In season 20, episode six of "Relationship Workout for Men," host Vince Vasquez and guest Nihinlola Olowe, a psychotherapist from Lagos, Nigeria, explore the profound emotional impact of infidelity on wives. They delve into the consequences such as trust erosion, decreased self-esteem, and emotional instability, illustrating these with real-world scenarios that highlight the profound distress and potential mental health issues infidelity can cause in women. This episode offers an in-depth loo...
Published 05/16/24
In episode five, season 20 of "Relationship Workout for Men," titled "What if my wife doesn't want sex?", host Vince Vasquez and psychotherapist Nihinlola Olowe from Lagos, Nigeria discuss the complex issue of infidelity arising from a lack of intimacy in marriage. Nihinlola emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying reasons behind a partner's disinterest in sex and advocates for communication and professional help rather than infidelity. This episode explores the rationalizati...
Published 05/16/24
In season 20, episode 4 of "Relationship Workout for Men," Vince Vasquez and guest Nihinlola Olowe, a psychotherapist from Lagos, Nigeria, explore the ethical considerations of monogamy versus polygamy, focusing on the importance of consent and commitment in relationships. They discuss how both monogamous and polygamous relationships require clear communication and mutual consent, highlighting the complexities and legalities involved in different marital arrangements. This episode provides a ...
Published 05/16/24
In episode 3 of season 20, host Vince Vasquez and psychotherapist Nihinlola Olowe from Lagos State, Nigeria, delve into the psychological underpinnings of infidelity, discussing how emotional dissatisfaction, societal norms, and the need for sexual variety drive behaviors. Nihinlola highlights the disparities in societal reactions to male and female infidelity, noting the pressures men face to suppress their vulnerabilities, which can lead to unfaithful behaviors as an outlet. This episode of...
Published 05/16/24
In season 20, episode 2 host Vince Vasquez and guest Nihinlola Olowe, a psychotherapist from Lagos, Nigeria, delve into societal norms and gender roles that influence attitudes toward infidelity. They discuss how traditional and current societal expectations shape behaviors and the perceived rights within a marriage, particularly highlighting the disparities between expectations for men and women. Nihinlola provides compelling insights into the cultural underpinnings that support infidelity i...
Published 05/16/24
In this episode 1 of Season 20, Nihinlola Olowe, a psychotherapist from Lagos, Nigeria, discusses the complex topics of infidelity, cultural and religious acceptance of polygamy, and the moral implications of these practices. She differentiates between consensual polygamy and secretive infidelity, emphasizing that true rights are actions one can confidently claim publicly. This insightful session delves into how societal norms, cultural backgrounds, and religious beliefs shape our understandi...
Published 05/16/24
In Episode Seven of "Relationship Workout for Men," titled "Talk About Sex," host Vince Vasquez and guest Luis Maimoni, a licensed marriage and family therapist, delve into the complexities of sexual relationships within the broader context of commitment. This episode challenges the conventional perceptions of sexuality, advocating for open discussions about desires and preferences to deepen intimacy and understanding in relationships. Luis emphasizes the importance of embracing one's sexual ...
Published 05/05/24
In Episode Six of "Relationship Workout for Men," titled "Grant Yourself Space to Be Yourself," Vince Vasquez and guest Luis Maimoni, a seasoned marriage and family therapist, delve into the unspoken expectations placed on men to maintain a stoic demeanor. They discuss the necessity for men to explore and embrace their authentic selves rather than conforming to societal molds. Luis offers insights on breaking free from the "masculine cage" by advocating for honest self-expression and understa...
Published 05/04/24
In Season 19, Episode Five titled "Pay Attention," host Vince Vasquez and licensed marriage and family therapist Luis Maimoni explore the misconceptions about understanding women. They discuss how men are often portrayed as disconnected from women's thoughts and feelings, and how this contributes to a gap in understanding between genders. Luis emphasizes the importance of asking women directly about their feelings and genuinely listening to their responses without rushing to give advice. This...
Published 05/04/24
In Episode Four titled "Invest in Your Relationship," host Vince Vasquez discusses with Luis Maimoni, a licensed marriage and family therapist, how relationships are similar to bank accounts: what you invest, you benefit from. They explore practical ways to nurture relationships by recognizing and responding to partners' efforts with empathy and appreciation, emphasizing the importance of not merely reacting during bad moods but actively contributing positively. This episode provides actionab...
Published 05/04/24
In Episode Three "Building Trust and Commitment," host Vince Vasquez engages with Luis Maimoni, a licensed marriage and family therapist, to explore the elements necessary for cultivating trust and commitment in relationships. They discuss the practical application of the ATTUNE method, developed by relationship experts John and Julie Gottman, which includes awareness, tolerance, understanding, non-defensive responding, and empathy. The conversation delves into common pitfalls such as defensi...
Published 05/04/24
In the first episode of Season 19 of "Relationship Workout for Men," host Vince Vasquez and guest Luis Maimoni, a licensed marriage and family therapist, discuss the multifaceted nature of love as both an emotion and a verb. They explore the importance of self-awareness in relationships, emphasizing that love involves not just feelings but also deliberate actions and commitments. The episode underscores the evolving concept of masculinity and the importance of handling conflicts constructivel...
Published 05/04/24
In Season 19, Episode Two: "Transitioning from 'me' to 'we,'" Vince and guest Luis Maimoni, a licensed marriage and family therapist, discuss the importance of shifting focus in relationships from individual desires to collective goals. They delve into the complexities of commitments at various relationship stages and address common challenges like assumptions, expectations, and handling conflicts. This episode explores the necessity of mutual understanding and premarital counseling to naviga...
Published 05/04/24
Season 18, Episode 12 of "Relationship Workout for Men" delves into the nuances of committing to a long-term relationship, emphasizing that such a commitment can bring significant benefits despite common fears and hesitations. This episode discusses how building a life together can deepen companionship and provide mutual support, transforming both partners' lives positively. It encourages listeners to look beyond the immediate apprehensions of commitment, to focus on the long-term rewards of ...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 11 of "Relationship Workout for Men" explores the nuanced decisions of committing, breaking up, or persevering in relationships where children are involved. This episode discusses a five-step action plan tailored to navigating relationship challenges with the added responsibilities of parenthood. It encourages careful consideration of relationship dynamics, the potential impact on children, and the significant adjustments required when deciding the future of a family, advoc...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 9 of "Relationship Workout for Men" delves into the profound dilemmas faced when making life-altering relationship decisions, whether considering a marriage proposal, continuing a long-term relationship, or contemplating separation. This episode guides listeners through the complexities of such decisions, emphasizing the importance of adding analytical thinking to the decision-making process to help avoid future regrets. Next steps? View a guide to the entire podcast ...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 8 of "Relationship Workout for Men" brings an often-sidelined conversation to the forefront: men as victims of abuse in intimate relationships. This episode sheds light on the significant yet under-discussed prevalence of men enduring physical and emotional abuse, addressing the societal stigma that deters many from seeking the help they need. It calls for a shift in societal views on masculinity and victimhood, urging the development of resources and support systems tailor...
Published 04/21/24
In Season 18, Episode 7 of "Relationship Workout for Men," the podcast addresses the complex considerations that come into play when contemplating divorce, especially when children are involved. The episode provides thoughtful insights into how having children shifts the dynamics of fun and drama within a relationship, emphasizing the importance of active participation in family life and the potentially profound implications of choosing to separate. It highlights the need for fathers to creat...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 6 of "Relationship Workout for Men" explores the root causes of drama in relationships, questioning whether they stem from fundamental incompatibilities or from deficiencies in relationship skills. The episode dissects various types of incompatibility and how they can lead to persistent conflict, contrasting these with issues that may be alleviated through improving relationship skills. This episode offers listeners a framework for analyzing their relationships and making i...
Published 04/21/24
In Season 18, Episode 5 of "Relationship Workout for Men," the podcast delves into the intricate power dynamics of relationships, challenging the notion that power lies solely in traditional factors like income or strength. Instead, it puts forward the compelling idea that the true arbiter of power is the capacity to say "no." Through relatable examples, this episode explores how wielding this power impacts partnership responsibilities and intimacy, and how to navigate its use to avoid imbala...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 4 of "Relationship Workout for Men" examines the electrifying yet deceptive role of makeup sex in relationships. While it may act as a temporary bridge to reconnection after conflicts, the episode warns against using it as a sole solution for deeper issues. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize genuine communication over the quick emotional fix that makeup sex provides, and to seek professional guidance if it becomes a repetitive bandage for unresolved problems. This episo...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 3 of "Relationship Workout for Men" gets straight to the point, distilling the essence of a successful long-term relationship into three key desires: companionship, sexual intimacy, and honesty. This episode delves into how men can foster a deep connection that transcends physical pleasure and embraces genuine companionship, nurtured by honest communication and mutual respect. It's a candid look at the effort required to maintain the pillars that support a thriving relation...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 2 of "Relationship Workout for Men" tackles the pivotal choice between commitment and separation. Listeners are invited to confront the reality of their relationships: Are they on the cusp of marriage, contemplating divorce, or struggling with dissatisfaction? This episode sets out to navigate these life-altering decisions, underscoring the profound impact they have, especially when children are involved or when precious years may be slipping away. As emotions run high, the...
Published 04/21/24
Season 18, Episode 1 of "Relationship Workout for Men" dives into the decisive role of action in relationships. This episode challenges listeners to consider their proactive contributions towards improving their partnerships. Highlighting the significance of moving beyond mere words, it delves into the essence of relationship excellence—consistent efforts that go hand in hand with the daily expressions of love and the critical inner voice that can impact one's behavior. Join us as we explore ...
Published 04/21/24