Kristen & Sammy are back to tinker with the ideas of the head center. They talk about what constitutes a conscious or unconscious choice and how the ego might be ‘getting in the way’ of its connection to the head center, animal nature, and divinity. They bring in different ‘maps’ such as astrology, tarot, and philosophy to understand the depths of these topics like fate and free will. Resources; ‘The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages’ by Paul Foster Case ‘Magic, White and...
Published 11/14/24
Published 11/14/24
Kristen & Sammy explore the idea of narratives and inner constructs created by the head center. They question what kinds of needs might fuel certain patterns of narratives and how early in life our constructs of reality even started to build themselves. The other centers are discussed as well, showing how these types of realizations don’t happen in isolation. They bring in their own experiences, dreams, symbols, and ideas to try and understand the unconscious and conscious power of the...
Published 11/07/24
It’s spooky season, so the team decided to talk about nightmares since it correlates synchronistically with the head center. Kristen mainly takes the stage here with her history of nightmares and how it could have been helping her experience repressed fear and regulating her emotional health. They discuss how nightmares could be a direct way to experience all three instinctual centers. Resources; ‘The Twenty Four Hour Mind’...
Published 10/30/24
During this episode, we bring in individual dreams to talk about the neuroses of the head center. Our discussion helps us piece together all of the different components that become exposed through this process and paint a fuller picture of the head center’s needs and narratives. Our personal experiences highlight the ways we are relating to reality and the attachments/connections we have with each other. We explore the ideas of superego, the pain/pleasure principle, trust/mistrust, escapism,...
Published 10/10/24
The dream girls reorient to the head center and what it could be conjuring up in the dream realm. They discuss the differences between instinctual fear and neuroses, and the ego/personality and the head center. Topics like the higher mind, fear, reality, narratives, and horror are all explored in relation to the head center and how we are orienting to ourselves and life. They bring in a few recent, personal dream examples to highlight how alive these ideas are in the unconscious. Give us...
Published 10/03/24
We bring in our personal dreams on the heart center to discuss how all of these recent discoveries with our hearts, image, and identity could be impacting us unconsciously. Kristen had a few fragments that they expand on for 20 minutes, and Kaisa’s dream takes center stage by sparking a conversation on the personal versus collective heartbreak of reality and the environment. This conversation takes many turns into sadness, pain, inspiration, and humor. Here is the link for the image referred...
Published 09/27/24
REMINDER TO SIGN UP FOR THE 8-WEEK COURSE BEFORE SEPT. 15! https://www.theenneagramschool.com/dreams-and-the-enneagram-class  Today, Kristen and Kaisa explore the idea of what ‘identity’ is, how it is seen by the ego, how it’s perceived or talked about in the ‘collective’, what even is the ‘collective’, and how confusing all of this stuff is. They discuss personal examples, where they are currently, and how this material is allowing them to change the way they see themselves and the world....
Published 09/12/24
Kristen and Kaisa enter the public realm for the first time in a live recording of their recent dream webinar. They talked about their upcoming course that is now open for registration, what they’re excited about and how the structure will be, and answered questions from the participants. Hosted by Josh Lavine from the Enneagram School and 'What It's Like To Be You' podcast. To sign up for the 8-week course that starts on Sept. 15, 2024 -...
Published 09/05/24
Kristen and Kaisa take over the podcast in this episode to talk about the absolute importance of creating soul, and how you can be a part of a community in that process during their upcoming webinar and workshop! They reflect on their connection with their psyche and working with their dreams, and how they plan to allow that space for others to explore the unique connection to personal psychic material. The process of soul-making is different for each individual and can be cultivated and...
Published 08/29/24
In this episode, the dream girls discuss possible dream symbols of the heart center. Ideas of blood, flowers, religion, and lions are swirled around the minds of the hosts as they ponder about how these topics pierce the heart. They bring up where these symbols appear in their own dreams and how that makes them feel.  Give us ratings and reviews if you like this podcast ~  [email protected] - send us dreams or questions! www.inkstoryrebel.com  - work with Kristen for guidance on...
Published 08/19/24
Kaisa shares an experience of internalized shame and an active imagination she did to understand where this shame is wanting to be understood. We talk about how deeply rooted this is within individuals and the culture at large. Last week, we talked about the enneagram 4 space, so this week we explored a bit more on the enneagram 2 space of ‘Love’. Loving ourselves and others is a very hard thing to do when we have a lot of complexes standing in the way of that resonance.  Resources: ‘Into...
Published 07/24/24
Sammy returns in this part two episode as one of her many incarnations; typed specifically for this conversation as sp/so 9w8 964. We continue a discussion about the heart center as an aesthetic realm, diving into the depths of the enneagram type 4 space as the abyss. We bring in religious and spiritual references, and some of our own dreams for reflection.  Give us ratings and reviews if you like this podcast ~  [email protected] - send us dreams or...
Published 07/16/24
Sammy returns in this episode as one of her many incarnations; typed specifically for this conversation as sp/so 9w8 964. We talk about the aesthetics of the heart center and how that might land in the enneagram type 4 space compared to the other types. We discuss art, understanding emotion, identity, and image. The attempts to view the world and ourselves as a living, symbolic image can be difficult to discuss and describe but we take on the challenge. Give us ratings and reviews if you...
Published 07/09/24
Kaisa and Kristen freeform on this episode about how they keep running into head center ‘stuff’ as they read sources that feel like it’s talking about the heart. The symbolic implications of this are interesting to play with in the personal as well as the collective sense. They both bring in personal dreams to illustrate these simultaneous and relational centers. Kristen and Kaisa talk about belief, religion, truth, betrayal, and love. Give us ratings and reviews if you like this podcast...
Published 07/01/24
Kaisa and Kristen continue talking about the themes, images, and other dissections of James Hillman’s essay, ‘The Thought of the Heart’. Along with general discussion, this episode loosely summarizes the previous readings and investigates possible future discoveries in the heart center and the realm of dreams. Some personal reflections and sporadic concepts make their way into the conversation and direct the flow of the two nines vibing and incising. Resources; ‘Thought of the Heart’...
Published 06/18/24
Kaisa and Kristen talk about James Hillman’s essay ‘The Thought of the Heart’ and how it relates to our connection (or lack of) to the heart center. We have personal as well as societal reflections on this material and what it could mean for individual types and where the heart is operating in our/their type structure. We get quite animated about the hidden gems of the heart center, and are determined to see what we start to uncover in the unconscious on the matter.  Resources; ‘Thought...
Published 06/11/24
We revisit the body center so that Kaisa can get closure on the process she was absent for at the end of our exploration. She shares a dream that responded to our dream incubation, and we talk about how that highlights her own experience. Our conversation further differentiates the body types in the unconscious and how that impacts our motivations and sense of autonomy and movement. The themes of desire, sexuality, anger, needs, will, power, etc. are all revisited in the episode of Kaisa’s...
Published 06/03/24
Sammy and Kristen start diving into the heart center and contemplate what it means in the realm of dreams. We differentiate some language used for the heart center like image, shame versus guilt, and how that stems from object relations. We share a few of our own personal dreams that could be illustrating heart-centered motions between the dream ego and the ego of waking life. We’re excited to expand on all of these topics as the wisdom of our dreams begin to help us through this...
Published 05/16/24
Sammy and Kristen continue the previous conversation by sharing their dreams that they incubated to see how the body center might be operating in their unconscious. They asked their unconscious; ‘What am I asking another to hold?’ and they received answers which they begin to break apart and understand. These dreams can show a way in which listeners can see and listen to the body center within the realm of their own dreams and processes or experiences of life.  Resources; James Hillman’s...
Published 04/30/24
Sammy and Kristen talk about what object relations might be highlighting about the body center and the unconscious. We break down the previously mentioned concepts of the container, blurred boundaries, anger, unconscious identification, and how all of this could be showing up in each of the body types. All of the body types/centers are dissociated and confused where their boundaries really are or where they are not. With the idea of ‘holding’, both in the environment and with others, we...
Published 04/23/24
Kristen and Kaisa discuss possible dream symbols to track for the body center. We talk about abstract concepts such as considering the environment of a dream and the psychological processing of alchemy. More obvious symbols like fire, forges, blood, animals, and actual bodies in the dream are also talked about and explored both objectively and personally.  We talk a lot about our relationships to where the body’s energy may be trapped or unresolved, and what the symbols of dreams could be...
Published 04/09/24
Sammy and Kristen take over the podcast conversation today to talk about their personal journeys so far on the body center. We talk about recent dream imagery, personal associations that have transformed, and discoveries we’ve had on the connections to our bodies and what’s all ‘hiding’ in this center.  Because of the free-flowing nature of this conversation; we also talk about families, the instincts, ‘bitter’ medicine, cognitive functions, mortality, strength, and...
Published 04/02/24
We answer a listener’s question that came along in time for us to talk about the body center and how it relates to the sexual instinct and sexuality. We talk about what it means to feel attraction and desire and how that projection (like we discovered with anger) can help us develop a relationship to our bodies as the container of these experiences, and show us our path to individuation.  If any listeners have question or dreams, please send them to [email protected] For personal...
Published 03/26/24
Kaisa and Kristen recount a very recent story that is relevant to the discussion on anger in the body. We’ve had a lot of internal reactions to the topics we talk about on the podcast, and we were fortunate enough this time to be able to share personal observations on anger as a teacher; the projection, the internal reflections, and the repair. Kaisa also shares a dream that came right after the event, and how it has all helped shift things within her attitudes and connection to...
Published 03/18/24