This is such a tricky topic. Most of us were raised in a time without phones in our pockets let alone social media. A lot can come up for us around this topic. We want to make sure we are protecting our children from unwanted bullying, pressures and images. We want to keep their innocence as long as possible. AND we don’t want them to be left out, embarrassed, or made fun of for not having access to the same things their friends do. In this episode, I share a few ideas on how to have this...
Published 12/11/23
In this episode, we dive into a listener’s questions about how to get their son to practice. I talk about how we as parents can “future project” when our kids won’t complete the simplest task we are asking them to do and how that projection can distort the way we respond to and treat our children. I share some skills to help gain a better understanding around what is going on for us (childhood beliefs and default patterns) as well as for our children and how to be more compassionate and both...
Published 11/27/23
I too struggle with chaos. I am an extremely reactive person and hold onto anger and frustration for a long time. It's something I’ve always done and one of the big reasons I started parent coaching. Without tools, I’m a reactive mess! In this episode, I talk about a recent morning where so many things seemed to go wrong that I was completely drained before the day even began. My morning got messier and messier the more I tried to stay in logic mode. I was stuck in problem-solving mode and in...
Published 11/13/23
In this episode, I get the pleasure of interviewing Feng Shui expert Patricia Lohan. Patricia shares incredible stories of how small shifts in the home transformed her clients’ jobs, relationships, and spilled over into their children’s lives. Trouble with homework? There’s a feng shui answer for that. Siblings fighting, there’s a feng shui answer for that too! Patricia shares so many doable ways to start improving the energy of your home and therefore your family!
Published 10/30/23
I’m a little fired up about this topic! Because it’s true! Default parents are NOT allowed to be inconvenient.  We are in constant service. We are the ones making sure all wants, needs, ambitions, feelings, etc are being tended to, nurtured and cared for and serviced. And when we are off, the whole family is off. Being all things, for all people, at all times is not sustainable. It’s exhausting and not right. In this episode, I talk about ways to shake it up a bit and become a little less...
Published 10/16/23
Today we dive deeper into childhood beliefs around being “good” and your “goodness” as a person. I share more stories from my Telluride adventure with my parents and what I’ve been able to uncover since. From this trip, I’ve been able to connect the dots between my performative goodness and my real goodness. I have since realized that as a pastor’s daughter, it was vital to my dad’s appearance and success for his family to be a reflection of his goodness. Growing up in this space, there was a...
Published 10/02/23
I get a lot of feedback on my Instagram reels about how I am NOT teaching my children to be respectful. While I could debate that, I don’t need to waste my energy because I know that's not true AND I know that I’m teaching my kids “respect” but in a different way. I am teaching my kids kindness, empathy, compassion, how to work in a group setting, generosity, and how to make a kind request vs. a demand. I believe respect can only be learned once it is modeled. And the only way it's truly...
Published 09/18/23
In this episode, I dive into cycle breaking around our families. I share why we are triggered the way that we are and what we can do to maintain our clarity and focus on our goals. I share a story about my very real triggering moment when on vacation with my family and how I was able to get sucked down my subconscious rabbit hole of what “should be.” I share a story about how everyday triggers can pop up and how to use those triggers to gift your children a toolbox of skills they will use...
Published 09/04/23
This is a fun episode! I share my response to the reels going around Instagram and TikTok that have a video of wild children doing crazy things and the voice says “I’m sorry but gentle parenting is for gentle kids…I’ve got gangsters.”  For the record, in most if not all of these videos, the children are doing totally developmentally normal exploration. Anyway! The truth is, that gentle parenting isn’t really for the kids at all! It’s a comprehensive set of tools to support PARENTS so we are...
Published 08/21/23
In this episode, I discuss our stigma of anger and aggression and how to accept, instead of reject, this totally normal human emotion. It is so easy for us to try to avoid anger, try to correct aggression, and try to move away from this “bad” emotion because it makes us uncomfortable and brings up a good deal of fear and uncertainty. But the irony is that we model anger and aggression and more often than not match our child’s aggression with our own. Our intention is to stop the behavior but...
Published 08/07/23
This is one of my favorite episodes! In this episode I talk about how our deeply rooted, traditional belief systems about children's behavior affects our ability to repair when we blow up at them. When we lose our cool on our children, these belief systems allow us to justify our reactions. I share how we can start to dismantle these beliefs and I offer a step by step formula to follow when we rupture the relationship. I believe that our kids are worthy of repair. And the more we model how to...
Published 07/24/23
In this episode, I share a softer way to explore and explain the similarities and differences our children will notice and experience in the world. I also talk about ways to view our children’s behaviors, not as triggering actions that need to be fixed, but rather helpful insights into the areas that still need healing and work within us. When we get too wrapped up in the narrative of “others” we lose the ability to explore and grow and see the human in front of us. I offer insight and advice...
Published 07/10/23
In this episode, we explore a listener's question about how to manage their 7-year-old son’s disrespectful behavior. We explore themes of defiance and control and I offer suggested scripts and techniques to meet their child’s developmental needs. When we as parents are experiencing a lot of defiance and push back from our children this is a clear sign we are running low on connection. I give several examples of how to get your children in the driver’s seat of choices to give them some control...
Published 06/26/23
In this episode I interview Reece Anderson, founder of We Overcome Anything out of Australia. His 8-week program helps parents get out of their own way in order to support their teens, create more positive connections, lessen conflict, and find more ease in the relationship. Through his own battles of mental health and working in the sector, he realized a large disconnect with teens and parents. The number one thing he’s heard from teenagers throughout his work over the past 5 years is that...
Published 06/12/23
Sometimes this nervous system regulation “stuff” can feel super unattainable and challenging. In this episode, I share with you a silly acronym I created in my house for my family that helps bring some humor into the equation. P.O.O.P. is the funny way to get back into emotional regulation and back into the driver’s seat of parenting.  P: Pause O: Observe O: Orient P: Play This is just one more tool in our ever-growing toolbox as parents to model regulation and help our children...
Published 05/29/23
Challenges around food can be incredibly stressful for parents. Not only do our children NEED food for body and brain development but meals and snacks happen many times a day EVERY SINGLE DAY. Today I am doing a deep dive on picky eating and how we as parents can pivot and adjust our methods to shift the negative narrative about food. I hope this serves all of the parents out there struggling with food. If you relate to this listener and would like to share your stories, please send me a...
Published 05/15/23
In this episode, I look at how our unmet needs and nervous system dysregulation contributes to how we react to our children. I break down ways to uncover default patterns in your life, how to identify your most important need(s), and how to create a grounding practice to regulate your nervous system. This will help you build your patience reserves in order to have more capacity for your children. You’ll hear me discuss the Green, Red, and Blue “Pathways.” Here I am referencing the book Beyond...
Published 05/01/23
Every day we drop our children off at school can be a very triggering experience in today’s United States. When I recorded this, the latest school shooting had occurred in Nashville, TN leaving 3 children and 3 adults dead.  As parents, it can feel as though our hands are tied and we have no choice but to roll the dice every day. In this episode, I talk about ways we can shift the dynamics, and model ways AT HOME to safely discharge anger, frustration, and pent up emotion. I talk about...
Published 04/17/23
We all have so much triggering our nervous system daily. It builds and builds until we snap and react. And often that’s at our children who were just making a bid for connection. Today I start the conversation about how we can adjust our dysregulation dumping ground away from our children and find a safer more connective way to release this tension.
Published 04/03/23
I dive into why we act the way we act. Our past experiences define how we show up as parents and its up to us to uncover the roots and do the healing work in order to show up for our children the way they deserve. I share real examples of how to break down your nervous system cues in order to show up with with more emotional intelligence and self awareness, which leads to greater connection.
Published 04/03/23
Trigger warning: I talk about my stillbirth in this episode.   My oldest son was not even 3 when his preschool advised us that he had behavioral issues. This started us down a 2+ year path to “get him in line.” I share what we did, what didn’t work, and how it rocket-launched me into this journey of parent coaching.
Published 04/03/23