Cops often have to deal with tragic situations. Ask anyone who’s been around the block, and there will be a case that haunts them forever. And for some, that’s not just a figure of speech. When your job is to deal with evil, it’s only natural that sometimes that evil isn’t human at all…Inspired by the latest Neon movie, Longlegs, this week we delve into the mysterious world of law enforcement.  First, an FBI agent gets desperate Followed by a UK constable gets a fright Then, finally a...
Published 07/23/24
Published 07/23/24
Summer carnivals, amusement parks, boardwalks and arcades. These are places for care-free times enjoying funnel cakes and candy-floss, riding the ferris wheel and trying to win prizes. But while the majority of us these attractions are fun for most people, for others they are nightmares. Afterall, something wicked this way comes…  First, an abandoned attraction, Followed by heed the warning,  Finally the house always wins. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/subSNARLED Watch the latest:...
Published 07/16/24
National Parks are found all across America and the world. And although the terrain and wildlife varies greatly, they all have one thing in common - stories. Whether real-life near misses with mountain lions, search and rescue tales gone wrong or even myths and legends involving cryptic cryptids, it takes a brave soul to be a Park Ranger. First, tragedy revisited  Followed by creepy cryptids Finally a ranger’s lucky escape Subscribe: https://bit.ly/subSNARLED Watch the latest:...
Published 07/09/24
The mere idea of summer fills many of us with nostalgia and anticipation. We look forward to those more care-free months of BBQs, camping trips, swimming and just having fun. But each of those activities also come with a warning. Sometimes, often when we least expect it, it’s not just fireworks that blow up in your face, and instead of a summer of fun, you’re left with a lifetime of nightmares.  First, an Independence Day legend Followed by an Australian creepy creek Finally in our last...
Published 07/02/24
Sometimes, an eerie sensation creeps into our lives, a feeling telling us that we're not alone, as if unseen eyes are upon us. It's said spirits and creatures linger, hidden from our sight, but it doesn’t mean they’re not there, lurking. They call to us from beyond the grave, their intentions unclear. We must listen closely to discern if they are trying to warn us? Or infiltrate our lives to destroy us.  First, a watery grave Followed by good vs. evil Finally in our last story, a love worth...
Published 06/25/24
Summer is the perfect time for all of us to embrace nature. Camping and hiking offer an escape into the great outdoors. But beware, the wilderness awakens more than just human explorers. As the weather warms, you might be unlucky enough to encounter the supernatural, or any of the hibernating beasts that have come out to play. The wilderness promises exciting adventures, but if you aren’t careful, they could also be your last. First, should have stayed home Followed by survival of the...
Published 06/18/24
Many of us are so excited to get our first summer time job. It means money for the things we want, and a first stab adulting. But with that comes greuling, sometimes late hours, and new responsibility. These new challenges can open our worlds to the horrors that lurk around us everyday. From encountering dangerous individuals to brushes with the supernatural, the world of work can unveil unexpected horrors. So, for those embarking on their first job journey, a word of caution: be...
Published 06/11/24
It’s officially wedding season and love is in the air. So while many gather to celebrate the nuptials of family and friends, there are those that aren't so blinded by love. Some feel the sting of lovesickness, while others bear witness to the haunting grip of obsession. In this season of vows and eternal bonds, beware of the darkness that lurks behind the veil of affection, powerful emotions that might eat you alive. First, jealousy leads to murder Followed by a mother’s enduring love Then,...
Published 06/04/24
We often have nightmares that can be easily attributed to watching a scary movie or reading a ghost story. But sometimes we get those chilling dreams that cling to our mind and soul, haunting us for days. We can try to find solace in the fact that they are not real. But when the waking world becomes a nightmare, escaping its grasp feels like a distant hope, as we are swallowed whole by despair.  First, the chill of death Followed by what lurks beneath us Finally in our featured story, a...
Published 05/28/24
There are more people than you think who possess the extraordinary ability to bridge the divide between the living and the dead. These mediums offer solace to the grieving, relaying messages from beyond and giving closure to those left behind. But with this gift comes a grave responsibility, because not all spirits are benevolent. Some carry dark secrets and sinister intentions, warning that some communication with the paranormal can be deadly. First, death follows  Followed by summoning...
Published 05/21/24
Sometimes it's hard to tell if what you're feeling is real danger or if it’s your imagination playing tricks on you. It can be easy to mistake your own paranoia for the danger that is truly lurking around you. Those scary thoughts could feel like spirits trying to mess with your head. You'll need to be strong enough to fight off those demons while at the same time, doing battle with the inner ones we all deal with. First, a digital devil  Followed by a dead man walking  Finally in our...
Published 05/14/24
We all have hobbies and interests that bring us joy, from following favorite celebrities to collecting unique items or mastering a craft. Sometimes, these passions can border on obsession. While it's fulfilling to become an expert on something, obsession can spiral into a dangerous fixation and can sometimes go too far. When admiration turns into a fatal fixation, it’s horrifying to learn what you might be willing to do for it, or will it eventually consume you.  First, the Youtube...
Published 05/07/24
So many of us view our home as our sanctuary, a haven where we seek peace from the chaos of the outside world. But whether we realize it or not, we are never truly alone. Within a home’s comforting walls, lurking in the shadows, lies a realm of the unknown. Hauntings and paranormal occurrences shatter our illusion of safety, reminding us that we are never truly safe.  First, the girl that haunts Followed by, when your reflection talks back  Finally in our last story, a wicked...
Published 04/30/24
After studying tirelessly or and waiting out the dark cold days of winter, everyone eagerly anticipates Spring break. But it's not always the magical vacation getaway we had wished for. Venturing into unknown places for vacation and disrupting routines often opens your eyes to other realities, revealing a startling truth: paranormal activity and evil doers lurk closer than you ever imagined. These encounters may lead to torment, and a desperate desire to go back to normalcy, but once the...
Published 04/23/24
Have you ever felt you were trapped in a recurring horror loop, unable to break free? Seeking help, especially when dealing with the paranormal, can be tough because you might feel too far gone for anyone to rescue you. It's like being lost in a dark maze, where even a cry for help gets swallowed by the shadows. You’re faced with the idea of giving up, or fighting the nightmare for eternity. First, the popular creepypasta, In The Walls Followed by a never ending nightmare Finally, in our...
Published 04/16/24
Last night's new moon means the full moon will be here soon! And it may leave you feeling a bit different, braver, maybe even more erratic. Historically, such nights see heightened crime, increased hospital visits and more overall madness. It’s attributed to the primal pull of nature. Those unable to control this urge will incite trouble, earning the label "lunatics" from lunar, as in, the moon made me do it. So beware: don’t give in to your inner animal on the night of a full moon, feeling...
Published 04/09/24
We all need money to survive so we can pay our bills and put food on the table. But money and greed possess an insidious power, capable of turning even the most kind-hearted souls into monsters. If we give in to the allure of wealth, empathy disappears, replaced by a relentless pursuit of profit at any cost. The insatiable hunger for more blinds us to the consequences of actions. Ultimately, this pursuit can destroy the human spirit, turning once decent people into unrecognizable...
Published 04/02/24
Being a teenager is a difficult enough journey on its own, having to navigate through the complexities of relationships, and societal pressures. But, when the supernatural intrudes on your life at such a young age, it becomes an overwhelming burden. On top of everything else, you have to deal with the voices and presence of otherworldly beings. And if no one believes you, it adds isolation and fear to your everyday life, turning your teenage years into a terrifying reality. First, shadows of...
Published 03/26/24
Do you wanna hear Something Scary? Join Blair and Steffany every week as they bring you the creepiest ghost stories, folktales, urban legends and tales of the supernatural.     Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 03/19/24
For most of us, the idea of the paranormal excites us - with its mysterious nature, sparking curiosity and fascination with who or what exists in the next realm. However, the reality is much darker. Engaging with the supernatural can lead to unforeseen dangers, resulting in real harm. What begins as an adventure can quickly turn into a dangerous situation when faced with forces that can kill us, or worse, haunt our souls forever.  First, forever haunted Followed by shadows of the...
Published 03/19/24
We know the Irish are renowned for their good luck, yet beneath this charm lies many a cautionary tale. Folklore like evil fairies and gatherings of torture carnivals remind us that luck can turn on a dime. Amidst the whimsy of leprechauns and four-leaf clovers, there's a warning: enjoy your luck while you have it, because when it turns, you don’t know how bad things will get..  First, the new girl with killer tricks Followed by the place children disappear  Finally in our featured story,...
Published 03/12/24
People develop all types of cravings like carbs, or sugar. But when someone develops a craving for the taste of human flesh, it signifies a severe departure from societal norms, turning their humanity into an animalistic instinct acting only on primal urges, blurring the line between human and beast. There’s no telling who they will kill to get their sick fix. First, a mother’s killer instinct  Followed by tales of a Somolian cannibal  Finally in our last story, a hotel of horrors Thank you...
Published 03/05/24
Sometimes, we want nothing more than to be alone. All alone. Solitude can be a solace, until our fears begin to creep in. In those moments, the absence of company can suddenly terrify us. We are stuck with ghosts or a monster or some other scary situation we have dreaded. And when we are alone, no one can hear us scream. First, a deadly challenge Followed by a warm place in hell Finally in our last story, the black hole of despair Subscribe: https://bit.ly/subSNARLED Watch the latest:...
Published 02/27/24
So often we escape to the water for a calming vacation or cleansing experience. But deep beneath the water's surface lurks a world that is less known to scientists than outer space. A world looming with deadly creatures, and angry entities that are trapped forever in a watery abyss. So beware where you dip your toes, because you may never come out alive.  First, a haunting past Followed by the oceans revenge  Finally in our last story, a deadly calling  Subscribe:...
Published 02/20/24