The daf continues to discuss a variety of cases where two litigants make similar claims or two litigants bring contradictory witnesses
Published 07/26/24
Published 07/26/24
When Rava contradicts himself, and Rav Nachman does too: upon which party to a dispute has the burden to prove his claim? The claimant vs. the temporary person who maintains the current presumption of ownership. Also, the case of one who established a presumption of ownership over time. Plus, when there are witnesses that might help one avoid the courts - which might seem to be easier to solve..
Published 07/25/24
Rav Huna's approach regarding 3 years of occupancy, and how prove it -- and how using the property goes to show ownership. Also, working your land to demonstrate occupancy, and therefore ownership.
Published 07/24/24
Symbolic formal acts of acquisition and how they are the "kinyan" for land. The new mishnah addresses how long it takes to attain presumed ownership (with dispute). And the Gemara explains the source of the time span for changing status -- the goring ox! Plus, a series of objections...
Published 07/23/24
The Gemara discusses a case if a tree that grows half in Israel and half outside of Israel . The second perek ends with two mishnayot about overhanging trees.
Published 07/22/24
In the case of damage by chaff - when winnowing the wheat. Is that the wind's fault or an individual's fault? Plus, another new mishnah: how close to the neighbor's property must one plan one's tree? What about one who wants to do something that might encroach on another's property? Perhaps we can infer from the Talmud's cases of consecrated property near private property.
Published 07/21/24
A new mishnah: How far one must distance smelly industries from a town? For example, a tannery. In part, it may depend on which way the wind blows. Which leads into a discussion of where the Shechinah is, and what direction should we pray (hint: it's a machloket). Plus, where to pray if you want wisdom, or, alternatively, wealth. Also, another new mishnah on keeping this distance between a tree and a cistern.
Published 07/21/24
Abaye and Rava continue to discuss majority vs. proximity. Two mishnahs discuss distances needed with trees and granaries.
Published 07/19/24
Two mishnahs discussing issues around dvoecotes. The Gemara on the second mishnah wonders if majority or proximity are most important when determining where a found object may belong.
Published 07/18/24
A strange story about Rav Adda bar Abba and which sage was responsible for his death. Two new mishnahs describing the requires distances between certain objects.
Published 07/16/24
The daf explains how the Jewish education system started. Can similar businesses be opened next to each other?
Published 07/16/24
A barita describes different types of tumah blockers. Plus two new mishnahs
Published 07/15/24
The daf closely reads the mishnah and wonders if the clause about lime is an alternative to distancing or an additional requirement for preventing a pit from causing damage. Because nothing in the Gemara is too taboo, the daf discusses how much separation is required when urinating against a wall and brings a verse to support its understanding of the case.
Published 07/14/24
The daf continues to explore the disagreement between Abaye and Rava this time focusing on refuting Rava’s position. The end if the daf discusses if there is a caee where Rebbi Yose and the Rabbis agree about who is responsible for preventing damage with bordering properties.
Published 07/13/24
The Gemara lists those who were not subject to the evil inclination and those who were not subject to the Angel of Death. Also, chapter 2, with a new mishnah. Specifically, keep your property from encroaching onto your neighbor's property, even when you're doing renovations (or digging a new well)..
Published 07/12/24
More on Job. Including the discussion between God and the Satan that led to Job's trouble. Plus the Satan's suffering in keeping Job alive. And who is the Satan after all? Also, why is R. Shimon upset with the birth of his child? And what does it mean that Abraham was blessed "in all"? Several sages weigh in, interpreting verses.
Published 07/11/24
More on the authors of various books, including how Joshua wrote his own book and also the last 8 verses of Deuteronomy. Unless Moses himself wrote them. But they record events after and including his death - as do other authors record their own deaths (or other people wrote those verses and onward). Plus, the authorship of the Book of Job, and discussion on who Job was, historically. Note that questions of authorship and how the books of the Bible were organized and were open, welcoming...
Published 07/10/24
A famous daf about the orders of the book of the Torah and who authored them.
Published 07/09/24
Cases of dividing property in inequitable ways - for example, when a father leaves a bath house or an olive press to his sons, one of whom is wealthy and one of whom is poor. How can they divide it, and what can't they ask of each other? Plus, the question of whether one can be forced to an agreement one doesn't want. Also, scrolls - can they be divided? How are they to be joined? Can Torah, Neviim (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings) be written together? Separate? What about the 5 Books of the...
Published 07/08/24
The daf discusses the end of prophecy and that prophecy was replaced by the Rabbis but also suggests that maybe the Rabbis are prophets too. Rabbi Yochanon says the shoteh and tinoket are also prophets abd the daf shares examples.
Published 07/07/24
A beraita on Munbaz the king, who depleted his treasures that had been filled and protected by previous generations. Plus, Who's Who on this personality. Also, a new mishnah! On jointly owned property, and those who would divide it. Excepting some properties that are not divided against one partner's will if each section has sufficient to be used by that partner in full, as it were. Unless they agreed to divide it in a less balanced way.
Published 07/06/24
The daf continues to teach about the importance of tzedakah and its special relationship to the Jewish people. A barita mentions the tzedakah that was administered by Rabbi Chanina ben Tryadon’s that is mentioned in Avodah Zara 17b in the sorry if his martyrdom.
Published 07/05/24
The daf continues to explain about the right way to perform the mitzvah of tzedakah but its discussion is interrupted by an interesting story about Rav Sheshet.
Published 07/04/24
The daf discusses why rabbis do not need to contribute to public works and to illustrate their point a story is about Rebbi and his distribution if food during a famine. How is this story suppose to help understood and what is chazal trying to tell us about rabbis and society? A barita details how tzedakah funds and managed and distributed.
Published 07/03/24