A series of (fun) questions about the trees, the land, and the purchasing thereof. Including details of the distances between the trees and the implications of that. Also, a new mishnah, in 2 parts: 1: Selling animal body parts and when other pieces (and what pieces) are thought to be included by default (or specifically not, as the case may be). 2: Selling one item as a deliverable, but what is delivered is something else (wine vs. vinegar, for example). Which leads into when one may renege on a deal - because the deal is not being upheld.
When a man is dying, they ask him in a roundabout way whether his wife will be subject to yibum. When he says she could marry a kohen gadol means she doesn't have any need for yibum. But what about when a man comes to divorce his wife, he is considered reliable with regard to his wife's status -...
Published 11/07/24
A practical example, of one who found his children to be lacking and gave all of his property to Yonatan ben Uziel instead of to his official heirs. The sage gave a portion of that gift back to the children, which opened a tussle with Shammai, over the standing of the benefactor's wishes. Also,...
Published 11/06/24