Discourse of Lover's Absence(English Version)
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Endlessly I sustainthe discourse of thebeloved's absence; actually a preposterous situation; the other is absentas referent, present as allocutory. Thissingular distortion generatesa kindof insupportablepresent ; Iam wedged between two tenses,that of thereference and that of the allocution: you have gone (which I lament) ,  you arehere (since I am addressing you). Whereupon I know what thepresent, thatdifficult tense, is : apure portion of anxiety. Absence persists--I must endure it.  Hence I willmanipulateit: transformthe distortion of time into oscillation, produce rhythm, make an entranceon to the stage of language (language is bornof absence: the child hasmade himself a doll out of a spool, throws it away and picks it up again , miming the mother's departureand return:a paradigm is created). Absence becomes anactive practice,abusiness(which keeps me from doing anything else); there is a creation of a fictionwhich has many roles (doubts,reproaches, desires, melancholies). Thisstaging of language postpones the other'sdeath: a very short interval, we are told, separatesthe time during which the child still believes his mother to be absent and the time during which he believes her to be already dead.To manipulate absence is to extend this interval, to delay as long as possible the moment when the other might topple sharply from absence into death.
More Episodes
Historically, thediscourse of absence is carried on bythe Woman : Woman is sedentary,Man hunts, journeys; Woman is faithful (she waits ), man is fickle(he sails away, he cruises) . It is Woman who gives shape to absence, elaborates its fiction, for she has time to do so;  she weaves and she...
Published 04/28/22
要追溯历史的话,倾诉离愁别绪的是女人:女人在一处呆着,男人外出狩猎,四处奔波;女人专一(她得等待),男子多变(他扬帆远航,浪迹天涯)。于是,是女人酿出了思夫的情愫,并不断添枝加叶,因为她有的是时间;她边纺织边浅吟低唱,纺织小曲里透露出安详宁静(纺锤发出单调的嗡嗡声)和怅然若失(听来那么遥远,风尘仆仆的节奏,大海的汹涌,车行的辚辚声)。 由此看来,一个男子若要倾诉对远方情人的思念便会显示出某种女子气:这个处于等待和痛苦中的男子奇迹般地女性化了。男子女性化的原因主要不在于他所处位置的颠倒,而在于他的恋爱。
Published 04/27/22