Alejandro Carrillo is a fourth-generation rancher in the Chihuahuan desert. Rarely his precipitation goes beyond 9” per year (less than 230mm). Every drop counts to grow more and better grasses and forbs. He is not willing to waste any water in such a brittle environment if he wants to graze year-round without inputs. Alejandro’s ranch, Las Damas, has been part of multiple documentaries and studies focused on regenerative ranching such as Common Ground, Sacred Cow, To Which We Belong, and...
Published 06/20/24
Thor is a former college athlete and Emmy award winner who once served as a special assistant to POTUS. Throughout his career, he has had the privilege of working with some of the biggest names in television and entertainment. Sports, training, health, and nutrition have always been his lifelong passions. When Thor returned home from DC, he found himself unemployed for the first time in a long while. Naturally, he turned to what he loves most - coaching people to achieve their best health...
Published 06/17/24
Published 06/17/24
Daniel shares his incredible health journey - from battling type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and osteoporosis to overcoming a heart attack and undergoing a percutaneous coronary intervention, Daniel's story is both inspiring and eye-opening. During the podcast, Shawn and Daniel delve into the importance of comprehensive testing, like the OGTT with insulin, and address financial incentives behind common medical procedures like stents and bypass surgeries. Daniel provides a...
Published 06/16/24
Xan is 28 years old and resides in Bozeman, Montana. He is the General Manager and Co-Owner of RegenMarket, a business that connects regenerative producers of animal proteins from the Mountain West with consumers across the country. Xan first tried the Carnivore diet towards the end of his internship with the New York Giants. He noticed remarkable improvements in his gut health, energy, and focus levels. Since then, he has transitioned to an animal-based diet, incorporating some fruit and...
Published 06/14/24
Mike is a dietitian who has been living in the UK since 2014. His current job title is Advanced Specialist Dietitian. He has a background in sports science. In the fourth quarter of 2020, Mike adopted a carnivore diet. Prior to that, he was obese, pre-diabetic, had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and was taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). By following a very low-carb carnivore diet, he was able to reverse all of those health issues. Mike currently works for the National...
Published 06/09/24
Stepanka faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously active and involved in training, the sudden halt to her routine led to unexpected weight gain. Misconceptions about her struggle with anorexia added to her burden — people often assumed she could manage food well, but, in reality, her rigorous training had left her no time to eat, leaving her extremely hungry and malnourished. Confined at home and with ample opportunity to eat, Stepanka began consuming food all...
Published 06/07/24
Catherine has completely eliminated her anorexia and bulimia, which had plagued her for almost 40 years. She had been through every treatment and therapy possible with no success. She had given up on recovering from her eating disorders, but unexpectedly, her symptoms disappeared within a month of being on the Carnivore diet. Absolutely amazing! Her life has changed so much, and she's living a life she never dreamed possible. She owns a successful dental practice and has good relationships...
Published 06/05/24
In June, Jake Thomas will mark four years since embarking on a transformative journey into the carnivore diet. This lifestyle change began during the 2020 lockdown when a friend recommended a book and podcast by Dr. Baker. Influenced by this compelling introduction, Jake dove into a rabbit hole of nutritional knowledge, revolutionizing his understanding of diet, health, and overall well-being. Jake has seen benefits in sobriety, inflammation, neuropathy, depression, sleep, and strength on the...
Published 05/31/24
Raffaela is an Austrian animal rights activist fighting for animal liberation and veganism as the moral baseline. Instagram: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.militant.vegan/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@themilitantvegan Other: TiktTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the.militant.vegan Website: www.raffaelaraab.com Timestamps: 00:00 Trailer 00:52 Introduction 06:44 Individual characteristics 09:33 Animal rights 11:10 Ethics of eating animals 15:43 Animals vs. humans 19:34...
Published 05/24/24
Jason's life took an unexpected turn when he discovered an alarming lump on one side of his neck. Unsure of its nature, Jason visited a walk-in clinic for an examination.  Jason received a harrowing diagnosis: stage 4 cancer that had already metastasized throughout his body. The cancer had spread from his pelvic bone to his neck, affecting most of his lymph nodes and infiltrating his spine. Multiple tumors had taken root in his liver and even his pancreas.  Jason shares his journey through...
Published 05/22/24
Rob shares how switching to a carnivore diet reduced his dependency on oxygen and also resulted in significant weight loss, reduced medication needs, and vastly improved energy levels and lung capacity. Despite being advised a double lung transplant at one point, the carnivore diet has garnered him a quality of life he hadn't imagined possible. Instagram: carnivorelungjourney Twitter: @carnivorelungjourney YouTube: Carnivorelungjourney Timestamps: 00:00 Trailer. 00:53 Introduction. ...
Published 05/20/24
Eddie has navigated a complex journey with his health that began at just 16 years old. After years of unexplained health issues including panic attacks, POTS symptoms, and neuropathy wrongly attributed to psychological factors, Eddie's own research led him to a diagnosis of craniocervical instability and hypermobile EDS. This discovery set him on a path to explore the profound impacts of diet on his condition. Eddie shares his transformative experience with a carnivore diet and how it has...
Published 05/11/24
Bill's life took a profound turn after experiencing a deep loss which left him grappling with depression. Unable to cope, he sought comfort in food, causing his weight to spike to an alarming 350 pounds. During a troubling period where he felt constantly unwell, Bill consulted a doctor, only to discover he was on the brink of diabetes. This diagnosis served as a crucial wakeup call for Bill, igniting a resolve to transform his health and reclaim his vitality. Timestamps: 00:00 Trailer ...
Published 05/09/24
Diego is a biological anthropologist who delves into the evolutionary aspects of human diversity, incorporating elements of Darwinism into his research. While his colleagues in cultural anthropology focus on studying cultural variations, Diego’s expertise extends to biological variations — examining everything from genetic traits like double eyelids to biocultural differences among human groups. His particular specialty, which formed the foundation of his PhD, is the study of altruism....
Published 05/05/24
Dr. Clay Moss is an Intern level Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation resident at the University of South Florida, having recently received his M.D. from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. Among other things, growing up around the world renowned Andrews Institute, and completing his medical school internship with the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC), played a significant role in fostering his interest in functional and longevity medicine as well as human...
Published 05/03/24
Linda is a seasoned professional who spent over 30 years in Asia designing seasonal merchandise, gifts, and decor. At 70 years old, Linda has been following a carnivore diet for the past five years, having transitioned from a low-carb diet which she followed for several years prior. This has led to significant health improvements for her. Besides losing 80 pounds, her hemochromatosis has resolved, her blood pressure is now perfect, her joint pain has disappeared, and her gums are in beautiful...
Published 05/01/24
Richard has been a carnivore for 5 years, following a ketogenic diet for 11 years. He was once clinically obese, had type 2 diabetes, and suffered from daily debilitating migraines that would render him blind. He also struggled with chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and in his mid to late 20s, he could barely walk up the stairs without stopping or being severely out of breath. He switched to a keto diet and within 12 months, he lost 107 lbs, reversed his diabetes, and no longer suffered...
Published 04/28/24
Matt is a clinical and research neurologist at Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand. His foremost passion is to explore the potential feasibility, safety, and efficacy of metabolic strategies, particularly fasting and ketogenic diets, in creating alternate metabolic states that may benefit people with a variety of neurological disorders. His team conducted the world’s first randomized trials involving a ketogenic diet in people with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, and is now...
Published 04/26/24
Welcome to a brand new episode of the Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast, where today we're diving deep into the world of sleep science with our esteemed guest, and former Navy SEAL, Kirk. Known as the "sleep guy" in military circles, Kirk brings a wealth of knowledge from his transition into the medical field, specifically on the topic of how sleep—or the lack thereof—affects our metabolic health and performance. In this episode, we unpack the mysteries of sleep and discuss its anabolic nature, the...
Published 04/21/24
Brad has been in the food industry for over 20 years, having worked in hotels, restaurants, and even taught at a culinary school. Through these varied experiences, he developed a passion for meat butchery. In 2023, he launched a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching viewers how to save money on meat by cutting and cooking it at home. The channel quickly gained popularity and now boasts over 200,000 subscribers, all of whom share a passion for meat. Instagram: Butcherwizard YouTube: ...
Published 04/19/24
Theo, a Belgian musician and entrepreneur, and Nicole, a visual artist and anthropologist from Hong Kong,  are the creative minds behind a Carnivore Picture Storybook aimed at the Carnivore Community. Their journey began after Theo discovered the carnivore diet while treating his chronic health issues, including asthma and IBS. The couple turned to carnivore diet, a shift that significantly improved both of their health. This dietary transition, coupled with Nicole's contrasting experiences...
Published 04/17/24
Ellen Van Vleck is a whole carcass butcher for a custom exempt shop in Hillsboro, OR. She owns and runs a grass-fed tallow soap and skincare business, utilizing resources from local farmers. She is committed to reducing waste and holistically honoring the animals that feed her community by minimizing waste as much as possible. Instagram: @fatchapco Website: www.fatchap.co Timestamps: 00:00 Moved to the country and worked multiple jobs. 05:48 Learn by doing or leave, opportunity...
Published 04/16/24
Neah is a devoted stay-at-home mom and an inspiring YouTuber who bravely shares her personal health journey with the world. She began grappling with moderate to severe IBS symptoms in her mid to late teens, an experience that became a source of embarrassment and something she felt compelled to hide. However, after years of struggling in silence, Neah decided to face her challenges head-on and explore the impacts of diet on her well-being. Now, she dedicates her platform to encouraging others...
Published 04/14/24
Darren Schmidt has dedicated the past 30 years to hardcore holistic nutrition with the aim of reversing chronic illnesses, thereby eliminating the need for pharmaceutical drugs. He runs the largest non-insurance nutrition clinic in the country, reflecting his deep commitment to natural health solutions. In his upcoming video, Darren will delve into a variety of crucial topics: 1) An update on the USDA Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2) The misleading portrayal of seed oils as...
Published 04/12/24