In this episode we talk about gathering information in a health history form, and the importance of certain questions. We also talk about having different questions and forms for different age groups.
Published 05/25/23
Published 05/25/23
In this episode we talk about some of the ways you can improve your clinical environment for the treatment of children, there are different considerations for different age groups, and knowing this is helpful in safe and effective treatments. We are not specialists with children, and are open to any and all idea you have that could help us!
Published 05/02/23
In this episode we review the knee, its mechanics and some osteopathic considerations in treatment. The knee is one part of the body, and in osteopathy the body must be seen as a whole, and treated as such.
Published 04/13/23
In this episode we talk about the process of a treatment, and how to go about putting a treatment together. There are many ways to do this, and this is by no means the only way, but it has some ideas and thoughts we would like to share with you about our experiences.
Published 04/04/23
In this episode we talk about dosing in treatment. This refers to a handful of things inside and outside of the treatment room, ultimately giving some of our thoughts around how to decide how frequent to see a patient, how much change should be made in any given appointment, and how to know you've done too much.
Published 03/28/23
We talk about when, why and how Osteopathy can be beneficial or negative when being treated while under the weather. Traditionally, this was what Osteopathy was used for, how can we use it now?
Published 03/21/23
In this episode we review the anatomy, function and some of the osteopathic considerations in assessment and treatment of the ankle and the associated structure above and below.  This series of podcasts specific to joints or regions may leave out some key concepts of treating the whole, in the attempt to have a discussion on the region mentioned. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please message us at @osteocast_ or OsteoCast on Facebook 
Published 03/16/23
Origin story This episode we talk about how we came to finding the beautiful art of osteopathy and how it pulled us towards itself.  We are ever so grateful to have found it, and be able to practice its art on a daily basis. 
Published 03/08/23
In this episode we review and follow up on our treatment plans and results with the case studies we discussed on November 11 2022.  Going over the success story and current position of the case studies.  We love case study discussion as it drives thought and interaction, if you have a patient, or yourself would like us to review your case send it in!
Published 02/27/23
We chat about out business and personal goals from 2022 and 2023.  A great way to kick off 2023, and out first podcast of the year We appreciate you listening!
Published 02/07/23
In this episode we do a recap on how our years went, and an update over the holidays  See you all in the new year!
Published 12/23/22
In this episode we talk about something you can do at home to Improve your circulation and some ideas or concepts around treatment.
Published 12/12/22
In this episode we talk about breathing, the importance of it, and how osteopathy can help improve it.  Why is efficient breathing so important? You have to breath to survive, but are you breathing optimally?
Published 12/05/22
In this episode we talk about the different pressure systems in the body and why they are important to not only be maintained, but the importance of relative pressure from system to system. We also discuss some of the things to consider and when this may be important when working in the clinic.
Published 11/22/22
In this episode we chat about a case study of Sara's in which has had numerous bone breaks, and neurological conditions. Discussing some options for treatment, what she has been working on and how it has been helping the client. 
Published 11/11/22
In this episode we talk about digestion, how the body naturally detoxifies itself through that system, and a few other important systems.  Some of the questions we talk about with patients, and some of the treatment considerations.
Published 11/07/22
In this episode we talk about osteopathy and how it can help someone dealing with neurological conditions. Osteopathy Doesn't treat medical diagnosis, but is great in improving the overall health of the person. 
Published 10/29/22
In this episode we talk about a patient question, in which they hurt there mid back by coughing. We get into breathing, and coughing, what the purpose of the cough is, why we do it and if coughs are good or bad.  It is an interesting chat, and if you have any feedback please let us know!
Published 10/21/22
In this episode we talk about working with patients who may not be able to move around, lay down supine or lateral with restricted positions, how to work with these patients and help them along their rehab process.  @osteocast_ on instagram
Published 10/14/22
In this episode we talk about Sara and Amanda's experience, learning and application of the courses they have been attending recently.; The most recent is the SER- somato emotional release course.
Published 10/07/22
In this episode we talk about the importance of working with other professions, other practitioners and developing a better understanding for osteopathy.  We see it as very important to understand what other professions do, how they practice and how they can help out patients in order to best guide our patients in their healing process. We also talk about the importance of working with other Osteos to share thoughts and ideas and always be progressing. If you have anything to add,...
Published 09/25/22
In this episode we go over two case studies. One patient with back pain and reoccurring pain The second patient with digestive issues and bloating  If you have comments to help us learn, or have questions reach out @osteocast_
Published 09/18/22
We talk about being back, some of the things we were up to over the last few months, the patterns we've seen in clinic and why we may think they have been present! We appreciate you listening and are excited to get back and share with you! @osteocast_
Published 09/08/22
In this episode we talk about the jaw, its main motion mechanics and some of the components to consider when looking at jaw complaints.  This includes the anterior soft tissues, the shoulders, the neck, all other associated tissues.  Also, we announce a hiatus over the course of the remainder of the summer. We are having lots going on right now, renovations I our homes, relocating both a home and clinic to another city.  We apologize for this little hiatus but encourage you to...
Published 07/23/22