Impossible is Nothing : Sometimes We Stumble , Where Do We Go From Here Implementing Success Rituals : Thats A Great Question and the topic of discussion and something we need to cover in our growth, challenge and break through series and really start looking at our surroundings, our enviroment and the people who either steady degrade , or deteriorate your quality of life or the outcome of it, Sometimes we stumble or people places and things or enviroments are manufactured...
Published 08/12/21
We have to continue our practice of mindfulness , being present , and continuing to walk in purpose and steadfast in making change and breaking chains of oppression , mentally , physically, intimately, professionally, personally & emotionally in order to grow and begin to walk in our purpose and success rituals deployment to begin to reach our max potential
Published 08/09/21
Everyday we have to consider our purpose and how we can meet or exceed that success or rituals that propel us to success and success rituals are part of that morning or evening and we all do rituals on a regular basis we just dont notice it. Going to the bathroom at a certain, grabbing our morning cup of joe , getting our clothing prepared for work, going to church on any given sunday, going to bible study or other such community events as a fellowship and commune of like...
Published 07/26/21
Success ritual whether done or performed at night or during the day , set the tone of your success habits and continued work , shadow work, and mental and emotional alongside behavioral work to correct your habits adopted either out of survival, environmental, intimate partner or spousal, workplace related coping mechanisms to survive day to day life and other such things that determine how you conduct yourself, become successful in your endeavors and daily life practices that shape...
Published 07/20/21
We all talk about work-life balance but have you ever considered that is built on core rituals of habit change, mindset reformatting, and learning habits that a six core areas for success or a core formula and foundation for most successful people who are the movers and shakers, taste makers and influencers of the world. We will look in todays modules the core things that determine your success ritual and formula as a base model of reaching success with a little of your own tweaks and fine...
Published 07/03/21
As we have spoken in great depth, success is built on habit change, changing your patterns and creating empowering rituals , not disempowering rituals that serve no purpose. Rituals what are those? Good Question. We all do rituals, we get up everyday and do our morning routine , evening routine and mid day routine , things we do in repetition every day are a ritual. With that being said we need to normalize the word , ritual and embrace rituals for success.
Published 06/30/21
Success Rituals are like our morning rituals , daily routine things that get us motivated and moving in a greater version and direction and better set version of our former self, once the inner shadow work and self correction and actualization is done. We begin to improve once we use : Success Rituals Eliminate Distractions and Disturbances of Our Inner and outer peace
Published 06/28/21
We never really think that we can get past things in hardships, periods of grief , loss, or obstacles that otherwise push us to a scarcity mindset, however , with the right tools, rituals and beginning a planning stage , execution of that strategy, and implementing those changes, overtime you break that psychological chain thats holding one back from lighting up or illuminating their world and life and making a good stride to move onward and upward. Its easier said than done.
Published 06/24/21
Breaking Chains Implement Change :Breaking Soul Ties, Strategic Planning your process and action steps toward a progressive moving forward takes some sincere inner work, analyzing some truths and begin to look at options for improvement, sometimes it requires removal of people places and things, maybe even wiping the slate cleans and starting back at one, your inner self Christos and doing the shadow work thats required to shed light on what you blindly fumble around in the dark and forget...
Published 06/23/21
Break Chains Implement Change : Resilience , Strategy, Positive Psychology: The Level of success and Breaking Chains , Resilience , Strategies , Positive Psychology is beginning to make a stance and begin to make small changes , resilience, strategy and beginning to implement it , Positive Psychology is psychical health, emotions, relationships, career and business, finances , spirituality all linked together and in order to begin to break chains, and implement change.
Published 06/17/21
Case 1: So Todays Vital Information is a whole gambit of news and more and whats been popping in the news lately
Case 2: Satute of Limitations , is that actually a good thing or What saves you when your in hot water or in trouble with the law.
Lets get to the nitty gritty and discuss these events and then dissect the truth from the facts and debate this tonight.
Published 05/20/21
We all lose ourselves somewhere and somehow in life . Thats life in of itself . We are going to discuss this topic : Boosting The Self Love and Removing Co Dependency , Moving Into Resiliency, Navigating New Territory Moving Into Your Light and Purpose
Let me ask this what is your purpose , What is your reason for living and thriving and doing what you do? Do you know the self, have you done the shadow work and begun to shape shift into your greater purpose. Have you tuthfully sat down and...
Published 05/18/21
It Is Okay to remove yourself from poisonous people and or people who have targeted agendas and part of that is removing the self and the co dependency or need for approval, or attachment or inclusion at a table you either dont belong at or a table filled with snakes you cannot align to. Its not always the organization or community, or intimate partner or acquaintance, its the people who make the organization , community or what ever it is your dealing with in intimate partnership,...
Published 05/15/21
My personal wellbeing is one of my top priorities. If someone threatens my peace and happiness by being mentally abusive or by constantly being negative
Published 05/05/21
My personal wellbeing is one of my top priorities. If
someone threatens my peace and happiness by being
mentally abusive or by constantly being negative
towards me, I have the strength to walk away.
Published 05/05/21
No one book or terminology can lay the foundation for self love and true love for yourself and others. In this modules we will discuss strategy and moving from dependent from codependency and discuss the elephant in the room. Co dependency and self esteem and finding a way to not lose yourself in trying to love yourself or loving someone or wanting a connection with people who are not at all in touch with themselves let alone love themselves. Its a soul draining experience and you have to be...
Published 04/22/21
No one book or terminology can lay the foundation for self love and true love for yourself and others. In this modules we will discuss strategy and moving from dependent from codependency and discuss the elephant in the room. Co dependency and self esteem and finding a way to not lose yourself in trying to love yourself or loving someone or wanting a connection with people who are not at all in touch with themselves let alone love themselves. Its a soul draining experience and you have to be...
Published 04/22/21
Everyone deals with grief differently. People cry, laugh, busy themselves with work, throw up, or even feel numb. Some recover quickly, while others take their time. Grief is a natural healing process, and there’s no “right” way to do it.
For some people, grief can become too painful. It can grow into something totally different, like depression or anxiety. Other times, grief might last far too long, and take over a person’s life for years on end. This is called complicated grief.
Published 04/11/21
We can at times feel utterly alone and helpless in our quest to find our way back to our real true Christos "Illuminated One" or for short " I Am" natural light and true self we are programmed in our DNA at birth. Over time we loose ourselves in our journey called life and we along that path , get lost along the way and conditioned to other peoples energy and not our own, that in of itself is why we begin to work towards an illuminated or I am mindset that we are all born with by doing...
Published 04/07/21
March Madness Self Love : Discernment is Self Love & So Is Removing People , No one person is designed to be battered, picked at or bullied , tormented, gaslit constantly and sabotaged or harassed and humiliated , whether its an acquaintance, spouse, or a combination of toxic workplace , environment , marriage , or dating violence or repeat crossing the line of decency series of coordinated abusive and extreme toxic events or crimes aggressed against that change us and who we...
Published 03/31/21
March Madness Self Love : Discernment is Self Love & So Is Removing People , No one person is designed to be battered, picked at or bullied , tormented, gaslit constantly and sabotaged or harassed and humiliated , whether its an acquaintance, spouse, or a combination of toxic workplace , environment , marriage , or dating violence or repeat crossing the line of decency series of coordinated abusive and extreme toxic events or crimes aggressed against that change us and who we...
Published 03/31/21
Everyone gets to their breaking point in a marriage, dating relationship , or aquantanceship or situationship and eventually you can go too far and create a toxic level of hostility and animosity regarding the situations or repeat habitual egregious actions that otherwise affect the outcome, quality of life , or the dynamics of the relationship, marriage , or relational valuation or in a toxic environment , toxic marriage , toxic dating violence , abusive situation you can no longer...
Published 03/28/21
Everyone gets to their breaking point in a marriage, dating relationship , or aquantanceship or situationship and eventually you can go too far and create a toxic level of hostility and animosity regarding the situations or repeat habitual egregious actions that otherwise affect the outcome, quality of life , or the dynamics of the relationship, marriage , or relational valuation or in a toxic environment , toxic marriage , toxic dating violence , abusive situation you can no longer...
Published 03/27/21
Unpack After Dark : March Madness : Broken People Break Otherwise Decent People : Broken People are empty vessels who are agents of chaos provocateurs' and essentially the equivalent of broken , empty , low vibrational , miserable soul sucking ,energy draining, emotionally bankrupt energy depleting toxic vibe killing , people who can cause a level of disruption in your life so great that it alters who you are. You have to love yourself back to normal
Published 03/27/21