Join me for the reading of the remainder of Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening by The Boutenko Family.
Published 02/23/24
Join me for the first chapter of my favorite raw book and I believe, the first raw book I read back in 2000, the year it was published! Get comfy! This is an EXCELLENT, highly entertaining and inspiring story!
Published 02/23/24
Join me for the final chapters of Johanna Brandt's The Grape Cure!
Published 02/23/24
Join me for the next three chapters of The Grape Cure written by nurse Johanna Brandt in 1925. For nine years she managed to prevent her stomach cancer from growing and spreading, but was unable to heal herself completely. Then she did The Grape Cure and healed herself completely (proven through exploratory surgery and evidence of the scar tissue) in just six weeks. She lived several more decades until age 87 in 1968.
Published 02/22/24
Join me today for something completely different! I'm thrilled to say that I'm reading out loud chapters 1-5 of The Grape Cure. I'll read the book in its entirety over the course of the next few podcasts. South African author Johanna Brandt made it her life's work to spread word of her life-saving discovery. After learning how to keep her stomach cancer from growing by experimenting with water fasting, she was able to prove her findings through an exploratory surgery. The surgeon confirmed...
Published 02/21/24
Join me for an extra-long and overdue update on my raw journey, as we explore raw and ADHD, food addiction, self-healing, The Grape Cure and more.
Published 01/29/24
Join me for a few more details of my Ayahuasca experience and an awesome tomato-basil soup recipe!
Published 11/22/23
Join me for an in-depth look at my first Ayahuasca ceremony just one week out!
Published 11/17/23
Join me for a more normal episode... whatever that is.
Published 09/13/23
It's been almost two months since my niece Deven died, and the only raw thing about this episode is my grief. I wish I could be lifting you up right now instead, but this is the truth of where I am.
Published 07/22/23
Discussing some heavy happenings this episode. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
Published 06/11/23
Join me for a return to my original solo format with some healing 963Hz + 639 Hz + 396Hz music to boot.
Published 04/19/23
Join me for one of my unprocessed, unedited, raw, reflections. I asked FX if I could do an old school, solo episode and he was all for it.
Published 04/15/23
Meet my new co-host, FX Runzel! Join us for a whole new adventure as we explore everything related to the subconscious mind... which is practically everything.
Published 04/03/23
Join me for a humbling recount of some of the toughest lessons I've learned lately, despite having been in one of the most beautiful places on earth!
Published 02/21/23
Join me for a major heart-to-heart, as I face my many shortcomings, give myself a little credit where credit's due, share my current challenges and discuss podcaster, speaker and author, Peter Shankman's phenomenal book, Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain. How's that for the mother of run-on sentences?! Lastly, please FOLLOW and leave a review on Apple podcasts!
Published 02/05/23
Join me for a very humbling chapter in my nomadic journey.
Published 01/31/23
Join me for a quick update on my nomadic travels, raw vegan lifestyle, writing and animal communication practice!
Published 01/10/23
Join me for a quick touch-base on my nomadic adventures and the realization that if I want to continue to live this lifestyle (and I DO), I need to stay raw and exercise daily. No more monkeying around. Covid brought this into sharp focus for me. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth!
Published 11/15/22
Join me for another series of nomadic adventures!
Published 11/04/22
Join me for another episode on my nomadic world journey to becoming a full-time raw vegan!
Published 10/12/22
Join me for a nomadic update and hear how I'm navigating these new challenges aka opportunities for growth!
Published 10/04/22
Juice Feast III - third time's a charm! Having a blast with animal communication & TikTok, processing visit with my mother and loving life on my way back to Cali for another pupper sit with my favs! Warning: car noise (first and only time I'll subject you to this!)
Published 09/27/22
Join me for a miraculous healing of a relationship!
Published 09/21/22
Join me for an update on my raw nomadic life!
Published 09/12/22