A show where a sheltered trivia Mormon with a lateral lisp teams up with an ex addict/alcoholic that is entirely narcissistic and feels the need to prove himself talk about things and see who has a greater comeback. No humility here. Also learn how to correctly pronounce her name if you’re going to consistently circle jerk your egos.
SeaSiren11 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/06/24
More reviews of Omnibus
I am a big fan of the concept and I enjoy listening to both presenters (on other podcasts as well,) however, the format is too long for amount of content. 50 minutes is a long time to get to the bottom of thing.
jr_fortin via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/22/17
This podcast has been indispensable for us “futurians” in understanding the history and culture of your time
incompetentuser via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/14/17
I don't want to bash other pop-trivia podcasts, but scrolling the front page of Reddit does not qualify one to enlighten society. John and Ken are the alkaseltzer of encyclopedic human knowledge. With no discernable effort on either side, they play a daring game of witty repartee chicken....Read full review »
jdmarchant via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/06/18
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