Published 02/09/18
T, Christina Hepburn, meets with Wry, a speaker, events planner & fetish performer, to talk fire play (that's right, fire ...on the skin!), the BDSM scene, healthy consent communication, and all of its challenges - the ways someone can fall short of using their voice, and what we can do about it.  He also share about his own journey into this world! It's a lively conversation on both ends, sharing about our personal lives and perspectives.  AND THEN T gets "fleshed" (and makes a video to...
Published 02/09/18
There's a lot of sparring on social media over whether the Aziz Ansari story amounts to "just bad sex" or if it speaks to something more about our relationship to sex in American culture, and how we can educate ourselves to practice true consent.  Christina chats with Dating Advice Girl, Erin Tillman, @datingadvicegrl, about the nuances of the encounter, what's really going on in our culture around objectification and dehumanization, the new definition of consent and a generational...
Published 01/18/18
Get inspired to make a difference! Christina met up with Lauren Stephenson in NYC to find out how she started the organization Women to the Front.  The conversation starts in media res discussing the current feminism movements and how to navigate all the differnt opinions, and launches in to how Lauren went from feeling powerless after the 2016 election, to empowering herself and a group of friends to take action on the specific issues she is most passionate about.  Women to the Front...
Published 12/28/17
John Rosania, founder of Honesty Lab (www.honesty-lab.com) talks with Christina about how to really thrive in your relationship - What if you just said what you're actually thinking in your relationships, during sex, and anywhere else you happen to be? The results are better communication, more intimacy, personal growth, and full bodies forgiveness.  Christina did a workshop with John that was remarkable, so Christina invited him onto the show to share his techniques for healing wounds in...
Published 12/21/17
Some of you may have caught the angry blitz on Christina's social media profile, as well as T&A's Patreon account.  An interesting scenario unfolded where the wife of an acquaintance felt she was a threat due to her work as a professional cuddlist.  T&A talk about the experience of being harassed, and how this person might have approached her frustration differently for positive growth. Meanwhile Christina coaches a friend through confronting her partner on cheating in a constructive...
Published 11/13/17
Stephanie (A) shares that she's moving to Boulder! Why? When?! She's ready for a change this fall!  She gets candid with Christina (T) about waiting too long, even when her inner voice said 'it's time'.  How does holding ourselves back hurt us in and out of the bedroom? How can we be more proactive to make those changes necesary in our lives? Christina shares what's new in her life, and how she's had to move on from relationships that didn't encourage growth.  How about you? What changes are...
Published 11/09/17
'A' talks to Deborah Kagan, women's mojo recovery specialist, speaker and author about what exactly female empowerment IS and why it is essential to a woman and a couple's well-being and yes, sex life.   Plus, how we go about empowering the ladies, without forgetting our wonderful men.  Tune in to this backstage interview at the 'Rock Your Mojo Women's Weekend' 'A' recently atteneded, to hear Deborah's philosophy and experience with mentoring women all over the world with finding their...
Published 11/03/17
Women love the alpha male and the 'bad boy', but if you're a conscientious dude, how do you manage to give women what they crave sexually while abstaining from acting like a total douche?  Where's the balance? And what does being a 'bad boy' even mean? T&A are here to set the record straight and share their own experiences.  Plus, men's body hair- so rarely talked about and so much to say!  If you're even wondering what the hell we're talking about - you need to listen as T&A share...
Published 10/26/17
T&A talk with Obi, former men's relationship coach, & creator of Dude Panel, about the Harvey Weinstein scandal that is helping to redefine gender dynamics in America.  What does this show us about our culture, and the ways men and women communicate? How do we shift away from this behavior, and give our youth practical tools to have healthy relationships? Micro-aggressions or low level sexual harrasment is pervasive.  How can men best pursue a woman while creating space for women to...
Published 10/19/17
Usher's getting sued for not disclosing he had herpes before sex and passing the STI along.... so much to unwrap with this one! No pun intended haha.  Plus the girls respond to a concerned dad who can't help his involuntary erections when his hot teen daughter wants to cuddle.  For a dad who wants to model a healthy male relationship with his daughter, he can't just push her away- what to do?  Plus, this is the first full episode of the podcast that's going up on video available to all on our...
Published 08/18/17
On this month's episode of Ask T&A, a young listener writes in about her concerns entering the casual sex scene.  At 23 y.o and having one sexual partner, she asks her potential lovers to show her paper proof of their STI history even if they're going to use a condom.  Is this too much, or just enough?  Plus, given all the recent hubbub about birth control, what are the best options?  Then - low libido at 23, how can I get more into it and managing pubic hair?  And T&A share their...
Published 08/03/17
While 'T's away in europe, 'A' interviews her insightful friend 'Richard' who looks back on his marriage of just under 20 years to share his key takeaways of what exactly went wrong and shares the major pitfalls and what he would have done to avoid them.  It's always hepful to learn from our mistakes, and the mistakes of others!  And Richard's story is no exception.  A great episode to hear for any human being who might ever be in reationship with any other human being.
Published 07/27/17
Talking about your sex life publicly isn't always easy.  In this week's mini-episode, 'T&A' grab a quick chat with Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson from the hit podcast Guys We F*cked on just that topic.  Listen in as the girls talk shop and share an inside look at how speaking openly about their action has both hurt and helped their sex lives.  Always in support of those raising their voices to change the game on female sexuality, check out their podcast wherever you do your...
Published 07/20/17
After months of seperation due to 'A's travel sabbatical, T&A are back together and have so. much. to. talk. about.  'A' sums up here travel experience- why she went and what she got out of it and then the girls give a sexy reading in english of the hot lyrics to the latin smash hit Despacito. 'T' shares her latest professional endeavor- Cuddling! Yep, she's a professional cuddler (what could be more appropriate?!) as well as her adventures with the Diva Cup.  Plus, the new summer trend:...
Published 07/06/17
Ladies, the Period Repair Manual is here! We are not small men, meaning we have our own complex hormone system that has purpose and works in our favor if we maintain it! T talks with Dr. Lara Briden, naturopathic doctor with 20 years experience and author of Period Repair Manual, who breaks it down for us. Tate of Cuddle Domme from ep. 140 guest co-hosts, and shares their experience with endometriosis, allowing Dr. Briden to discuss natural treatments.  Your menstrual cycle is a report card...
Published 05/11/17
Guest, Tate, a queer cuddle domme, chats thoughtfully and articulately with T (Christina Hepburn) about whether or not "over-analyzing sex kills the beauty of sex?" If it doesn't kill the beauty, why not? How can we avoid monotony with sex? And furthermore, what exaclty is a cuddle domme? Tate explains their work as a cuddle domme, and what they accomplish in a session with individuals seeking their skill set.  T and Tate get personal about childhood gender expectations, and how it impacted...
Published 04/13/17
Is the foot fetishist more evolved than the rest of us? T questions what the foot has to offer & if we are overlooking an opportunity for greater connection through our feet & ears by chatting with a foot, hand, and ear reflexologist, Christina Crabtree (https://www.facebook.com/touchbalanceyoga). David Rodwin, guest co-host (www.jadelake.com), storyteller & filmmaker, inquires about her kundalini yoga practice.  How is kundalini defined?  What are the stigmas around our bodies...
Published 03/30/17
Ep. 138, What is a pelvic floor therapist? There's a whole doctor dedicated to my vagina? Sara Chan Reardon, a women's pelvic health therapist chats with T and the hilarious and smart guest host, Lora Somoza, from the podcast Between the Sheets with Lora Somoza, about how we can all benefit from pelvic muscle relaxation, and all the things that could be causing you trouble down there without you even knowing about it! We also get into the challenges that come up after child birth, and how to...
Published 03/23/17
In this episode 137, T has an intimate chat with Dave Booda of the Dude Panel Podcast, a favorite guest, about our personal approach to relationships, how we've handled pitfalls, and grown, and how the way we, as a culture, approach dating is hurting our ability to connect with that person, how more physical touch amongst friends can be good & not creepy (while Booda massages my feet during the show, hooray), and how to manage that guy friend who won't take no for an answer, and may even...
Published 03/16/17
T discusses the wild new frontier of sex tech with expert, Bryony Cole from The Future of Sex podcast and comedian, Malie Mason, and what that might mean for real life in-person relationships.  Is it good or bad, or neither? What does it say about our society? How can it help us? How can it hurt us? And how do we use the future of sex to our benefit? We get deep, we laugh, learn and have a good convo about VR , our vibrators, and if those genital gadgets can really preserve a long distance...
Published 03/09/17
Due to a technical glitch (damn those internet elves!) last week's show cut out at 10 minutes.  Sorry about that!  It was such a good show and we really want you to hear the whole talk given many listerners have written in requesting this topic, so we're repsoting the FULL episode this week.  Thanks for your patience!  T had so many conversations with distressed husbands, and mothers who also felt anxiety about their low sex drive, that she sought out some answers from mothers Heather...
Published 03/08/17
T had so many conversations with distressed husbands, and mothers who also felt anxiety about their low sex drive, that she sought out some answers from mothers Heather Brooker of Motherhood in Hollywood podcast and Sheri Winston who have made it through the sex drought. Sheri Winston is also a sex expert-midwife/nurse turned sexuality teacher of Intimate Arts Center.  There's good news, and lots of insight into the actual pregnancy process, the sensual pleasures of it, and how we can still...
Published 03/02/17
ASK T&A! T of T&A discusses our listeners' burning questions and biggest problems with guest hosts, Lindsey and Krista from Almost 30 Podcast.  T shares fun tweets from our listeners, all three ladies talk about their own greatest life lessons, then launch into the important questions from our guests! Will the older guy commit to her with all of his post-divorce baggage? and What she can do to show him she's a great partner he can trust! What happens when he cums inside you withouth...
Published 02/23/17
T of T&A (Christina Hepburn) chats openly with Jacq Jones, about her experiences in reproductive health care and what led her to opening a sex shop.  Jacq Jones is a passionate advocate for a sex positive world, radical consent, sex ed, safer sex and reproductive health care. She has worked in sex education and reproductive health care since 1994. She is the owner of Sugar, a sex positive, education focused, lesbian owned, multi-gender operated sex toy store in Baltimore and online at...
Published 02/16/17