So many things trigger us into fight-or-flight....then our body gets used to being in a disruptive state. We live in constant inflammation and anxiety, and can even develop disease as a result of this dysregulated state. How do we let our nervous system rebalance and come back into harmony so we feel healthy, joy, and free? Watch this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared the foundation for a regulated healthy nervous system, why this is so essential for health and prosperity, and...
Published 04/27/24
Beneath any chronic disease or repetitive problem we're having lies the root causes keeping it in place. But how do we find and resolve these energies at the core? When solutions elude you, it's not because you're meant to "just live with it." You can get to the core and resolve the root....and it's all just energy! Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared the primary energies that make up the root causes of chronic fatigue, pain, anxiety, and illness, AND how to dissolve...
Published 04/20/24
Do you realize how much energy you lose when you live in the past? or carry unresolved traumas? or live in doubt about decisions you made? Your past can literally SUCK away your energy so your body doesn't have what it needs to heal! What if you could resolve the past and get your energy back on this timeline, here now? Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared where so many of us lose energy to other timelines (that don't even exist!) and how to get it back so resources and...
Published 04/13/24
No matter what your diagnosis: autoimmune, MS, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, EBV, Lyme, anxiety/depression, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or even obscure illnesses doctors can't name... It can be resolved. I've seen people suddenly clear Lyme disease and Epstein Barr Virus after years of having struggled with symptoms -or suddenly find a remedy to address their particular syndrome after doctors had told them nothing could be done. YOU have the power to change your life and that...
Published 04/06/24
As we grow and expand it's natural to want our partner to do the same, or to outgrow an old relationship and look for a person who can really meet us in creating our life consciously. But often we do this from complaint or pressure, which only drives people away and turns them off. How do we INVITE our partner to join us in a journey toward consciousness, or welcome in a partner who also values awakening and growth as much as we do?   Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I was...
Published 03/30/24
My daughter recently asked me "Mom, how do you help people heal?" I shared the #1 most essential part of true healing and taught her how I know what to do, how to do it, and when. Within minutes, she was beginning to tune into the wisdom and guidance that has helped me assist many clients and loved ones as well as to heal myself. It was magical. Then she said, "You should do a video on this!" Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared how to tap into your own wisdom for...
Published 03/23/24
True health includes the prosperity of using our unique gifts, making a meaningful contribution to others, and receiving abundantly. However, many of us are stuck doing work we hate, giving to others from depletion, and blocking wealth for ourselves. In order to step into prosperity we must change the way our brain works. Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared the 3 essential things you must embrace in order to live in true prosperity, activate your unique gifts and...
Published 03/16/24
Many of us have been taught that giving is the highest contribution, but we’ve learned to give from depletion, rather than including ourselves in the picture. To truly give to the world, you've got to be a great receiver!! If you’re struggling from chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, Lyme Disease, or a virus that’s not clearing, OR if you've got a big mission to help others and it's not creating prosperity for YOU, let’s get you in a new alignment so you can heal!! Listen to this week’s...
Published 03/09/24
Yes, you really do have the power within you to change everything....and there are some big things ready to come into your life right now! Are they getting your attention? You'll either feel them through inspiration or desperation. Are you ready to have the confidence and clarity to step into your personal power and initiate great healing? Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where we used EFT Meridian Tapping, a powerful MindBody tool, to generate major changes in your brain and...
Published 03/02/24
Can you really change your life by changing your brain? Your body is constantly sending signals that impact everything around you. Changing these inner signals immediately impacts your physical body and your outer circumstances. You hold the power within you to change these inner signals, change your brain and nervous system and generate major change in your life! Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV to practice a powerful tool that immediately ignites changes in your brain and...
Published 02/24/24
We all have that one relationship that really gets our goat. A person or a trigger we're carrying around that comes up again and again, even after many years. It not only affects everything in your life, it directly impacts your body and your health! Are you ready to drop that unwanted emotional baggage and have fulfilling loving relationships now? Listen to this episode of MindBody TV where we used EFT Meridian Tapping to dig up the core of what you've been carrying that's ready to go! We...
Published 02/17/24
When you fight your body you both lose. Autoimmune disease is the body attacking itself. Your cells are actually listening to and playing out your inner consciousness. Are you at war with yourself? Battling against life? It's going to show up in your body. Ready to end the war? Whether you're experiencing Autoimmune Disease, chronic illness, or just ready to stop struggling in your life and live at peace…Listen to this episode of MindBody TV. I'll guide you in using EFT Meridian Tapping, a...
Published 02/10/24
Feeling sick? Hoping you don't get sick? Feel better right away by strengthening your immune system. Let's activate self-healing now! Watch this episode of MindBody TV where I shared the 4 biggest blocks that slow healing when you're sick, and guide you through some EFT Meridian Tapping to release those and speed your recovery now! ***** Access The MindBody Toolkit Here: https://drkimd.com/book/ Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Published 02/03/24
Are you ready for major changes in your life? Do you feel that there are areas of your life that are held back? What if you are here on this planet to live a fully abundant life and release yourself from all limitations? What if you could leave behind the linear, limited reality where your value is dependent on outer factors, your worth is conditional, and you have to achieve more and more to survive? We are creators and we can live an incredible and full life when we become more conscious...
Published 01/27/24
Your body is a manifestation machine! And it all depends on your personal frequency. Your system is constantly sending signals to everyone and everything around you to impact your physical reality and situations. You can change everything when you remember where your true power lies. Watch this episode of MindBody TV where I'll share the 3 essential steps of conscious manifestation to allow an increase in your frequency so your highest situations and reality show up and your world expands...
Published 01/20/24
Your true desires are not a pipe dream, and you're not just making them up. They are the blueprint within your heart for everything you are here to be and receive! You are the one responsible for letting those heart's desires come to life. So how do you tap into your TRUE desires and navigate your way? Listen to this powerful episode of MindBody TV where I shared how to tap into your inner power to find and manifest your true heart's desires, and uncover the 3 ways most get derailed with...
Published 01/13/24
Decades of medical science has demonstrated the placebo effect, showing that when we believe a medicine will heal us it is far more likely to do so. But what if you do not believe? Does the mind still influence the body when we're sure we can't heal? Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared what is more powerful than belief and how to use this superpower we all have to activate true healing in your body now! ***** Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com Learn more...
Published 01/06/24
Control is an illusion and sucks away so much of our life force. When we try to control things, our nervous system stays in fight-or-flight, tension, and inflammation that ultimately destroys us. Ironically, the greatest way to have impact and power is actually to surrender. But how do we let go when there's so much overwhelm, so much at stake, and so much intensity and fear around what we care about most? Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where we used EFT Meridian Tapping, one of...
Published 12/30/23
If you're ready to be passionately fulfilled versus just getting through another year, here's what you need to change. Many of us have been caught up in what the ego wants and desires, creating a never-ending state of craving and emptiness. Within us lies the True Self, whose wants are simple and will lead to true fulfillment. Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where we’ll explore how to connect with the True Self and be the invitation for all that truly fulfills you and...
Published 12/23/23
We often muscle our way through things, fighting our problems and struggling to manage our lives. Especially during the holidays, this overwhelm and tension becomes unbearable. What would if feel like to just let go and have everything work out for you? If that were truly how things worked, would you be willing to let some things go? Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared why surrender is the most powerful activator for healing and manifestation and how to let go and let...
Published 12/16/23
Many of us have been trained to think of growth linearly and to think the answers are outside of us. Healing seems like a long journey of trials and trying, and we always have to learn more. What if we remember healing happens exponentially? When we integrate the work of MindBody Medicine, we activate exponential growth! The power is in you. It's not about more and more learning. Listen to this episode of MindBody TV where I share how this work WORKS on you! Become a better receiver, let...
Published 12/09/23
As we awaken and come to see that many societal systems are not as they seem, it may anger or frustrate us. We realize society's views have been manipulated, governing structures are fraudulent, and we've been led to behave in ways that are not in our own best interest. Rather than fight against these findings, which only keep us in the lower frequencies of powerlessness, fear, and anger, what if we simply reclaim our power? Listen to this week's powerful episode of MindBody TV where I'll...
Published 12/02/23
You have within you the capacity to ignite creation in your life. Your system can create health and wealth, or it can create lack, disease, and insolvable problems. The easiest way to ignite your power consistently? Gratitude! Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared a powerful 3-step daily practice to change your brain, change your physiology, and ignite unthinkable miracles in your life regularly. We'll celebrate this Thanksgiving season and ramp up your...
Published 11/25/23
I recently was introduced to an entirely new way of taking care of my dental health. It’s revolutionized my morning self-care routine. My teeth are whiter and feel clean and fresh all day. Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll be joined by Dr. Ellie Phillips. We’ll share where conventional dental care has been amiss, and what you can do to take charge of your full-body health starting with your mouth! ***** Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Published 11/18/23
We spend a huge amount of time and energy in our daily occupation whether it's a job, a business, or just what we're involved with daily. That occupation either feeds you or depletes you. If you are investing more energy into your work than you receive back, you will inevitably deplete your health and energy stores. It doesn't matter how much money you may receive, you will have less wealth by the day. What if instead, you follow your inspiration, do what you love, and create meaning and...
Published 11/11/23