Join me for a progress update!
Published 09/09/24
Published 09/09/24
Join me for a good news update and a plot twist
Published 08/30/24
Join me for some great news!
Published 08/21/24
Join me?
Published 08/12/24
Join me.
Published 07/29/24
Join me!
Published 07/27/24
Join me.
Published 07/26/24
Join me for an update on life and raw since leaving my day job!
Published 07/19/24
Join me for an update on all the things!
Published 07/03/24
Join me for challenges, victories, defeats and the pre-launch of a great experiment! Also, learn a little about True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, California and hear my favorite True North patient testimonial!
Published 06/22/24
Join me for an update!
Published 06/06/24
Join me for probably my longest episode ever. Thank you for listening. It helped. I hope it helps you too. If you ever wish to reach out, email me at [email protected]
Published 05/26/24
Join me for a an unusual episode of doctor's appointments, super-sleuthing and puzzling this out.
Published 05/08/24
Join me for a chat about raw vegan challenges and victories!
Published 05/08/24
Join me for a little travel, Melissa Maris' Hand Salads uncook book, a little spill at work and my progress in general!
Published 04/23/24
Join me for the portion of Green for Life that includes the surveys from the Roseburg Study!
Published 03/27/24
Join me for more riveting chapters from Green for Life!
Published 03/20/24
Join me for more of this absolutely incredible book!
Published 03/14/24
Join me for more of Green for Life and a look at acidity & alkalinity, as well as an update on my Grape Cure journey
Published 03/13/24
Join me for the shortest episode ever, lol... less than eight minutes, due to the rest of the household awakening.
Published 02/28/24
Join me for several more chapters of another one of Victoria Boutenko's incredible books, Green for Life.
Published 02/28/24
Join me for three more chapters of Victoria Boutenko's fantastically researched Green for Life!
Published 02/27/24
Join me for another great read. In my humble opinion, Victoria Boutenko's Green for Life should be required reading for every human being. Do with this information what you please, but know that if implemented, it will change your life. I implore you to purchase a copy of this incredible book for the delicious recipes, fascinating research and I hope you share it far and wide. Some books are meant to pass through our hands again and again.
Published 02/27/24