A walk-in is a new-age concept of a person whose original soul has departed his or her body during a period of intense personal problems, or because of an accident or trauma. It is then replaced with a new, generally more advanced, soul. Individuals retain the memories of the original personality, but their personality and abilities change and become oriented toward helping humanity. Join us today as we delve into this mysterious phenomena with my guest host Leara Clausing...a WALK-IN!
Published 06/13/18
What do you do when your're in a bad mood, or feeling depressed? This episode will help you be aware of your "frequencies" and a ladder you can take advantage of to help you climb out of any emotional "hole." Have you ever wondered what affects health and well-being, and even our financial status? We will discuss the various “frequencies” of guilt, shame, anger, love, joy, enlightenment, etc. We will explore how lower frequencies have potentially held us back.
Published 06/07/18
Do you let moments of life evaporate meaninglessly? Are you confident that you are a divine being on this planet? If you want to be reminded of 10 valuable things to enrich each and every day and create a brighter experience, be sure to join me for this episode. Guest Chantelle Renee is a published author and a Spiritual prosperity coach who facilitates transformational healing and spiritual empowerment by merging spirituality and science to accelerate the ascension of...
Published 05/30/18
I did something that shocked my friends … probably shocked myself more! I took the clippers to my perfectly good head of hair and buzzed it all off. I wanted to let my natural hair color shine and didn’t know how to transition so had myself a little rebirth. My guest Linda Chaouli is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and a globally recognized thought leader, style expert and educator. For more visit www.ImageTherapists.com
Published 05/23/18
Do you really Love him? Do you really Love yourself? What is true love? We will explore relationship issues that arise when Love feels out of balance. We will disucss several of the challenges faced by married couples today such as money issues, cheating, not enough sexy time ... also how one of you can bring the two of you together.
Published 05/16/18
How many times do you walk right up to the precipice of an opportunity and then back out because of fear? We will explore personal stories of overcoming fears, such as fear of water and fear of heights, and the epiphanies that came as a result of working thru the fears. We'll examine how releasing surface fears awakens us to the knowing that anything truly is possible. Ready to feel motivated and empowered? What are you ready to release?
Published 05/09/18
In the beginning of my spiritual journey, I saw a video made by Carl Sagan called the pale blue dot. Voyager had taken a picture of earth from 4 billion miles away, and it was a tiny little spec about the size of a pixel. That spec was the home to every human being who has ever lived. Let’s explore together and relax into the knowing that we are not alone in our emotions and feelings.
Published 05/02/18
How often do you speak negatively to yourself Do you tell yourself regularly that you're fat, or so stupid or ugly or disgusting? I will divulge a little story about the day I realized how much of a bully I was to myself. I’m sure so many will resonate as we discuss all the ways we speak down to ourselves. We will explore why this happens and how to be aware and catch it . . . reframe that voice into a best friend of tenderness and support.
Published 04/26/18