95% of moms feel guilty. And only 19% of dad’s say they feel guilty about parenting. This episode shines a light on a few reasons why moms tend to feel more guilty than dads.  Guilt can be helpful when we have acted outside of our value system.  Guilt is not helpful when we believe that we are bad because of our actions. When guilt begins to shape the way we look at ourselves and becomes a leading force in our identity then guilt is without a doubt unhelpful.  We have been conditioned as...
Published 05/13/24
Published 05/13/24
In this episode I break down something Sasha (from the interview in episode 37) said about why he respected his parents so much. And it came down to the fact that they spent so much time seeking to understand what was going on for him. They didn’t come to the table with assumptions and past stories clouding their judgment of the present moment. Instead, they led with curiosity and really tried to understand what was going on for him in each challenging moment.  This type of parenting...
Published 05/06/24
In this episode I take the lessons we learned in episode 34 about how to engage our children differently so they are more ready, willing and able to collaborate with us, and I share how we as parents need to have these essential buckets filled as well.  I dive into the 4 buckets: Power / Control Connection / Attention Regulation Play  I share how we as parents can shift our mindset even if we cannot shift the structure of our days. I share how we can tune in and really show up for...
Published 04/29/24
In this episode I share about how this journey in responsive parenting isn’t linear. And what it feels like when we take 2 steps back. I talk about what happens when we parent from fear and how we can compassionately bring ourselves back to the path we have chosen to walk on.  I talk about how to shift your mentality and give yourself grace as you grow into the parent you desire to be.  FREE GUIDE! Make sure you grab my Free Guide to Managing Meltdowns. 4 steps to get you through your...
Published 04/22/24
In this episode I interview a mother and son (almost 15 years old) about creating and growing up in a home that is focused on connection, understanding, curiosity and at the core unconditional love. From 6 months - 7 years old Sasha displayed “problematic behaviors” and was kicked out of almost every class, party and activity. He was labeled “weird” and “bad” by friends and some teachers. Today Sasha is one of the most emotionally intelligent kids I’ve met. He is kind, generous, a critical...
Published 04/15/24
In this episode, I break down a comment from someone on social media who said to me “Oh, you’re raising one of ‘those’” in response to a reel I made on feelings. It made me think of how so many people are being triggered by the word “feelings” and so with all the triggering things, I wanted to dive in more!! I talk about WHY feeling your feelings is essential to raising resilient adults who are emotionally stable in conflict or high pressure situations. And I go on to share further about two...
Published 04/08/24
In this episode, I share how I came to the name ResponseABLE and why it resonated with me so much that I decided to build my whole business around it. When I look at the word “responsible” it’s about being accountable and reliable but also taking ownership and control of our actions. And when I took that a step further, it’s being able to CHOOSE how we show up and participate in these moments. We are ABLE as parents to choose how we show up. We are able to choose our responses.  We might be...
Published 04/01/24
In this episode I talk about the 4 central buckets we need to be filling as a parent to maximize our child’s readiness and abilities to comply with our requests without having to use force or coercive tactics to get them to do it.  I break down in detail these four buckets and give you examples on how to use them.  Power/Control Connection/Attention Regulation   Play  This is truly a game changing episode and I can’t wait to hear how you utilize the lessons! FREE GUIDE! Make...
Published 03/25/24
I am BEYOND excited for this conversation! I had the pleasure of speaking with Tanicia Baynes. She is a nervous system regulation expert, mom to identical twin 8-year olds and the woman behind the curtain of The Rooted Experience. In this episode we talk about what the nervous system is, how it informs our parenting reactions and responses and practical strategies you can start using today to help you through moments of dysregulation.  This is one you do NOT want to miss!   AND A BONUS!!!!...
Published 03/18/24
We’re talking about respect again! In this episode I give you a totally new way to look at the word. I believe that the demand for respect is just demanding our children limit the range of emotions and expressions in certain situations and around certain people. We are not teaching them a future beneficial skill when we simply demand “respect.” We are simply teaching them that when a person is older, in a position of authority or power, you need to present yourself smaller, less than, etc in...
Published 03/11/24
There is something about the word “no” that lights up our nervous system and sets us off!  And when we are set off and operating from our reactive center, our emotional center, the part of ourselves that relies on learned coping behaviors, we are entering into a power struggle and we’ve lost the chance to teach a skill. I’m always looking for moments to be more efficient in my parenting. Places where I can heal a bit of myself and impart a skill. In this episode I break down ways to look at...
Published 03/04/24
One of the most amazing ways to teach our children respect is to own our part of the conflict. Owning it and leaving it. Without expectation of a specific response in return or our children coming around and owning their part as well. In this episode I talk about how frustrating moments with our children can make us want to prove our side, justify our reaction, etc. And how easy it is to blame our children for our reaction. “If you hadn’t done this, I wouldn’t do that…”  But at the heart of...
Published 02/26/24
I am SO excited about this episode. Today we are diving into the topic of RESPECT! I get told a lot on social media that I’m not teaching my children respect. But when I dig further with these comments, they always boil down to compliance, obedience, and blind respect to authority.  This episode flips respect on its head. What is respect? How do we teach it? And do we actually deserve it from our kids? FREE GUIDE! Make sure you grab my Free Guide to Managing Meltdowns. 4 steps to get you...
Published 02/19/24
Empathy is SO hard and it’s definitely not our go to parenting tool. But it is a critical step! When we lead with empathy our children begin to trust their sensations, the begin to understand their feelings and they begin to develop a secure sense of Self. Empathy is the pathway to self esteem. When we show our child that they are worthy enough to be listened to, seen, and that we want to understand them, there is no greater gift. We don’t have to fix every problem. What will stick with them...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode I share my feelings around a quote that truly struck me. I cannot for the life of me remember which podcast I was listening to that shared it but I do remember stopping in my tracks, rewinding and typing it down!  Here is the quote: Everything we want in our homes and lives is on the other side of the feelings we think we can’t feel. The actual line between where we are and where we want to go is entirely dependent on the feelings we are willing to feel or not in our nervous...
Published 02/05/24
When you are in the thick of a tantrum it can feel excruciating. And it can feel like it’s never going to end. In this episode I share a story of losing my cool with my 3 year old. And how my response totally shifted his body - and not in a good way. I share openly and vulnerability about this moment in time and all of my takeaways from it. Tantrums and meltdowns are one of the hardest parts of parenting. My hope is that this episode and my community group will help support you and fill the...
Published 01/29/24
In this episode I share a story of trying to teach my son a lesson and how poorly it went! And the reason it went so poorly was because my timing was completely off. I was trying to teach the lesson while he was still dysregulated and so he truly wasn’t grasping or hearing a word I was saying. He was internalizing it as shame, being bad and that he wasn’t a good kid. I also talk about generational cycles of punishment and how this challenges the narrative to teach the lesson outside of the...
Published 01/22/24
In this episode I share one of “ah-ha” moments with my son. Once I had this mental reframe I was able to look at him with so much more curiosity and wonder vs. frustration and confusion. It was truly a freeing moment and since then we’ve been able to enjoy these types of projects so much more together. There is less tension, he has so much more freedom to explore and it really has opened up a whole new way that we interact. I’m excited for you to listen and spend some time this week thinking...
Published 01/15/24
This one is kind of fun! If you follow me on Instagram you know I did a “live” while recording this podcast as well! So the flow is a bit different and a bit longer because I kept talking as people joined. I discuss what happened at our first parent teacher conference when my older son was only 3 and how that shaped our parenting practices. You’ll also hear the stark contrast in teacher feedback from those authoritarian days to now when I am consciously parenting and choosing my responses to...
Published 01/08/24
I live in a house with all dudes. And it can be very frustrating when my boys don't understand what's going on for me every month. Our moods, capacity, ability, energy, etc are very much dedicated by our hormones. As a result, sometimes I’m a LOT more fun and have a huge burst of energy to do all the creative projects. And others, I have zero battery, I’m easily triggered and have a much shorter fuse. I wanted my kids to understand at a young age what happens for mommy each month, why, and...
Published 12/25/23
This is such a tricky topic. Most of us were raised in a time without phones in our pockets let alone social media. A lot can come up for us around this topic. We want to make sure we are protecting our children from unwanted bullying, pressures and images. We want to keep their innocence as long as possible. AND we don’t want them to be left out, embarrassed, or made fun of for not having access to the same things their friends do. In this episode, I share a few ideas on how to have this...
Published 12/11/23
In this episode, we dive into a listener’s questions about how to get their son to practice. I talk about how we as parents can “future project” when our kids won’t complete the simplest task we are asking them to do and how that projection can distort the way we respond to and treat our children. I share some skills to help gain a better understanding around what is going on for us (childhood beliefs and default patterns) as well as for our children and how to be more compassionate and both...
Published 11/27/23
I too struggle with chaos. I am an extremely reactive person and hold onto anger and frustration for a long time. It's something I’ve always done and one of the big reasons I started parent coaching. Without tools, I’m a reactive mess! In this episode, I talk about a recent morning where so many things seemed to go wrong that I was completely drained before the day even began. My morning got messier and messier the more I tried to stay in logic mode. I was stuck in problem-solving mode and in...
Published 11/13/23
In this episode, I get the pleasure of interviewing Feng Shui expert Patricia Lohan. Patricia shares incredible stories of how small shifts in the home transformed her clients’ jobs, relationships, and spilled over into their children’s lives. Trouble with homework? There’s a feng shui answer for that. Siblings fighting, there’s a feng shui answer for that too! Patricia shares so many doable ways to start improving the energy of your home and therefore your family!
Published 10/30/23