The theory of #shared fantasy by #sam vaknin has been used in the narcissistic awareness community to describe the interaction between covert narcissists and their targets in the intimate relationship setting. It appears to purport an equal measure of pathology to both the narcissist and their victim/target with a measure of #victim blaming. This podcast seeks to correct the thinking behind this bias and correct the balance of truth in favour of an empathetic persons reality and good...
Published 01/23/24
Signs you friend maybe a narcissist are listed in this podcast to assist in identifying how a narcissist behaves in a friendship situation. Your bestie, your homie, childhood friend or new friend are all covered here in relation to behaviour pattern recognition of a covert narcissist. Expectations in friendships and how a narcissist will perform and whether they have your best interests at heart are scrutinized by personal examples provided throughout the discussion. #What to expect from...
Published 01/20/24
The layering manipulation of a covert narcissist particularly in an intimate relationship needs to be exposed. Targets of a narcissist often struggle to explain/pinpoint exactly why they feel so unable to extricate themselves from this, under the radar, currently unnamed, brainwashing by their partner. I have termed this technique ‘ownership grooming’ as that is ultimately the desired psychological outcome of this sixth dimensional practice. Understanding and educating yourself on NPD is key...
Published 01/13/24
What are the typical traits of a narcissist? What are the typical behaviours of a narcissist? This podcast uses the example of Megan Markle’s public behaviours to analyse a typical trajectory of a covert narcissist/npd in the intimate relationship setting and how that plays out. This is an opinion based analysis of events that have been previously reported upon in the public arena. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] Donations Greatly Appreciated https://youtu.be/DBpFVv2_nF8 Support...
Published 01/06/24
Narcissists take a lot of things away from others in that they, steal that, which is not theirs. If you are currently contemplating an attempt to make a relationship work with a narcissist, firstly be aware of the potential consequences. Listed in this Podcast are 10 things a narcissist will try to steal from you, should you become involved, in any capacity, over a period of time in close quarters, with a covert narcissist. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] Donations Gratefully...
Published 12/30/23
Putting structures on what actually happened in your relationship with a narcissist will considerably expedite a healing journey. Referring to this structural basic will dissipate cognitive dissonance and definitively assist in clearing a trauma bond. To reset neurological grooming patterns, landing back to this basic truth should be of value. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/zES93_GGZ5s Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising...
Published 12/27/23
Narcissists operate in all areas of life including being over represented on Social Media in the form of Trolls. Normally ignoring and blocking their nasty comments is the way to go. For the purposes of educating ourselves on how narcissists operate, this podcast provides an analysis of why narcissists leave such malign destructive comments, and what they mean by them. The more a narcissist attacks, the more effective the information being provided here is, as it’s effecting their ability...
Published 12/20/23
There are certain people who share certain characteristics that threaten the narcissists sense of control. Central to a narcissist’s very existence and false reality is their sense of controlling people and situations with ease. Anyone who threatens a narcissist’s ability to use their narcissism to survive and advance in life is to be feared. It’s vital to learn these particular traits going forward to deter narcissists from pursuing us, by adopting these traits ourselves. Coaching...
Published 12/15/23
Covert narcissists have understood this particular manipulation long before modern day commercial training programs used similar techniques in Goal setting and bonus payout incentives. Lovebombing combined with future faking are used by all narcissists who play out of the same evil handbook. The Narcissist essentially trades on the dreams of others. Narcissists give their targets the impression that following their agendas will be a benefit to them, while the only person it benefits is the...
Published 12/11/23
When the Narcissist hears you have moved on in your life post discard or after leaving a narcissist, that situation represents a new trigger to hoover in order to maintain control. The alternative to benefitting from the narcissist’s targets new gained success in life, is to attempt to sabotage it, either tactics are simply about controlling the narrative. Narcissistic supply is obtained once control is maintained or reasserted. Coaching Enquiries -...
Published 12/07/23
The self referencing covert narcissist makes special occasions about themselves always in order to maintain their sense of control and entitlement. Usually they use drama, triangulation and manipulation to take away from your enjoyment of previously joyous occasions. This is a behaviour pattern related to special occasions that is another step towards deciding if a person is displaying narcissistic tendencies. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/lu1CFa9Im9w Support...
Published 12/04/23
What criteria do narcissists use when choosing a new intimate partner or #new supply source? The narcissist’s circumstances, plus ease of control, marry into their decision making process in deciding whether they choose you or someone else, to become their next primary source of narcissistic supply. Listed are 10 important attributes a covert narcissist will search for in a new partner to determine their final choice. Coaching Enquiries -...
Published 11/29/23
#How to find out if they Are a narcissist? Questions to ask to see if the person you are having a relationship with is a toxic narcissist NPD. Narcissistic people struggle to answer these 7 questions easily, and, their answers reveal a lot, to the observant listener, as to how their potential partner is thinking and, does think about relationships in general. If you are dealing with a grandiose narcissist these questions will be very anti narcissism and they will not be particularly welcome...
Published 11/26/23
The difficulty overcoming a relationship with a narcissist and escaping the cognitive dissonance and Traumabond, can be understood by analysis of the relationship’s illusory nature. An evil Hall of Reflections/mirrors from the Narcissist to their target distorts their partners grip on reality and negatively effects their decision making process. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/plcryxXiq8w Support this podcast at —...
Published 11/21/23
Three criteria impact the expediency of a narcissists hoovering an ex back into the formal relationship examined in this podcast. Just one of the circumstances may be enough to determine a hoover attempt sooner rather than later, but all three situations being aligned will cause an earlier re engagement.. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/Qg0YBFYkoSU Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising Inquiries:...
Published 11/17/23
Narcissists hook their targets in through a form of love bombing validation in order to secure them for narcissistic supply extraction. The target’s self belief is manipulated to rise on the narcissists instruction covertly and fall accordingly in the devaluation phase. A prime example of honing in on negative self beliefs and amplifying them for gain can be seen in Megan Markles takeover of Prince Harry’s unresolved familial issues. Overcoming the distortion of the self is an intricate...
Published 11/15/23
Cognitive Dissonance is very debilitating until we understand who lives behind the narcissist’s mask, who or what is the operating force behind the fake persona. From inception, to development, to adult presentation understanding the identity or maturity of the narcissist is crucial to healing. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/6vd6RDlD8F8 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy...
Published 11/07/23
If a Narcissist isn’t classified as Evil but they carry out destructive actions how do we define those actions? This podcast looks at narcissism in the overall context of whether NPD is JUST a personality disorder or is there a spiritual element involved in certain behaviours that cannot be explained away by physiology or psychology. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/D8OuhxnPeLo Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising Inquiries:...
Published 11/03/23
The Narcissist’s Smear Campaign is an essential part of their agenda in justifying the means they use to take from you all the can and ultimately throw you under the bus as if you deserved this outcome. Part 1 of this mini series looks at the inception and beginnings of the gradual build up of the smearing of your person to Part 2 and the benefits to the Narcissist in activating an open campaign against you. Part 3 will cover how best to deal with the Narcissists smear campaign. Coaching...
Published 10/31/23
The Narcissist’s Smear Campaign is an essential part of their agenda in justifying the means they use to take from you all the can and ultimately throw you under the bus as if you deserved this outcome. Part 1 of this mini series looks at the inception and beginnings of the gradual build up of the smearing of your person to Part 2 and the benefits to the Narcissist in activating an open campaign against you. Part 3 will cover how best to deal with the Narcissists smear campaign. Coaching...
Published 10/27/23
Narcissists operate in a dark energy with agendas, knowing this is both educational and life enhancing. Navigating such relationships is extremely complex. There are two crossroads in the trajectory of a relationship with an NPD that ultimately when navigated with discernment and light can be the making of a human being. Stay in the light. Coaching Enquires - [email protected] https://youtu.be/fxrIpsfyTCs Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising...
Published 10/23/23
The spiritual aspects of narcissism are often not discussed by the Psychological community and the motivations behind a narcissist's negative and destructive behaviors. It is interesting and indeed essential to understand the energy behind the behaviors of the narcissistic personality disorder where behaviors are often emersed in darkness. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/OX5CjXe2yck Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising...
Published 10/19/23
There are many ways to decipher the nature and characteristics of a particular narcissist you may be dealing with or have dealt with in the past. Get a pen and paper ready to use this method to profile your ex partner , family or workplace narcissist. Find out who was really lurking behind the fake persona/mask, to fully understand the interactions that occurred in your relationship. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/364VCf8wQnw Support this podcast at —...
Published 10/16/23
How to win in an argument with a narcissist. Phrases to use while a narcissist is trying to trigger you in an argument and how to empower yourself by implementing boundaries using phrases that narcissists dislike. Cut off narcissistic supply by using these phrases when dealing with most situations with narcissistic individuals. Coaching - [email protected] https://youtu.be/Y-G0RNa6UU8 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising Inquiries:...
Published 10/13/23
Knowledge is power, arguing and revealing information to a narcissist is essentially offering yourself up to them on a plate. Tempting as it is to call out a narcissist and tell them you know who they are, here are alternatives to taking that action that will far better serve you. Coaching Enquiries - [email protected] https://youtu.be/7KjSbvXHogU Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/narcon/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out:...
Published 10/10/23