Dhrutraashtr Gaandhaaree Ke Putron Evam Putree Kaa Janm Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 15
00:00 परिचय एवं भूमिका
01:03 गांधारी की मानसिकता में लोभ की पराकाष्ठा
09:00 दो वर्ष के गर्भधारण के बाद पिंड मिला
12:55 पिण्ड का विभाजन और कुंडों में स्थापना
16:50 दुर्योधन एवं अन्य बालकों का जन्म
18:30 भयंकर अपशकुन और पुत्र त्याग की सलाह
25:18 गणिकापुत्र युयुत्सु का जन्म
25:43 गांधारी को पुत्री की चाह
30:18 धृतराष्ट्र के पांच पुत्रों तथा पुत्री के नाम
31:14 धृतराष्ट्र द्वारा पुत्रों एवं पुत्री का विवाह
32:00 उपसंहार
Episode 15 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the birth of one hundred and one (101) sons and one daughter of Dhrutraashtr. Gaandhaaree had been blessed by Shiva to have a hundred sons. However, she wanted to be sure that the sons are biological descendants of her husband and herself. So, she sought and received this blessing from Maharshi Ved Vyas. In due course, Gaandhaaree became pregnant. The pregnancy continued for about two years. When Gaandhaaree heard about birth of Kuntee’s eldest son, Gaandhaaree was furious and hit her stomach very strongly. A big hard lump appeared. Maharshi Ved Vyas came and did an elaborate procedure which involved splitting the big hard lump into parts and growing each part separately in a vessel. In due course, Duryodhan was born followed by his ninety nine brothers. Birth of Duryodhan was accompanied by many bad omens and Dhrutraashtr was advised to get rid of the child. However, Dhrutraashtr did not accept the advice. When Maharshi was splitting the big lump into pieces, Gaandhaaree wished for a daughter in addition to the hundred sons. Maharishi obliged her by saving a piece from the lump to be a girl. When Gaandhaaree was pregnant, a prostitute was kept in the service of Dhrutraashtr. Yuyutsu was born to the prostitute. Yuyutsu was the second son of Dhrutraashtr. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 114, 115 and 116).
Production support: Friends and well-wishers.
महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं।
Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and conti