As a physician, it’s my responsibility to explore the best solutions for establishing health and reversing disease. It’s my responsibility to discern what is True and to share that. This means going beyond what I’ve been taught by institutional medicine and finding the courage to dig deeper. In this episode of MindBody TV, I share my personal journey of exiting the medical system, establishing the American Institute of Mind Body Medicine, and finding my way to my heart’s calling. I’m living a...
Published 10/12/24
Your mind is a field of energy. It interacts with the minds of others and creates a force field that either creates harmony…or disorder. What if you could change your MIND to change your RELATIONSHIPS? Join me for this episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share how to transform any relationship into one of harmony to dissolve discord, trauma, and pain, so you are free to be in the greatness of who you are!   **   GET ON THE PRE-ORDER WAITLIST FOR MY NEW BOOK!!...
Published 10/05/24
Your values guide everything you do…and when you’re CONSCIOUS of them, the create miracles. I realized this at our recent business team retreat. We got clear last year on the Core Values of the company and it literally rearranged our world. It brought in aligned team members, and magic is happening! Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share our company’s Core Values, how they activate manifestation in all we do, and how to create your own to ignite unexpected miracles...
Published 09/28/24
Many look down at “alternative medicine,” seeing these healing modalities as merely a side-kick to the real system. However, when we study the origins of the current medical-industrial-complex we find a different picture. (Trigger alert!) Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share the history of how the current, centralized system came to be, and why a new, organic conscious medical system is emerging through ourselves!!   **   There are 3 main ways your body closes...
Published 09/21/24
Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly trying to control everything, but still feel stuck? In this episode of MindBody TV, I’m diving deep into how you can shift from living in survival mode—constantly fighting, fleeing, or freezing—into a state of trust and surrender!! It’s 9/11 and this is your reminder that you can turn off the 911 Emergency I’ll show you why our bodies are wired to react to stress the way they do, but more importantly, how you can rewire those patterns to create...
Published 09/14/24
Life’s stressors can easily push all of us into a CONSTANT state of fight or flight… but there’s a way out! Living in fight-or-flight mode can wear down your body, leading to long-term health issues like anxiety, depression, and chronic disease. There’s a science behind why exactly this happens, and there are many practices that can get you out of this and ignite full and limitless healing. In this week’s episode of MBTV, I’ll share the importance of activating your parasympathetic nervous...
Published 09/07/24
This update may surprise you… but it had to be done! I always practice MindBody Medicine and recently it led to me undergoing a major surgery. This may be surprising to those who think self-healing means no medications or that the body always spontaneously resolves everything. However, I’ve learned through decades of practice that true healing requires SURRENDER. When I cleared the energy underneath my symptoms, it became clear very quickly that surgery was my answer. What happened next was...
Published 08/31/24
You are pure energy, not just physical. The physical body has limitations of time and space, but your energy body has capabilities far beyond that. When you remember who you really are, nothing is impossible! Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV and learn the 3 functions of your energy body so you go beyond your perceived limitations and create an all-new world!
Published 08/24/24
There is SO much going on in the world right now that seems crazy. We’re beginning to see that we truly live in a quantum reality -ever changing and made of pure energy. So how to we understand this or get things under control?…We don’t! Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share how to step into a new way of functioning -beyond the mind- where you create beyond linear time and space, and anything is possible! ** Embrace the quantum reality with me! Check out my current...
Published 08/17/24
Molecules of emotion impact every cell in our body and determine whether we live in health or dis-ease. The recently released film Inside Out 2 gives us an entertaining look at just how complex our emotions are and how much they dictate the way we think. But controlling and suppressing emotions has been directly linked to illness. How do we get in flow with our emotions when we feel so overwhelmed? What emotion is in control of your dashboard? Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV...
Published 08/10/24
Your unconscious mind is powerful. It sets the stage for everything happening in your body and also determines the quality of your life. Whether it’s faulty beliefs, past trauma, or unresolved emotions, this stored energy can be toxic…and physical illness can result.You don’t have to keep carrying your old patterns! Your body knows how to digest this energy and release it! Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share how to RESOLVE old unconscious patterns keeping you stuck...
Published 08/03/24
Your beliefs affect your actions which of course affect your health, but did you know your thoughts directly affect your body? There are THREE toxic ideas that have infected many humans like a thought virus, destroying cellular health, and driving behaviors that cause disease. When we see the TRUTH, we are free. Join me for this episode of MindBody TV where I'll introduce you to these 3 toxic ideas so many are carrying, and share how to get your power back, live the Truth, and set yourself...
Published 07/28/24
You have an energy field that emanates beyond your body and impacts your world, your circumstances, and other people. When your attention is scattered outside of you, you shrink this field and diminish it's power. However, when you bring your attention WITHIN, you actually EXPAND this field and INCREASE YOUR FREQUENCY. Without working at it, you can positively impact your world, your body, and your situations by the quality of your attention! Join me for this week's episode of MindBody TV to...
Published 07/20/24
Your body heals itself, your mind and body are connected, and your body is constantly creating!! These 3 principles can change your world. It's time to activate them. As a physician, I've found no greater power than the Life Force that comes through us, and no other approach that trumps this one. That's why I've dedicated my career to assisting YOU in activating your innate abilities to heal. Join me for this week's episode of MindBody TV to learn how to ignite your innate power to heal...
Published 07/13/24
Quantum physicists like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein knew that future medicine would be vibration and frequency. They understood that a quantum shift in our energy creates a massive change in the physical. You do not necessarily need a physical approach to resolve a physical problem! Join me for this week's episode of MindBody TV where I'm joined by Steph Pheffer, a graduate of my Be the Medicine program who has gone on to assist others' healing using a form of vibrational medicine called...
Published 07/06/24
We all have a purpose and calling. When we're aligned with that, we feel more alive, have more energy, and ignite powerful healing! When we're disconnected, we don't know our calling and start following the programming the world says we should do. We slowly die inside and succumb to all kinds of illnesses and thought viruses. What if you could awaken to your purpose and increase your frequency now? It doesn't take long and can change the course of your life. Join me for this week's episode of...
Published 06/29/24
True Joy is NOT about being positive. It's a frequency we embody and it's our natural state. However, many of us are living in resistance to lower states of fear, anger, or shame.... and this dynamically blocks our joy. This is significant because not only does it keep us from living life to the fullest, resistance to the lower frequency states literally makes us sick!   Join me for this week's episode of MindBody TV where I'll share my experience with expanding my "joy quotient" and the KEY...
Published 06/22/24
Do you ever feel jealous seeing others do what you've only dreamed of? Do you cringe when you see someone looking so happy and living a life far beyond the one you're currently living? Jealousy is painful but it's actually a message showing you where you're resisting what your heart desires. It's time to listen to the sarcasm, anger, inadequacy, or jealousy that's coming up, and unlock the true potential of what it's really showing you!! Join me for this week's episode of MindBody TV where...
Published 06/15/24
Whether it's a chronic illness that's not getting better no matter what you do, or challenges in your life that just don't seem to resolve, it can bring up frustration and powerlessness when things don't go our way. If you've been working hard trying to make a change only to find yourself worse than when you began, it's time to tap into your true power for real healing. Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared the real reason things aren't changing and a surefire "go-to"...
Published 06/08/24
This past year, we've had an unprecedented number of testimonials coming in from people who have experienced amazing healing in my Embracing Health program using this work for healing chronic illness. During the month of May, our MindBody TV episodes feature LIVE interaction from our students! You'll hear about their personal journeys and what happened for them during the program and be able to ask them your questions. In this week's final episode, I talked to 3 graduates – Jen Young,...
Published 06/01/24
We've just opened up the doors for my Year Long Integration Program: Embracing Health: https://drkimd.com/health?utm_source=... This past year, we've had an unprecedented number of testimonials coming in from people who have experienced amazing healing in my Embracing Health program using this work for healing chronic illness. For May, MindBody TV will feature LIVE interaction from our students! You'll hear about their journeys and what happened to them during the program and be able to ask...
Published 05/25/24
This past year, we've had an unprecedented number of testimonials coming in from people who have experienced amazing healing in my Embracing Health program using this work for healing chronic illness. For the month of May, MindBody TV will feature LIVE interaction from our students! You'll hear about their personal journeys and what happened for them during the program and be able to ask them your questions! We start MindBody Miracles THIS WEDNESDAY (May 1th at 11am MT/1pm EST) You'll find...
Published 05/18/24
This past year, we've had an unprecedented number of testimonials coming in from people who have experienced amazing healing in my Embracing Health program using this work for healing chronic illness. For the month of May, MindBody TV will feature LIVE interaction from our students! You'll hear about their personal journeys and what happened for them during the program and be able to ask them your questions! We start MindBody Miracles THIS WEDNESDAY (May 1th at 11am MT/1pm EST) You'll find...
Published 05/11/24
This past year, we've had an unprecedented number of testimonials coming in from people who have experienced amazing healing in my Embracing Health program using this work for healing chronic illness. For the month of May, MindBody TV will feature LIVE interaction from our students! You'll hear about their personal journeys and what happened for them during the program and be able to ask them your questions! MindBody Miracles started last WEDNESDAY (May 1th at 11am MT/1pm EST) You'll find...
Published 05/04/24