Hi friend! Today's episode is all about creating margin in our small businesses and in our personal lives so that we can create, problem solve, and continue growing our small businesses.   In this episode, I discuss the symptoms of constantly being in a state of hustle, hurry, or busy, and why we feel that way.  Once we've identified the symptoms of hustle culture and why we feel the need to stay there, we can begin to evaluate how to create this seemingly elusive margin.  It's going to take...
Published 04/02/24
Hey Friends! Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  Today's episode is a faith-based on where I share 5 ways to grow your business God's way.  Even if you aren't a Christian, I hope you'll take a listen because these things are applicable to all of us as women in small business - building community, serving, breaking up with busy, focusing on who not what, and sharing your vision.   Please join my free facebook community by clicking here! Have a question about sales,...
Published 03/19/24
Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!   One of the biggest mistakes that I see business owners and sales reps make is going into meetings or calls unprepared. You want to walk away from your sales calls with more information and ideas on how to move to the next steps, but you can't do that if you don't walk in prepared. In today's episode, you will learn how to prepare for your next sales call.  You need product knowledge and customer knowledge and I break down both in...
Published 02/29/24
Thank you so much for joining me for today's episode!  Have you ever wondered why people don't know what you do in your business?  You've told them all of the things that you do, your social media says all of the things that you do, and so does your website.  Well, that might just be the problem.  If you are talking about all of the things that you do, it is likely you are confusing your audience and potential customers.  Today, Geovanna Burgess White of YG Collaborations joins me to discuss...
Published 02/20/24
Hey there! Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy podcast!  I'm so happy you are joining me for our 22nd episode!  Today, we are talking about customer service as a part of your sales process.    How many times have you called a company about a bill or a problem and you are sent through an automated system only to end up frustrated because you can't actually talk to a human?  Many times, right?     Well, I believe that being a small business has it's advantages and providing...
Published 02/13/24
Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy podcast!  I'm so glad you are joining me today!  Today, I'm sharing the number one thing that I believe small business owner miss in sales conversations and speaking about their business.    If you have listened to this podcast very long, you probably have an idea!  I believe that biggest mistake that small business owners make is not asking enough questions!  We don't really know our customers well enough because we don't continue asking...
Published 01/30/24
Welcome to the 20th Episode of Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  I cannot believe we are at 20 episodes already!!! Time flies when you are having fun!   Today's episode is about delegation in small business. In our small business, we have been evaluating our daily, weekly and monthly tasks, and where we can do a better job.  Some of the discussion has been centered around delegating the tasks that don't need to be done by us as owners, and I was excited to read a passage of...
Published 01/17/24
Welcome to Small Business Sales & Strategy podcast!  I'm so happy you are here with me!  In today's episode, I talk about "Choosing your hard" when it comes to your small business and your life.  We all have hard things to do and hard things going on in our lives.  For me, staying on track and keeping up with the so-called mundane day to day tasks are hard.  It's also hard for me to choose to workout, one of the ways that I manage my mental health.  So with these hard things, we have a...
Published 01/10/24
Happy New Year!!! I hope 2024 is off to a great start for you and your business!   I have lots of fun and amazing things planned for 2024 and you do NOT want to miss it!  So, join my *FREE* Facebook Community HERE! In today's episode, I share the ONE thing that I believe makes or breaks small businesses...and it's probably not what you think!  As the years end and new ones begin, many of us look at our accomplishments and start dreaming, vision casting, and goal setting.  There is no one who...
Published 01/02/24
Thank you for joining me for another episode of Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  Today's episode is a workshop recording from my *FREE* Facebook Community (CLICK HERE TO JOIN!) called Serving Through Selling!  I talk about the definition of sales, how to effectively communicate with your customers, team, and in personal relationships when trying to persuade or convince your buyer, and how to use those skills to serve your customers and community well! Whether it's speaking at...
Published 12/13/23
Welcome back to the show!  Since my last episode (#15), I received some questions about my Sales & Marketing Strategy Sessions.  So today, I share who these sessions are for, what the process is for scheduling these sessions, and what you will get out of them!   Don't forget to join my FREE Facebook Community Here!  I'm hosting a *FREE* workshop inside this group on December 12, 2023 so get in there ASAP!   Ready to work with me? Schedule your Connection Call HERE!   My...
Published 12/06/23
Welcome back, friend!  Today's episode is a quick one but a very important topic as we close out 2023.  How did you spend your precious time over the past year?  In today's episode I use an analogy of a jar that holds rocks and sand, but it is important what order you put the rocks, pebbles and sand into the jar so they all fit.  The same goes for you calendar.  Reviewing your calendar is imperative to evaluating your time and your business and I want you to start 2024 off on the right foot! ...
Published 11/28/23
Hey hey!  Last week I shared about my mental health journey and ways that I have found to manage stress, check in with myself, and triggers that can lead to a downward trajectory.  In today's episode, I talk with Rachael Reed, LMFT and LPC, a licensed counselor in the state of Texas, about small business ownership and stress management.  She walks us through some tactical ways to self-evaluate, take back control of our days, and offer ourselves a dose of self compassion.  Rachael is the...
Published 11/15/23
Today's topic is near and dear to my heart.  As a mental health advocate and someone who has struggle with post partum depression and anxiety, this is something that I believe needs to be discussed in the Small Business world.  Small business ownership is hard and stressful at times, so we need ways to manage.  In this Part 1 (of 2) episode, I share what has helped me take control over my mental health and how I continue to manage it so that I don't fall into a depressive or anxious...
Published 11/08/23
Hi friends! Today's episode is such a treat for me and I hope it is for you too!  My friend Kari Andrews, host of  Becoming a Virtual Assistant , joins me to talk about networking, relationship building and marketing, and how to get new clients.  This episode is the second part of our conversation. The first part of this conversation is on how to pitch yourself and you can find that episode on Kari's podcast!     Join my *FREE* Facebook Community for Business Women here -->...
Published 10/31/23
Hello friends!  Last week we talked about social media in terms of how often your content is shows to your audience, how short attention spans can be, and how to effectively catch the attention of your target market.  In today's episode, I share how often a buyer needs to see your content before they know your business or service or product exists before they know they can buy from you.  Match that information with short attention spans and algorithms and we know we have to be clear and...
Published 10/24/23
Welcome to Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast where we talk about people-focused sales, marketing and business strategies!  Today's episode is about social media marketing and how to reach the right clients.  How do you reach your ideal customer when attention spans are so short and content is delivered to a fraction of your audience? In today's episode, I discuss two important steps in creating content for social media marketing that will resonate with your ideal customers (and...
Published 10/17/23
Hello friend!  Have you ever been asked "What do you do?" and you walked away from the conversation wishing you could go back and have a re-do?  Well, I've got you! Today's show is all about Elevator Pitches - what it is and why we need one.  Then I walk you through 4 easy steps to creating your own great elevator sales pitch.  We only get one first impression, so let's take your elevator pitch to the next level!   I'd absolutely LOVE to connect with you!  Please join our new *FREE* Facebook...
Published 10/10/23
Hello!  Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy!  In today's episode, we are talking about sales and marketing strategy and I'm on a little bit of a soap box.  There is this misconception in business that we can slap up a website and/or open the doors to a business and the right people will just find you and show up to buy. Well, that is absolutely false.  If you aren't talking about your business, you can't expect anyone to know about it.  You certainly can't expect them to talk...
Published 10/03/23
Hello friend!  I'm so happy you are back for another episode of my podcast!  Today, I dive into how emotion impact decision making, specifically consumer behavior and buying habits.  As adults, we make nearly 35,000 decisions each day and 95% of those decisions are emotional decisions.  That leaves us with only 5% of decisions being made with logical or rational thought.  Emotion is one major element of being a human that we can't miss when we are selling our service or product. It's the...
Published 09/26/23
Hey Friend!  In episode 5 we talked all about what objections are: opportunities to learn more, serve better, and ways to build trust.  This week, we (me + you) are talking about the 5 most common objections in sales.  With each type of objection, I'll share some insider sales knowledge on how to handle and some things to be aware of when they come up!  My best, Lindsay   Questions on today's topic?  Need prayer over your business or direction and strategy? Want to hear my take on a certain...
Published 09/19/23
Hello there!  Welcome back to the show!  In today's episode, we are talking about objections and the 5 things that you need to know about them as a small business owner. Objections get a bad wrap - they hold a negative connotation and something to be avoided.  I hope my guidance will change your mind about objections and help you understand that they are actually an opportunity to learn more about your customer and their needs, and that it's a sign that they trust you! These 5 things are...
Published 09/12/23
Hey friend!  Thanks for joining me again on Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  Today's episode is a quick one!  We are talking about the number 1 thing you must do, like non-negotiable-have-to-do, before your next sales meeting or sales conversation. It's so simple, but so often avoided or just plain disregarded: PREPARE for your sales meeting! If you don't know where to get started with this, I'm sharing 3 ways to prepare for your next sales meeting or sales conversation so you go...
Published 09/05/23
Hey friend!  Welcome back to the Small Business Sales & Strategy podcast!  Today I'm talking about buying styles and how we can effectively communicate with each of the 4 buying styles. Buying Styles can also be called Decision Making Styles, and each one of us have a dominant style followed by a secondary style. The magic happens when we identify our (potential) customer's buying style and tailor our message to their buying style, not our own.  I'd love to hear from you - which buying...
Published 08/29/23