Richard talks to Daniel Lemire about his work on simdjson, arguably the fastest JSON parser in the world. They also talk about parsing performance in other contexts, benchmarking, NodeJS string representations, and textbook approaches to performance versus real-world experimentation.
Published 08/17/23
Richard talks with former Rust core team member Ashley Williams, aka ag_dubs,, about various different types of niche domain knowledge - from CSS tricks in web development to low-level systems programming, package managers, and even organization-specific domain knowledge.
Published 08/08/23
Richard talks with HashiCorp cofounder Mitchell Hashimoto about a side project of his: a high-performance terminal emulator that he wrote using Zig and Swift, and which has become his daily driver terminal.
Published 07/19/23
Richard talks to Scott Trinh about the design of the React Hooks API - what motivated it, what tradeoffs it introduced, and what design priorities it reveals about React as a whole.
Published 07/11/23
Richard talks to to Alex Shroyer about his unusually extensive experiences with Array Languages like APL and J - where they come from, how they have more to offer than just extreme conciseness, and what feature creep looks like in a language that's mostly symbols. Links to Alex's website and more info about array...
Published 07/05/23
Richard talks with Simon Lydell, a programmer whose open-source JavaScript work ended up contributing to what might be the most infamous package-related outage in programming history. In addition to talking about that story, they also talk about open source in general, breaking changes in general, and specific projects like CoffeeScript, Prettier, Elm, and Roc.
Published 06/27/23
Richard talks to Will Kurt, an AI Engineer at Hex as well as the author of both the countbayesie.com blog as well as the book Get Programming with Haskell, from Manning Publications. They talk about the book, about Haskell in general, and end up comparing Haskell to R, as well as type systems and artificial intelligence!
Published 06/20/23
Richard talks to Ayaz Hafiz about his work on the Roc programming language. They discuss behind-the-scenes compiler details like implementing ad-hoc polymorphism and defunctionalization using lambda sets. Along the way they get into how these implementation details interact with design of the language, and the experience of using the language.
Published 05/24/23
Richard talks to Jakub Konka, a programmer who works on the Zig programming language. They talk about the low-level systems programming involved in Jacob's work on Zig and other projects, including things like disassembling binaries, hot code loading in a systems language, writing a linker from scratch, and testing machine code without access to the actual hardware - or even an emulator!
Published 05/14/23
Richard talks to Chelsea Troy, a programmer working at Mozilla who has a side gig teaching Masters' Computer Science students at the University of Chicago. This is highly unusual, considering she does not have a computer science degree! They talk about how she landed that job, including how the interview process differs from industry interviews, among other topics.
Published 05/04/23
Richard talks with Josh Warner, who has been working on making improvements to the Roc programming language, particularly around the parser and formatter. They start out talking about syntax and code formatting, but after some plot twists, the conversation ends up on AI and the future of programming itself!
Published 04/27/23
Richard talks with Ryan Haskell-Glatz, author of the open-source Elm projects elm-spa and Elm Land. They get into things like new user onboarding experiences, framework churn, and dynamics between authors and users in open-source communities.
Published 04/21/23
Richard talks to Stachu Koric about the Dark programming language's shift to being a programming language built around AI, as well as their own personal experiences so far exploring chatGPT, Copilot, and other emerging AI tools.
Published 04/12/23
Dizzy Smith talks with Richard about his career path from C++ to Erlang to Management and now back to C++. Along the way, they talk about package management and several other languages - including Go, Rust, JavaScript, and even Perl.
Published 04/04/23
Richard talks to Joël Quenneville about his experiences with Ruby and Elm, how dependency graphs can be applied in teaching, and also a concept that's new to the podcast: Conditional Cardinality.
Published 03/28/23
Richard talks with Nicholas Nethercote, a member of the Rust programming language's Performance Working Group and author of the Rust Performance Book. They discuss how he and others have worked to speed up Rust's compiler, different strategies for speeding up compilers in general, and how compiler performance fits into the working dynamic of Rust's ecosystem of contributors.
Published 03/15/23
James Ward, Kotlin Product Manager at Google, talks with Richard about the differences between evolutionary and revolutionary programming languages - among several other topics!
Published 02/28/23
Dan Bruder talks with Richard about his experiences using a stack of Rust + Elm at StructionSite, a company that makes software for construction workers to use on job sites.
Published 02/20/23
Richard talks with Ashley Davis, author of the book Bootstrapping Microservices, about their differing perspectives on microservices, monoliths, and everything in between! Ashley is also the author of Rapid Fullstack Development, available at https://rapidfullstackdevelopment.com
Published 02/13/23
Richard talks with Swift expert Rob Napier about Swift, Unicode, and API design.
Published 02/06/23
Richard talks to Eric Normand about his experiences using both Haskell and Clojure in production, and his perspectives on comparing and contrasting the approaches of the two languages. Eric hosts a podcast (https://ericnormand.me/podcast) and you can use code podsoftunsc22 at checkout to get a discount on his book Grokking Simplicity: https://www.manning.com/books/grokking-simplicity
Published 01/30/23
Richard talks with Scott Wlaschin, author of the book Domain Modeling Made Functional and the website F# for Fun and Profit, about using F# in production and the minimal essence of functional programming.
Published 01/16/23
Richard talks with Steve Klabnik about his experiences being a major contributor to Ruby on Rails, and then to Rust, and now to a scratch-built operating system at Oxide.
Published 01/16/23
Richard talks with Richard Crowley, who led Operations Engineering at Slack from when they were 20 employees to when they were 2,200 employees, about his lessons learned through the experience.
Published 01/09/23
Richard talks with Loris Cro about how and why the new Zig compiler bootstraps itself using WebAssembly.
Published 12/26/22