“I am a victim of child sexual assault from a step father and I have not pursued it in the justice system because of people like this reporter. Everything that this reporter is questioning about the sisters stories I have also done, because I was a god damn child. I didn’t know what to do, and my father was still my father, loving and able to fool the world into thinking nothing was happening. It’s incredibly confusing and when it is your immediate carer it feels like you have no where else to turn for support.
So far the reporter has only spoken to one male physiologist who holds his own problematic views on trauma and mental health care. But those aren’t questioned are they - because they back up the reporters bias views.
It’s valid to enquire and question claims of sexual abuse, but do it in a way that doesn’t expose your flagrant misogyny and damage society and the safety of others at the same time please.”
willowhernandez via Apple Podcasts ·
Australia ·