EP. 41 - Childhood Diabetes
During National Diabetes Month we also need to pay key attention to children with diabetes also, especially with the new rising numbers with type 2 diabetes. Children have it a little harder when it comes to diabetes because of the lack of insulin they have to be watched a little more. Knowing how to deal with diabetes and how to prevent it is hard work so join us today and bring an awareness and end to childhood diabetes.
Welcome back Nutribirds!
On todays episode we are covering everything milk. Recently the dairy isle has gotten bigger and bigger over the years mainly due to the rising popularity of milk alternatives. Milk is a staple when it comes to nutrition mainly becasue it provides so many great benefits...
Published 10/25/23
Welcome back Nutribirds!
On todays episode we are talking about a topic so near and dear to our hearts, packing a school lunch for your kids. We loved packing lunches for our kids mainly because we know we can control the food they have while at school. Some schools have great programs for...
Published 10/18/23