We are in the midst of a political maelstrom as intense, consequential, and unpredictable as very few in the nation’s history. Adding to the rapidly shifting landscape: the late-breaking news of Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race.
Published 07/22/24
Published 07/22/24
The tectonic shifts in the legal and political landscapes of the last 3 weeks have upended all prospect for legal accountability for Trump before the election, and the country is paying far less attention.
Published 07/19/24
Susan Glasser, Jason Kander and Mike Podhozer join Harry to bear down hard on Biden’s prospects for survival and the likely alternative if Biden steps aside.
Published 07/15/24
A great roundtable of Emily Bazelon, Melissa, Murray, & Steve Vladeck join Harry to come to grips with the cataclysmic series of final opinions in immunity, abortion, administrative law, and more.
Published 07/08/24
The week had a tsunami like intensity that left abundant wreckage in its wake, both in the political and legal landscapes; and a fantastic roundtable of Andrea Mitchell, Charlie Sykes, and Jacob Weisberg bears down on what went awry and the unavoidable question—unthinkable one week ago—whether Biden needs to step aside.
Published 07/01/24
In this episode, a great roundtable of Gloria Borger, Dahlia Lithwick, and Jen Rubin joins Harry to stare down the barrel of the most contentious battleground issues, w/ particular focus on the new & coming decisions from the Supreme Court.
Published 06/24/24
A great Talking Feds panel of Susan Glasser, Jacob Weisberg, & Rick Wilson analyze Trump’s total capture of the party & what it portends for November.
Published 06/17/24
MAGA nation launched a coordinated campaign this week against Trump’s felony convictions followed by a literal call to arms and a dark promise of retribution; a great roundtable of Bill Kristol, Congressman Ted Lieu, and Tara Setmayer considers the danger of the MAGA rhetoric.
Published 06/10/24
With Trial’s convictions in NY state court behind us, it’s the perfect time for our quarterly close focus on the Department of Justice, by 3 stalwart friends of the podcast who know DOJ best – Katie Benner, Paul Fishman, & Amy Jeffress.
Published 06/06/24
One last week of trial brings a final Talking Feds episode with a roundtable of great reporters who were among the few in the courtroom, Jon Alter, Maggie Haberman, and Hugo Lowell.
Published 06/03/24
A stellar panel of Jason Kander, Carol Lee, and Congressman Eric Swalwell assesses the debates, Haley’s endorsement of Trump, & the swing-state polls.
Published 05/27/24
Lots happening out there, but NY v. Trump remains the main event, and this week we again bring you a roundtable of all new prominent commentators–and all first time @talkingfedspod guests–who have been in and around the court the whole trial.
Published 05/20/24
Another very special episode this week about the room where it’s happening with three commentators who were there — Jon Alter, Danny Cevallos, & Kristy Greenberg.
Published 05/13/24
A week of pitched battles in court, campuses, and Congress; and three of the country’s most wise and respected voices — Zoe Lofgren, Norm Ornstein, and Michael Steele — join Harry to analyze the action.
Published 05/06/24
We add a special episode this week to tackle the Supreme Court argument on immunity.
Published 05/02/24
A special and singular episode on Trump’s trial, including 3 experts who spent the week as one of the few dozen people permitted to be inside the courtroom where Trump’s trial is happening.
Published 04/29/24
Things finally got real this week--w/ a wealth of quick developments, inc the full jury chosen, punctuated by dramatic details: Trump’s meekly sitting down on the judge’s order, prospective jurors breaking out in tears from the pressure & anxiety of serving, the DA’s moving for criminal contempt v. Trump for 10 postings; & a lot more.
Published 04/22/24
This episode marks a historic week, as the first ever criminal trial of a former President gets underway in Manhattan.
Published 04/15/24
As the first-ever trial of a former President looks imminent & certain, an only-on-Talking-Feds roundtable of Molly Jong-Fast, Josh Marshall, & Sen Sheldon Whitehouse joins Harry to assess how the spectacle of Trump-in-the-chair will play on the campaign trail.
Published 04/08/24
With the campaign underway in earnest, the question of whether Trump can be held accountable for his constitutional misconduct and alleged crimes becomes ever more paramount.
Published 04/01/24
Rather than the standard 3-guest roundtable, we convened 12 of the most well-known TV commentators for a very lively and dynamic dialogue on the big developments in front of us and on the horizon.
Published 03/25/24
Barbara Boxer, David French, & Jason Kander join Harry to compare and contrast 2024 w/ 2020; consider the American people’s apparent indifference to Trump’s insurrectionary conduct; analyze Biden’s reduced support among important constituencies; & assess the impact of the developments in the various criminal trials.
Published 03/18/24
Robert Costa, Hugo Lowell, & Tara Setmayer join Harry to break down the pivotal events that brought us here – Trump’s rout of Haley on Super Tuesday and Biden’s rousing SOTU.
Published 03/11/24
No court ruled for Donald Trump this week, yet he got several assists in his quest to delay and even evade accountability.
Published 03/04/24