In this finale episode of Tapestry, Mary Hynes and co-host Chris Howden send off the show in style with some of our favourite interview moments, well wishes from past guests, and emotional calls from listeners — all in front of a live studio audience.
Published 12/29/23
Published 12/29/23
For Tapestry's penultimate episode, we peek behind the curtain. Tapestry producers Rosie Fernandez, Arman Aghbali, and McKenna Hadley-Burke take the hosting reins to share what the show has meant to them, alongside three stories on unexpected gifts and goodbyes.
Published 12/22/23
The Irish poet John O'Donohue is in a league of his own here at Tapestry — he stars in the single most requested episode we’ve ever broadcast. O’Donohue, an ex-priest, was also a beautiful writer, and a wildly eloquent partner in conversation. Talking to Mary Hynes in 2004, O’Donohue shares his poetry and soulful wisdom about what it means to live a good life and die a good death.
Published 12/15/23
When he reached the peak of Snowmass Mountain, Fred Bryant made sure the moment lived with him forever. Bryant is a social psychologist and a leading expert on the science of savouring. Later, Shane Sinclair is the founder and director of the Compassion Research Lab at the University of Calgary. He is putting compassion under the microscope to understand how healthcare workers can provide better experiences for their patients.
Published 12/08/23
Writer, artist and priest Malcolm Doney has been tackling life's biggest questions about love, loss, meaning and purpose. Together with co-author Martin Wroe, Doney wrote a guide to living in harmony with the unknown called Hold On, Let Go: How to Find Your Life.
Published 11/24/23
Three stories on writing, music, and paying it forward. Plus, we have a big announcement.
Published 11/19/23
What wisdom can ancient mythology bring to the debate over artificial intelligence? How Pandora’s tale and the Golem of Prague tell us about the fear of the unknown, hubris, and the inanimate made animate.
Published 11/10/23
Joon Park is a chaplain who doesn’t fit the stereotype. Not only is he the religion guy on call after many years as an atheist, there's also the fact he uses Star Trek: The Next Generation, as a guide for being present with his patients. Park is part of the chaplaincy team at Tampa General Hospital. He says he still loses his faith from time to time — but it always seems to come back.
Published 11/03/23
There are two topics that tend to send some people recoiling from a conversation: aging and death. We hear from people who are confronting both — and changing the way people think about the end of our lives.
Published 10/27/23
Two musical experiences separated by half a century — each with a kind of power and a hold on fans that verges on the spiritual.
Published 10/13/23
Would you sign up for 'The Monk Class?' Students take a vow of silence, abstain from drinking, and put away their phones. You’ll meet a few students who did it — and the professor behind the course called “Living Deliberately: Monks, Saints, and the Contemplative Life.”
Published 10/06/23
Learning to ride a bike at age 68 and learning Punjabi — some of the ways people are trying to connect with each other and to a new place. Later, anthropologist Girish Daswani explores the notion that there may be benefits to not belonging.
Published 09/22/23
Where do people turn to when they turn away from religion? Everything from skin care routines to dance parties with theologian Tara Isabella Burton and DJ Bryce G. A look at how people are remixing their connections to religion – from self-care to music — with theologian Tara Isabella Burton and DJ Bryce G. Music in order: Sade - "Your Love Is King" Mac Dre - "Feelin' Myself" E-40 - "Tell Me When to Go" Keak Da Sneak - "Super Hyphy" Earth, Wind & Fire - "September" Anita Baker -...
Published 09/15/23
Two artists, Makoto Fujimura and Naoko Fukumaru, share about how repairing broken items with gold-dusted lacquer can help mend broken spirits.
Published 09/08/23
Can you remember the last time you had a good cry? Pastor and author Benjamin Perry says it's probably been a while since many of us have let ourselves feel our feelings deeply enough to have a good sob. Perry is the author of Cry, Baby: Why Our Tears Matter and is a minister at Middle Church in New York City.
Published 06/23/23
Writer Susan Cain explores the idea that longing and sorrow can make you more human and more whole. Cain is the author of Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole and Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. Former Miss Canada Tara Teng spent years in the world of beauty pageants. But it wasn’t until she left her religion that she began to repair her relationship with her body. Teng is an embodiment coach in Vancouver, and the author of Your Body is a...
Published 06/16/23
Noise canceling headphones are only becoming more sophisticated, but media studies professor Mack Hagood is concerned about the consequences of picking and choosing which sounds we get to hear. Hagood is the author of Hush: Media and Sonic Self-Control. Even though he enjoys listening to podcasts and music on his headphones, he says they cut off the possibility of “sonic spontaneity.” “We've really become consumers of sound, rather than people who just simply experience the sounds around...
Published 06/09/23
Before Deanne Fitzpatrick discovered the art of rug-hooking, she had planned to become a therapist. These days her therapy comes from making things with her own two hands. Mark Farmer says we should drop the idea of a bucket list. He’s planning something a little more humble to celebrate his days on earth. He calls it his Goodbye Tour.
Published 06/02/23
MrBeast is the most popular YouTuber on the planet, who is making his reputation on viral acts of charity. But are his charitable acts really about giving, or are they about boosting his reputation while exploiting those in need? Tapestry spoke to three experts and a group of kids on what makes MrBeast so compelling, and why it’s worth thinking more critically about him.
Published 05/26/23
Ron Rolheiser grew up in Cactus Lake, Saskatchewan, on the family farm. Ordained in 1972, he’s spent many years since then teaching philosophy and theology and has become known as one of the most important voices in spirituality today. Ron Rolheiser is a faculty member - and former president - at the Oblate School of Theology, in San Antonio Texas. Rolheiser has a new book, Ron Rolheiser: Essential Spiritual Writings, and he spoke to Tapestry host Mary Hynes about discussing the spiritual...
Published 05/19/23
John Francis Leader is a psychologist and cognitive scientist at University College Dublin. He’s the director of the Mixed Reality Therapy research project where they use virtual reality as a therapeutic tool with their patients. Leader describes the approach as “theme park meets therapy.” Fay Nugent had a serious fear of heights for years. The simple act of getting on an escalator was terrifying. Nugent heard about a clinical trial for virtual reality therapy at Oxford University and gave...
Published 05/16/23
Anis Mojgani is the poet laureate of Oregon and the creator of the Tele-poem Hotline, a phone line that through April, delivered a new poem each day through the phone lines. Anis and several Canadian poet laureates discuss that feeling of receiving and finding poetry in the real world — and what we lose when we ignore poetry.
Published 05/05/23
Until now, a lot of forays into genderless fashion have been subdued and shapeless, featuring neutral colours and boxy silhouettes. The author and activist behind the #DeGenderFashion movement says a truly gender-fluid approach to dressing could allow room for a much more expressive wardrobe.
Published 04/28/23
It’s one of the most beguiling and mysterious objects in all of human storytelling, and it has been inspiring people for centuries. But if you come across the words "Holy Grail" today, chances are someone's been shopping. But it can mean so much more. Later we hear from the NakedPastor.
Published 04/21/23