Reversals are, after all, an unmistakable sign that something went wrong.  - Barbara Kellerman Leaders make decisions; those are the tasks that leaders are paid do.  How do you make decisions?  What is your process?  How valued is everyone in your organization when making decisions?   Mentioned in today's episode: Leadership from Bad to Worse: What Happens When Bad Festers, by Barbara Kellerman Mentioned in today's episode: Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take...
Published 06/20/24
Published 06/13/24
Good values are (1) reality-based, (2) socially constructive, (3) immediate and controllable.  Bad values are (1) superstitious, (2) socially destructive, and (2) not immediate or controllable.  - Mark Manson When setting the Core Values of your organization, finding the right values is absolutely essential.  Are your values controllable?  Do your people have the choice to meet those values?  Can you teach, monitor, and assess those values?     Mentioned in today's episode: The Subtle Art...
Published 06/13/24
The leader serves as a living law. - Xenophon Do you exemplify your organization's core values in your own professional life?  How about your personal life?  Have you established a culture of accountability between yourself and your followers? Mentioned in today's episode: Xenophon's Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War, edited by Larry Hedrick Mentioned in today's episode: Cyropaedia: The Wisdom of Cyrus the Great, by Xenophon Related book: The Education of Cyrus, translated...
Published 06/06/24
A measure won't drive behavior if it doesn't maintain attention, and it certainly won't maintain attention if it's rarely assessed. - Joseph Grenny, et al. As a leader, do your methods match your mission, and does your mission match your methods?  Are you assessing the things you say you care about, or is what you actually care about being driven by the things you actually assess? Mentioned in today's episode: Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, by Joseph Grenny, et al. Related...
Published 05/30/24
Assess the things you value; don't value the things that are easiest to assess.  (paraphrased) - Mitchel Resnick As a leader, are you doing the hard work of finding a way to actually assess the things you say you value?  Or do you default to assessing anything that's easy to assess, essentially ignoring your values?   Mentioned in today's episode: Lifelong Kindergarten, by Mitchel Resnick Mentioned in today's episode: Freakonomics, by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt Related book:...
Published 05/23/24
When you have a value printed on posters and hanging on the walls, but you don't dig into the behaviors that support it and teach people those behaviors, you're in b* territory.  - Brene Brown Are you the leader who focuses on management tasks while hoping the sign on the wall teaches your followers leadership?     Get the book referenced in today's episode here: https://amzn.to/44JUK9z
Published 05/16/24
Leaders in every industry are always looking out for new quotes to motivate, inspire, or provide direction to their community.  In Quotable Leadership, Dr. Mark Rerick not only shares leadership quotes he's found, he looks for the leadership wisdom within the quote.
Published 05/13/24