Are you preparing to write a paper? Do you get anxious, not knowing what the outcome of this long process is going to be? Today, I'm sharing with you a treasure from the Papa PhD vault: my conversation with Anna Clemens, whose specialty is to coach researchers on how to write for journal articles. During our conversation, Anna talked about how to systematize article writing, she talked about the importance of how to communicate with editors, and she also talked about what mindset to have...
Published 07/25/24
Published 07/25/24
Dans ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD, découvre comment devenir visible et attractif dans le secteur privé. Avec mon invitée, Julie Lopes, explore des stratégies comme la visualisation, la présence sur LinkedIn, et le développement d'un mindset positif quand à la recherche d'emploi.Ne manque pas nos conseils pour mieux communiquer avec les entreprises et développer ton réseautage professionnel dès maintenant ! Julie Lopes est docteure en...
Published 07/18/24
Welcome to another episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD! Today, we're diving into the fascinating interface between science and comedy. Our guest – Lexa Graham – is a Toronto comedian and writer with a master's degree in chemical engineering. During our conversation, Lexa shares her journey from the lab to the stage, revealing how she struggled with the practical aspects of chemistry but found joy in teaching it, eventually deciding to "master out" instead of pursuing a PhD.In it we...
Published 07/11/24
Dans ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD intitulé "Du labo au cubicule : Conseiller le gouvernement avec un PhD en biochimie", j'accueille Gaëlle Bridon, qui a transformé son expertise de recherche en biochimie en une carrière dynamique au sein du ministère de l'économie, de l'innovation et de l'énergie. Gaëlle revient sur son parcours allant de la recherche universitaire à la vente d'instruments scientifiques, et partage comment ces expériences l'ont préparée à analyser des...
Published 07/04/24
Welcome to Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD! In today's episode, I'm thrilled to have Dr. Stephani Mason join us. Dr. Mason, an associate professor of accounting at DePaul University, is renowned for her impactful work on diversity and representation in academia and beyond. Today, we dive into the transformative impact of PhD programs on career paths and the vital role of researchers in non-academic settings and into the raison d'être of The PhD Project - pomoting diversity in faculty in the...
Published 06/27/24
In this episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD I bring you a treasure from the vault from season 1 of the podcast – my conversation with Joe Makkerh, who shares remarkable journey from the rigours of academic research to the pharmaceutical industry, and ultimately to becoming a business owner. Joe shares invaluable insights on the importance of being approachable, of selflessly helping others, and on the courage to seek help when you need it.In it we delve into the romanticized perception...
Published 06/20/24
Dans ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD, je plonge au cœur du congrès ComSciCon 2024 pour explorer les évolutions marquantes de l'événement au cours des cinq dernières années et pour avoir le témoignage des jeunes scientifiques qui y participent cette année. Découvre c'est quoi ComSciCon Québec, l'importance grandissante de la communication scientifique pour les jeunes scientifiques et les ateliers innovants proposés durant les trois jours du congrès pour enrichir tes...
Published 06/13/24
In this new episode titled "Building a Career Out of Making Science Fun", I sit down with the ever-enthusiastic Elodie Chabrol to dive into the world of science communication. During our conversation, Elodie shares her inspiring journey from a traditional research career to becoming a full-time freelance science communicator.Throughout our conversation, Elodie talks about the challenges and rewards of her career shift and about her overarching goal of countering misinformation through...
Published 06/06/24
Bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD intitulé "Vulgarisation : de la recherche à l’entreprenariat" ! Dans cette entrevue avec Manon Fantino-Lalonde je discute de la vulgarisation scientifique et de son lien avec l'entrepreneuriat scientifique.Au fil de notre conversation, Manon partage son parcours, de son passage par la compétition sportive en France à sa passion pour la nutrition. Ensemble, nous avons a tracé des liens entre la diversité des pratiques et des...
Published 05/30/24
Storytelling is not just a tool for entertainment; it is a powerful medium for communicating complex ideas in a relatable and impactful manner. In this episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD, Dr. Leslie Berntsen highlights why leveraging science communication is important, as a PhD, and how embedding your results within personal stories makes science more accessible and engaging to the general public. Adding this human touch to how we talk about science allows us to bridge the gap between...
Published 05/23/24
This week on Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD, I am bringing you a listener favorite about the imposter phenomenon in academia and beyond – my Season 4 conversation with Marc Reid, PhD, author of You Are Not a Fraud - A Scientist's Guide to the Imposter Phenomenon.Imposter feelings are ubiquitous in graduate school and throughout your career, especially after pivots into a new position or a new space.Marc has put a lot of thought into this question and I am super grateful he could come on the...
Published 05/16/24
In this week's episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD, I sat down with the Dominique Louër, a 4th-year PhD candidate at McGill University. Dominique shared her journey as a first-gen graduate student overcoming multiple challenges, from losing a supervisor to facing down imposter syndrome. Despite the hurdles she faced, Dominique championed a passion for neurolinguistics and clinched victory at the recent McGill 3MT final. Her resilience and the importance of mentorship and community in...
Published 05/09/24
This week on Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD, I'm thrilled to welcome Don Martin, an expert in graduate enrollment and the founder of Grad School Roadmap. In this episode, Don shares his personal journey from being the first in his peer group to attend college and graduate school to helping others overcome the hurdles of graduate program applications. We delve into the nuances of the graduate admissions process, emphasizing the importance of interpersonal skills, of good recommendation...
Published 05/02/24
Welcome to this insightful episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD, where we delve deep into the complexities of embracing life as a PhD and the broader challenges faced by those in academia, through the prism of our guest's research on high-performing professionals from the gig economy. In this episode I'm joined once again by the Professor Sue Ashford from the University of Michigan, whose prolific research on self-leadership and personal growth sheds light on the unique pressures and...
Published 04/25/24
Nous ne sommes pas tous faits pareils. Ce qui nous motive, ce qui nous passionne, nos valeurs, nos priorités dans la vie, tous ces traits font de nous qui nous sommes, avec notre style particulier, avec nos besoins particuliers, avec nos tocs particuliers. Cette semaine sur Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD, je t'apporte un autre trésor de la voûte – ma conversation avec Mrim Boutla, où l'on trace des liens entre la neuroplasticité, les différentes approches à l’expérience du doctorat, et les...
Published 04/18/24
Welcome to a new episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD!In this episode, David is joined by Jonathan Adler, professor of psychology at Olin College of Engineering to explore the profound intersections of science, story-telling, and identity. Delve into the importance of selecting the right PhD program and lab, and discover Jonathan's unique perspective on understanding life's narrative through the concept of narrative identity.During the conversation, Jonathan shares his insights into the...
Published 04/11/24
Welcome to a new episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD, where we dive deep into the world of personal and interpersonal effectiveness with Professor Sue Ashford of the University of Michigan.In this enlightening conversation, Sue shares insights from her recent book, "The Power of Flexing," revealing strategies for self-leadership and growth that are applicable both inside and outside academia. Whether you're a graduate student finding your path, a career professional seeking growth, or...
Published 04/04/24
Cette semaine sur Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD, je t'apporte un épisode spécial Podcasthon 2024, où je te présente une association dont la mission est de créer un environnement et une communauté propices à la rédaction de thèse et d'articles - Thèsez-vous.Née en 2015, lors de la première retraite de rédaction organisée par et pour les étudiant.e.s, Thèsez-vous a pour mission la mise en place d’environnements physiques et humains réfléchis pour faciliter la rédaction universitaire....
Published 03/28/24
Are you a graduate student struggling to maintain your focus amidst a barrage of digital distractions? In this episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD we dive deep with into the secrets of optimizing your focus and attention. Gloria Mark, PhD in psychology and Chancellor's Professor Emerita at UC Irvine. Discover how like meta awareness and identifying your attentional rhythms can help you make the most of your graduate school journey. Don't miss out on expert advice that promises to...
Published 03/21/24
Bienvenue sur « Horizon PhD » - le balado qui explore des milieux insoupçonnés où tu peux mettre en valeur ton doctorat.Dans cet épisode, je t’emmène dans un univers très jeune - celui du conseil scientifique aux villes.Pour nous guider dans ce nouveau système où tu peux t'intégrer comme scientifique en résidence avec les FRQ, je t'apporte Julie-Maude Normandin - conseillère scientifique en chef à la ville de Longueil. AvecJulie-Maude, on a parlé, entre...
Published 03/14/24
In this treasure from the Papa PhD vault, I bring you my Season 1 conversation with Fiona Robinson. During our conversation, Fiona shares her insights on pushing through in graduate school and in life, and on her take on finding a fulfilling professional life outside of academia. Following a PhD in RNA Biochemistry at Cambridge University and a post-doc in developmental neurobiology/oncology at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, Fiona moved to Montréal...
Published 03/07/24
Struggling with anxiety, the fear of evaluation, or just feeling overwhelmed in grad school? You're not alone.Join host David Mendes with special guest Dr. Jessica Schleider, Associate Psychology Professor at Northwestern University, as they dive deep into the mental health challenges faced by graduate students around the world, today. Jessica L. Schleider, PhD, is Associate professor of psychology at Northwestern University, where she directs the Lab for...
Published 02/29/24
Welcome to a new collab episode of the PhD Dojo with The 2nd Lab.In this new episode of the PhD Dojo, Gad Sabbatier asks me about what I mean when I talk about cognitive dissonance about career prospects as it is experienced by graduate students.Join us in this new Dojo and write us at [email protected] if you have a cognitive dissonance story to share! This episode’s resources: The 2nd Lab | TwitterThe 2nd Lab | LinkedInThe 2nd Lab | WebsiteIf you find value in Papa PhD and...
Published 02/22/24
Bienvenue à ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD en collaboration avec la bourse Pre-Amp d'Amplitude Ventures !Cette semaine, je parle avec Michael Mee et Virginie Petel-Légaré de la bourse Pre-Amp, un programme d'été qui transporte les jeunes scientifiques ua doctorat dans l'univers de la création d'entreprises et du capital de risque. Michael Mee est directeur chez Amplitude Ventures,...
Published 02/15/24