Sri Krishnam (Class / Lesson) - Thodi - Adi (2 kalai) - Dikshitar
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Full Notation -> shrI krSNam   Ragam: Thodi {8th Melakartha Ragam}                ARO:     S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N2 S     || AVA:     S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S     || Talam: Adi (2 kalai) Composer: Muthuswamy Dikshitar Version: Ram Kaushik (Youtube Original) Lyrics Courtesy: Lakshman Ragde Meanings Courtesy: Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Youtube Class / Lesson: MP3 Class / Lesson:     Pallavi: shrI krSNam bhaja mAnasa satatam shritajana paripAlam gOpAlam bAlam   Anupallavi: pAkashAsanAdi vinuta caraNam shOka mOha bhaya haraNam bhava taraNam   Charanam: shanka cakra gadA padma vanamAlam vENugAna lOlam krpAlavAlam kankaNa kEyUra makuTa maNDita kamanIya kanakamaya cElam pankajAsanAdi dEvamahitam shrI guruguha vihitam ramA sahitam pankajadaLa nayanam vaTa shayanam guru pavanapurAdhIsham lOkEsham     Meaning: (Courtesy: Guru Guha Vaibhavam): Pallavi mAnasa                         - O mind! satataM                        - always bhaja                          - worship SrI kRshNaM                    - Sri Krishna, Srita jana paripAlaM           - the protector of those who have sought refuge, gOpAlaM bAlam                  - the cowherd child,   anupallavi pAka SAsana-Adi vinuta caraNaM - the one whose feet are exalted by Indra (slayer of the demon Paka) and others, SOka mOha bhaya haraNaM       - the destroyer of sorrow, delusion and fear, bhava taraNam                  - the one who enables the crossing of (the ocean) of worldly existence,   caraNam Sankha cakra gadA padma vana mAlaM - the who bears a conch, discus, mace, lotus and a Vanamala (garland of wild flowers), vENu gAna lOlaM                - the one revelling in the music of the flute, kRpA-AlavAlaM                  - the respository of mercy, kankaNa kEyUra makuTa maNDita - the one decked with bracelets, armlets and crown, kamanIya kanaka-maya cElam    - the one with a pleasing golden garment, pankaja-Asana-Adi dEva mahitaM - the one venerated by the lotus-seated Brahma and other gods, SrI guru guha vihitaM          - the one understood by Guruguha, ramA sahitaM                   - the one in the company of Lakshmi (Ramaa), pankaja daLa nayanaM           - the one whose eyes are like lotus petals, vaTa SayanaM                   - the one reclining on a banyan (leaf), guru pavana pura-adhISaM       - the lord of Guruvayur, lOka-ISam                      - the lord of the world
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