131. Prepare a workers’ general election stand In the local elections on 2nd May, the Socialist Party stood as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC). TUSC is an electoral coalition which was co-founded by the late Bob Crow, then general secretary of the RMT transport workers’ union. Its primary goal is to enable trade unionists, community campaigners and socialists who are fighting for a new mass workers’ party to stand candidates against pro-austerity establishment...
Published 05/15/24
Published 05/15/24
Over the last two years of strikes the working class in Britain has begun to feel its collective power. It is about to face a Starmer-led government that will defend the interests of the capitalist class. Further development of trade union militancy is going to be vital, but our class will also desperately need its own party. Any steps that can be taken in that direction in the pre-election period will put the workers’ movement in a much stronger position for the battles ahead. That’s why the...
Published 03/29/24
Sascha Staničić, national spokesperson of the Socialist Organisation Solidarity, Sol, the CWI in Germany, discusses the CWI’s analysis of the crisis and class struggle in Germany, with Sean Figg, from the CWI’s International Secretariat. For a whole period German capitalism has been a bulwark of stability for capitalism on the European continent. Now it has entered a period of turmoil, unprecedented since reunification more than thirty years ago. In this podcast we cover the political crisis...
Published 03/11/24
The crisis of world capitalism means war and conflicts, economic stagnation and crises, and political instability on every continent. The working class, young people, and the poor masses around the world are responding with uprisings, mass movements, strike waves and an increased searching for the forms of organisation and the political ideas necessary to challenge capitalism. Tony Saunois, secretary of the CWI, and Sean Figg, from the CWI’s International Secretariat, discuss the CWI’s...
Published 02/07/24
Marion will build an industrial plan capable of winning, including national and selective action and overtime bans. Marion will ensure that PCS takes the lead to coordinate with other unions on pay, jobs and against Tory anti-union laws. Marion will give your reps and branches the tools they need to do the job you elected them to do. Get involved: https://bln.org.uk/ Leaflet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Puuc3ZZ5L4cSGjyIqlxeqLGhgO9wbMYc/view?usp=sharing To contact the Socialist Party...
Published 11/02/23
Capitalism and its political representatives are totally incapable of meeting any of the needs of working-class and poor people anywhere on the globe. All that is on offer is a never-ending diet of war, poverty, oppression and repression. Now the Israeli regime is on the verge of launching a brutal land offensive in Gaza, raising the possibility of war spilling over into a wider confrontation that could inflame the whole region, and adding to the multiple crises the capitalist system is...
Published 10/25/23
In this podcast with Hannah Sell, Socialist Party general secretary, we look at the world economy, how the capitalist system works – or doesn’t work - and draw conclusions for socialists. It is the first time that, across much of the world, a surge in inflation has coexisted with widespread financial vulnerabilities. The longer the inflation persists, the stronger and longer the required policy tightening, and hence the bigger the financial stability risks”. The central banks are walking a...
Published 10/18/23
Fifty years since it was crushed, the Chilean revolution of 1970-73 remains a reference point, not only in Chile, but internationally, for both the working class and its organisations - and the capitalist classes. In Chile, in the wake of the 2019 mass movement, the legacy of the coup is again hotly contested. The defenders of capitalism feel compelled to go further than ever before in justifying the bloody repression of the workers’ movement, insisting that, brutal as it was, it was...
Published 09/14/23
We sat down with Socialist Party member Dave Nellist to discuss the latest Tory sleaze scandal, how he went about only taking a average worker's wage and how as a supporter of the Militant (now the Socialist Party) he used his position as a Labour MP to give a voice for working class people everywhere and fight for socialist change. Dave was a ‘Militant’ Labour MP for Coventry South East 1983-92 before being explleed from the Labout Party in 1991 for refusing to pay the Poll Tax and was a...
Published 01/04/22
November 5/6 in Glasgow saw some of the largest political mobilisations since the onslaught of the Covid pandemic. The catalyst was the bosses’ summit, COP26, a forum to find ‘solutions’ to limit global warming, but more importantly, to save the capitalist system. The first protest on the Friday saw a march of up to 20,000 strong – which was an overwhelmingly youthful demonstration organised by Fridays for Future, with a huge openness to the ideas that a systemic change to the...
Published 12/14/21
Cuban protests – what do they represent? On 11 July, Cuba was rocked by the largest protests to have taken place since the “Maleconazo” protests that erupted in 1994. The 1994 protests followed the collapse of the former USSR and the abrupt cutting off of aid to Cuba. It resulted in a staggering 30% decline in Cuban GDP and the introduction of what Fidel Castro dubbed at the time the “special period”. The protests in July 2021 undoubtedly have been trumpeted by imperialism yet they may...
Published 09/09/21
Afghanistan in crisis: A colossal failure of western capitalism. After two decades of military occupation and trillions of dollars spent by western governments, millions of Afghans are now back to where they were in 2001 - under the brutal rule of the Taliban. Yet the capitalist politicians responsible for this tragic debacle - Messrs Tony Blair, George Bush, and others - continue to defend this colossal failure. And today's crop of establishment politicians, including Johnson and...
Published 08/27/21
The future of the NHS hangs in the balance. Nearly five million people are waiting for treatment. Covid has pushed our health services to the limit, but years of underfunding meant it was already in crisis before the pandemic. Waiting lists were already rising, as were the huge staff shortages. But rather than addressing these problems as a priority, the government is proposing more drastic reorganisation of the NHS. Thousands of NHS workers, in dozens of towns and cities, protested on...
Published 07/29/21
Tories in crisis - Preparing for struggle in post-Covid Britain Far from an era of sustained economic upswing, social peace and a Tory ascendency opening up for post-Covid Britain, the prospects ahead are for heightened class conflict and turbulent political times. The last fifteen months have been unprecedented in the history of capitalism. In Britain a total failure to deal effectively with Covid in its early stages left the government struggling to cope with a developing health...
Published 07/08/21
Retail has felt the full impact of the Covid pandemic but the resulting heightened struggle between different capitalist interests within the sector, and between big business and retail workers, reflects longer-term trends. During the pandemic, we saw shortages of basic goods during the first few weeks – what was this due to? There were lots of talk around food shortages due to how much food the UK imports, around the Brexit negotiations – what do socialists think should be done about...
Published 06/16/21
6 May 2021 saw the election of a majority of MSPs to the Scottish parliament committed to a second referendum on Scottish independence. Is an independent Scotland now inevitable? How will Boris Johnson and the Tories respond? Should socialists and the workers' movement fight to lead the struggle for self-determination for Scotland? Philip Stott, national secretary, Socialist Party Scotland, speaks to Socialism the Podcast
Published 06/03/21
What can the Palestinians in Palestine and Israel do to develop their struggle? What are the UN and governments around the world doing to try to get a ceasefire? And what about the methods of Palestinian struggle? Do the rockets fired from Gaza help the Palestinians’ struggle? And what about the working class in Israel? How possible is it for Israeli workers to remove warmongering political leaders? How can Palestinians achieve national and democratic rights? What is the socialist solution...
Published 05/21/21
The Tories are claiming victory – but what is the perspective for Johnson and his party? The austerity they are planning for the working class and the lack of solutions that they have for all the problems we face will smash any hope-against-hopes there is that they will improve things. The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is the electoral coalition in which the Socialist Party participates. Following Starmer’s reclaiming of the Labour Party for big business TUSC was back in...
Published 05/14/21
And what about beyond the US – how will this spending play out on the world stage? What does it mean when Biden says ‘America’s back’? Do these packages represent a new New Deal comparable to that of Roosevelt in the 1930s? What results did FDR’s version achieve? How should the left respond to this turnaround of approach? We ask what role does the left need to play in this era of political, economic, environmental and social crisis? This episode of Socialism looks at Biden’s massive stimulus...
Published 05/10/21
The withdrawal of the six football clubs in England from the Super League - after protests and action by fans, players and other club staff - will be rightly celebrated. That’s the start. What is necessary now to reclaim football? The billionaire owners who attempted to rob our clubs and game are still in charge. They cannot be trusted and must be removed, along with the rest of their big business mates and structures in football. This episode is a recording of the introduction at a...
Published 04/30/21
This episode was recorded on Tuesday 23 April 2021 and by the time we’ve published it more revelations have emerged from the murk of Westminster. Johnson won the last general election by distancing himself from his own party - including Cameron - and ludicrously posing as some kind of champion of the 'little people' against the elites. But this scandal has the potential to wreck any last shreds of that illusion. What should the workers’ movement put forward given the failure of Starmer’s...
Published 04/23/21
How can elected positions be used to advance the struggle of working class and young people against the bosses’ and the Tories’ Covid austerity? The Socialist Party is part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, organising to work with trade unionists and socialists to offer a programme that builds on Corbyn’s anti-austerity stand at the ballot box on 6 May. Liverpool offers rich lessons of how elected representatives, political organisations and trade unions can link up in...
Published 04/16/21
111. PCS elections – the struggle for fighting trade unionism How can the trade unions, as the main mass organisation of the working class, be organised to fulfil their full potential in the fight against Tory covid austerity? In this episode we speak to Marion Lloyd, the socialist candidate for president of the PCS union which organises civil service and national government workers on privatised contracts. Marion is standing on the Broad Left Network list, See details here:...
Published 04/12/21
The Paris Commune 1871 is rich in lessons for the struggles today. Listen to Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party political secretary, discussing the rich lessons for today. The Committee for a Workers’ International, the world socialist organisation to which the Socialist Party is affiliated, will host an online rally to celebrate the Paris Commune anniversary at 3pm on 28 March 2021. See:...
Published 03/27/21