glue. 🧧歡迎爸爸媽媽把小朋友貼春聯的勞作,照一張相,email 或是上臉書頁和貝媽分享喔~ 祝福大家 新年快樂 吉祥平安 虎年行大運!我們下一個故事見囉! Please take a picture of the art work and share with me via email or...
Published 01/28/22
🍭在很久很久以前,人們都常常忘記自己出生的年份,於是就去請玉皇大帝幫忙....故事改編自 十二生肖民間故事 🍭A long long time ago, people always forgot in which year they were born. The Jade Emperor came up with a solution…. (story based on folk story The Chinses Zodiac story) 🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy 🥳貝媽的另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Please also check out “Little Mandarin Party” podcast 🎧收聽連結Listening links: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214 Flink 萬用連結:...
Published 01/19/22
新的一年,虎年即將到來了,在這歲末的時候呢,我特別加錄這集歲末q and a 拜早年,回覆一些聽友私訊給我的問題,也在這裡和大家拜個早年, 祝福大家 健康平安、 天天開心、 元氣滿滿、 虎年行大運~🐯 This is a special year end Q and A episode, answering some questions from listeners. Wishing everyone health, happiness, and good luck in the year of the Tiger.  🐯 🥳貝媽和女兒豆妹另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Me and my 6 y/o daughter started another podcast “Little Mandarin Party” 收聽連結Listening links: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214 Flink 萬用連結:...
Published 01/19/22
🎄在上一集故事中,聖誕仙子實現了愛咪的願望,讓一整年的每一天都是聖誕節,人們每天都需要準備禮物給親戚和朋友,也會收到很多禮物,每天吃聖誕大餐,甜點和糖果,吃到肚子都不舒服了,連續一個星期後,很多人不知道怎麼去處理堆積如山的禮物,很多人的脾氣都變不好了,過了一個星期之後又會發生什麼事呢?(故事改編自 "Christmas Every Day" by William Dean Howells) 🎄A little girl, named Amy, loved Christmas very much so she wrote a letter to the Christmas Fairy and she wished Christmas would come everyday. And her wish was granted for an entire year……..  The story is based on the 1892 short story "Christmas Every Day" by William Dean Howells. 🍄故事改編、配音、製作:...
Published 01/06/22
🎄小朋友有沒有很希望每天都是聖誕節呢?今天故事中的小女孩非常喜歡過聖誕節於是她和聖誕仙子許願希望天天都是聖誕節,聖誕仙子會實現他的願望嗎?(故事改編自 "Christmas Every Day" by William Dean Howells)  🎄A little girl, named Amy, loved Christmas very much so she wrote a letter to the Christmas Fairy and she wished Christmas would come everyday. And her wish was granted for an entire year……..  The story is based on the 1892 short story "Christmas Every Day" by William Dean Howells. 🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪  🍄 Script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei...
Published 12/28/21
🎄一個關於自信心的故事:我們可能不盡完美...但是我們都是完整的、美好的, 每個人都是獨特的、與眾不同的,我們都有我們自己獨一無二的美好----聖誕老公公的馴鹿中,有一隻很特別的馴鹿,他有一個又紅又亮的鼻子...。 生活中我們可能常常收到"你不夠好"的訊息,打擊了我們的自信,請記得給自己一個擁抱並跟自己說 "我很好. I'm enough. 我是完整的、美好的" 🤗 🎄It’s a story about self confidence and faith. We may not be perfect but we are all complete and wonderful. Everyone is unique. Let’s celebrate our strengths, accept and embrace our uniqueness. (story based on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) Society often sends us messages that we are not good enough. So don’t...
Published 12/14/21
🍭我們想要別人如何對待我們,我們就要如何對待別人- 一天愛捉弄別人的狐狸邀請白鶴來家裡吃晚餐.....  🍭A story about “treating others how we want to be treated.” -One day, the fox thought of a naughty plan to entertain himself at the expense of the stork. He invited the stork to his house for dinner…. (story based on Aesop’s Fable)  🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪  🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy  ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新~ 😻  ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share.  One...
Published 12/05/21
🍭辛勤工作學習的重要-炎熱的夏日裡,一隻蟋蟀正在悠閒著哼著歌,一群小螞蟻🐜一大早起床就開始辛勤的工作..... 🍭A story about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future. However, playing/resting/enjoying the moment is also very important.😊 🍄故事劇本、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新~ 😻 ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share.  One new episode weekly. 😻 🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/...
Published 11/21/21
🌿每位小朋友都是獨特的,活出自己的天賦,接受並擁抱自己的與眾不同~ 在上一集萬聖節魔法糖果故事中,魔法師奇奇跟三隻小蝙蝠說明了在拿魔法變身糖果之前,需要先接受挑戰,如果挑戰成功了,就可以得到魔法變身糖果,咚咚、麗麗和波波很勇敢的對魔法師奇奇說他們願意接受挑戰,他們會遇到的挑戰是什麼呢? 🌿Everyone is unique. Let’s celebrate our strengths, accept and embrace our uniqueness.     In the magical forest, there are 3 very unique young bats, one has unusually large wings, one has unusually large ears and one speaks extremely slowly. They heard of the sorceress who hands out magical candies that have the power to transform.....
Published 11/10/21
🌿每位小朋友都是獨特的,活出自己的天賦,接受並擁抱自己的與眾不同~在魔法森林裡有三隻很特別的小蝙蝠,咚咚、麗麗、和波波,他們聽說魔法師奇奇有神奇的變身糖果,他們都很想要得到變身糖果,爲什麼他們想要變身糖果呢? 🌿Everyone is unique. Let’s celebrate our strengths, accept and embrace our uniqueness.     In the magical forest, there are 3 very unique young bats, one has unusually large wings, one has unusually large ears and one speaks extremely slowly. They heard of the sorceress who hands out magical candies that have the power to transform.. …... 🎃貝貝媽咪原創故事,獻給所有獨特的你😊,萬聖節快樂~🎃 🎃Original story...
Published 10/31/21
🍎Apple Podcast的聽友們: 在Apple Podcast平台上有兩個中文故事屋節目,在10月30日我會把重複的節目移除,所以請您確認訂閱的即將保留下來的中文故事屋,https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/little-mandarin-pod中文故事屋/id1566500815 ,感謝您的支持喔~🤗 🍎Hi Apple Podcast listeners. There are 2 little mandarin Pod shows on the Apple Podcast platform. One of them is a duplicate.  I will remove the duplicate show on October 30th. Please make sure you’re subscribing to the one that will remain active....
Published 10/26/21
🌿朝三暮四,早上三個晚上四個,這是什麼意思呢? 那我們來聽故事囉~  歡迎來臉書網頁看看故事中既是兔子也是鴨子的圖畫喔~ 🌿A story about an old man who raised monkeys back in spring and autumn period. This idiom is used to describe someone who keeps changing their mind.(Full story in English, please check our Facebook page)  Please come to our facebook page for the ambiguous drawing mentioned in the story. 🍄故事改編、配音、後製: 貝貝媽咪 🍄Script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy 📢EP2【成語故事】井底之蛙 重新錄製囉~...
Published 10/23/21
🌿關於好學的刻苦精神~鑿壁借光,挖掘牆壁來藉光線,這是怎摸一回事呢?  🌿A story about a poor kid who dug a hole in the wall to make use of the neighbor’s light to study. This idiom is used to describe someone who studies or works very hard despite being in a challenging situation. (Full story in English, please check our Facebook page)  🍄故事劇本、配音、後製: 貝貝媽咪  🍄Script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy  📢Apple Podcast的聽友們: 在Apple...
Published 10/11/21
🌿關於遇到困難時,不要輕言放棄,先動動腦想想解決的方法-兩隻烏鴉萱萱和嘟嘟,他們很久沒喝到水了,好可好渴喔,他們找到一個裝有半瓶水的水瓶,可是啊 瓶子太深了,他們根本喝不到水,該怎麼辦呢?  🌿In a spell of dry weather, when the Birds could find very little to drink, two thirsty crows found a pitcher with a little water in it. But the pitcher was high and had a narrow neck, so the crows could not reach the water. The crows felt very frustrated but they did not give up. …..  📢在裝有半瓶水的水瓶裡放小石頭和沙子,水位真的會上升嗎? 我們可以做實驗來試試看,中文故事屋臉書網頁有實驗的影片喔~  📢Will the water level rise by putting small rocks...
Published 10/04/21
📢Apple Podcast的聽友們: 在Apple Podcast平台上有兩個中文故事屋節目,在10月中我會將重複的節目移除,所以請訂閱即將留下來的中文故事屋(連結在下方),感謝您的支持💕~https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/little-mandarin-pod中文故事屋/id1566500815 📢Apple Podcast listener. There are 2 Little Mandarin Pod on Apple Podcast platform. I’ll remove a duplicate show in mid-october. Please make sure you’re subscribing to the one below. Thank you so much for your patience and support...
Published 09/26/21
🌿遇到衝突時,需要協調溝通-兩隻小羊在獨木橋兩側相遇了,不過橋很窄,一次只能有一隻羊過,兩隻羊誰也不讓誰,他們要如何過橋呢? 🌿One day two little goats were on either side of a narrow bridge. They both wanted to get to the other side but the bridge was too narrow therefore only one goat can cross at a time. They both wanted to cross first…....  It’s a story about finding a solution and a common ground. 📢小朋友如果你是兩隻小羊,你會如何做呢? 歡迎到臉書網頁留言或email和貝貝媽咪說,我會在下個節目中和大家分享喔~ If you were one of the goats, what would you do? If you have a solution and you would like to...
Published 09/18/21
🌿農曆的8月15日中秋節,是在華人的社會中很重要的一個節日,在這天,人們會和家人團聚,吃月餅,一起觀賞天空中圓圓的皎潔的月亮, 傳說中秋節和嫦娥有關,那我們來聽傳說故事-嫦娥奔月囉 ~ 🌿In Chinese culture, the Mid-Autumn/Moon festival symbolizes the family reunion and on this day, all families will appreciate the moon in the evening, because it is the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, when the moon is at its fullest. There is a beautiful legend about the Mid-Autumn festival, that is Chang'e flying to the moon. (Please see facebook page for full story in English....
Published 09/11/21
🌿在上一集的醫學小教室,我們學到了甚麼是疫苗,那疫苗是如何被發明的呢? 疫苗是在1796年一位英國的醫生愛德華 詹納 Edward Jenner 所發明的,疫苗的英文稱作 vaccine, vaccine的開頭是拉丁文 vacca 乳牛的意思,疫苗和乳牛有甚麼關係呢? (聽完故事後,歡迎來中文故事屋臉書網頁,上面有一些圖片和資訊可以和小朋友討論喔~) 🌿How was the vaccine invented? Edward Jenner was an English physician and scientist who pioneered the concept of vaccines including creating the smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine. ( After listening to the story, please check out our Facebook page for additional pictures and information) ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事,...
Published 09/03/21
🌿在過去的幾個月中小朋友可能常常聽大人說或是新聞上提到疫苗,那甚麼是疫苗呢? 🌿We have been hearing about vaccines/vaccinations quite a bit lately. What is vaccination? How does a vaccine work? 🍄今天我們有一個新的單元,「醫學小教室」,小朋友們喜歡嗎? 歡迎家長們來臉書網頁留言或是email跟貝貝媽咪說喔~ 🍄Medical Corner is a new program. It will be great if you can let me know how your kids like today’s program (through Facebook page or email). I can modify future programs based on your feedback. Thank you in advance. ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱(有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新)和跟朋友分享喔~ 😻 ❤️If you...
Published 08/27/21
📢中文故事屋的臉書網頁開張了,歡迎來參觀留言喔~Little Mandarin Pod Facebook page is launched. Please come visit and leave me a message😉https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 🌿小朋友有聽過寺廟裡或是教堂裡的鍾聲嗎? 今天的故事是和鍾有關的成語故事,掩耳盜鍾或是掩耳盜鈴 ,掩蓋住耳多來偷鐘,這是怎麼一回事呢? 那我們來聽故事囉 !😉 🌿Today’s story is based on a Chinese proverb/idiom “covering one's ears to steal a bell.” It is similar to “burying one's head in the sand”in English. It describes someone trying to decieve other people but actually, they only deceive...
Published 08/19/21
📢中文故事屋的臉書網頁開張了,歡迎來參觀留言喔~Little Mandarin Pod Facebook page is launched. Please come visit and leave me a message😉https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 🌿今天的故事是一個很有趣的寓言故事, 獅子與老鼠,在故事的最後威猛的獅子跟小老鼠成為很要好的朋友, 這是怎麼一回事呢?😉 🌿Today’s story is based on an Aesop’s fable: The lion and the mouse. (please see Facebook page for full story in English https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/)😉 ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱(有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新)和跟朋友分享喔~ 😻 ❤️If you like listening to my stories, remember to...
Published 08/11/21
📢中文故事屋的臉書網頁開張了,歡迎來參觀留言喔~Little Mandarin Pod Facebook page is launched. Please come visit and leave me a message😉https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 🌿今天我們來說一個「一鳴驚人」成語故事,話說春秋時楚莊王雖然已經即位三年..... 🌿Today’s story is about proverb story “A bird startles the world with a single cry.“ King Zhuang of Chu ( 楚莊王; pinyin: Chǔ Zhuāng Wáng, reigned 613-591 BC) was a monarch of the Zhou dynasty State of Chu during the Spring and Autumn period. King Zhuang of Chu ascended the throne in 613 BC. For the...
Published 07/29/21
📢中文故事屋的臉書網頁開張了,歡迎來參觀留言喔~Little Mandarin Pod Facebook page is launched. Please come visit and leave me a message😉https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 🌿今天我們來說一個成語故事,「塞翁失馬,焉知非福。」賽翁失去了一隻馬,怎麼知道不是好事呢?  這個成語出自於西漢劉安的淮南子一書·人間訓篇,用來說明眼前看似不好的事情,說不定其實是件好事喔,偶受到一點損失,也許可以換來意想不到的收穫。節目最後還有成語造句練習喔~ 🌿Today’s story is about an old Chinese saying, "Who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise when the old man on the frontier lost his horse?" It means a loss may turn out to be a gain, or misfortune...
Published 07/21/21
📢中文故事屋的臉書網頁上有簡單的浮力小實驗小朋友在家可以試試看喔~Please visit Little Mandarin Pod Facebook page for a simple Buoyancy (floating) experiment kids can do at home😉https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 🌿為什麼螃蟹要橫著走路?船為什麼可以浮在水面上? 讓我們從家有叮噹的廣播劇中來找答案吧! 出遊記得leave no trace 不留痕跡,把垃圾都帶走,尊重大自然 🌿Why do crabs walk sideways? Why do ships float? Let’s find out the answers from the radio play. Also when we visit nature, it’s important to leave no trace, pack out all trash, leftover food and litter to to protect our...
Published 07/15/21
📢中文故事屋的臉書網頁終於開張了,歡迎來參觀留言~Little Mandarin Pod Facebook page is launched. Please come visit and leave me a message😉https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 🌿小朋友有沒有想過為什麼天空和海水是藍色的? 讓我們從家有叮噹的廣播劇中來找答案吧! 🌿It's easy to see that the sky and the ocean are blue. Have you ever wondered why? 🍄家有叮噹-原創科學廣播劇作者:貝貝媽咪  配音:丁丁-貝貝媽咪 噹噹-貝貝媽咪 叮噹媽媽-貝貝媽咪 🍄Radio Play script writer: BeiBei Mommy / Voice Actor: BeiBei Mommy  ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱(有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新)和跟朋友分享喔~ 😻 ❤️If you like listening to my stories,...
Published 07/07/21