“Scott Kummer always aims to be your “running friend” in this podcast. Without a doubt does he achieve this in every era of this show. Whether it’s getting to know the average runner, getting to really know all-time elites like Camille or Dusty, or learning who Fappy is, there’s something for anyone vaguely interested in running in this space. Almost every episode has some trinket that will leave you feeling inspired or emboldened, even if it’s just to be yourself in some way, shape or form. Because every episode showcases how individuality is one of the most powerful things anyone can have. Beyond all of that, the community that’s arisen from listeners, shines on its own. Hosts and guests become that parasocial friend that all comes together during the TJM races. The fact that the races alone have become so widely attended, shows just how popular and how high quality this podcast is.
And finally, “bonk line, go screw yourself””
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