Happy summer! I'm getting married in September, so for the rest of the summer, I'll be sharing some of my favorite interviews from the past... This week's guest is kicking some serious butt - literally and figuratively. You see before Lynn Le came along, women boxers all over the world were trying to fit into a man's world. Too often they would use men's gloves that were much too large or children's gloves that were much too small (a modern boxing Goldilocks dilemma if you will). All that...
Published 08/01/19
This week I'm excited to bring you Vivian Chan and Jennifer Qiao of East Meets Dress - an e-commerce brand bringing gorgeous cheongsams (or qipaos) to the modern Asian American. Tune in to hear how these two women dreamt up East Meets Dress, how they got started with less than $100, and how they navigate working together as best friends. For full show notes + links to resources visit: http://www.kathlynhart.com/episode063 ✨ Share the Love ✨ Tag me on Instagram @iamkathlynhart or...
Published 07/10/19
This week I'm so excited to welcome back Emilie Aries of BossedUp (who was previously on episode 029)! Emilie Aries is a speaker, podcast host, author, and the Founder & CEO of Bossed Up, an award-winning personal and professional development community where she helps women craft happy, healthy, and sustainable career paths. Her brand-new book, Bossed Up: A Grown Woman's Guide To Getting Your Sh*t Together, serves as a practical roadmap for women who want to set themselves up for...
Published 06/13/19
Dreaming of starting a business of your own, but don't feel quite ready to begin? In this week's podcast, I'm sharing an audio affirmation to help you know that in this very moment you are more prepared than you know! 📞 Free Q&A Call 📞 Need support in getting your dream business started? I'll be doing a FREE 2-hour Q&A session where you can ask me anything you want about starting a business! To get on the list email me directly at [email protected] ✨ Share the Love ✨ Like this...
Published 05/09/19
This week I'm so excited to welcome back Monique Malcolm of Keep Chasing the Stars (who was actually the first ever guest on the podcast). Monique is the creator of the Visionary Journal and a business strategist for big dreamers. She creates tools, resources, and strategies for aspiring creative entrepreneurs who have tons of ideas but struggle to make them happen. Through her brand Keep Chasing the Stars and her podcast Pimp Your Brilliance, Monique curates an outlet to help women shut...
Published 05/01/19
The thoughts that we have on a daily basis affect how we feel about ourselves and the actions we then take. What happens though when these thoughts are based in fear though? Naturally, they will cause us to doubt ourselves and keep us small and safe. A habit I've been building to help me counter these negative thoughts is using audio affirmations to reprogram my mind. By recording what I want to believe and playing it over and over, I've noticed a huge difference in the thoughts that I have...
Published 04/24/19
This week I am excited to share with you my interview with Tess Wicks, the host of the Wander Wealthy podcast and a wealth coach for career-driven women. For full show notes + links to resources visit: http://www.kathlynhart.com/episode058 ✨ Share the Love ✨ Tag me @iamkathlynhart on Instagram or Twitter and share your favorite nugget using the hashtag #TheKathlynHartShow ✨ Leave a Review ✨ Loving the show and want to help spread the word? Make my day and leave a review in iTunes! This...
Published 04/17/19
Do you know what's worse than the Monday Blues? Knowing that you aren't being paid what you deserve. April 2nd was Equal Pay Day... aka the "holiday" marking how many days the average woman needed to work to earn as much as the average male did last year. This week in response, I wanted to share with you a recent interview I did on the Wander Wealthy podcast with Tess Wicks.  In our conversation, I answered her communities top questions in how to negotiate for more money and gurlll are they...
Published 04/10/19
Sometimes life is super messy. We will have an agenda of what we want to do and achieve and then all of a sudden it all goes out the window. What do when do in these moments when we are feeling so frustrated that nothing is going according to plan?  And how can we get back into a more positive state?  Tune into this week's solo show to find out. For full show notes + links to resources visit: http://www.kathlynhart.com/episode056 ✨ Share the Love ✨ Digging this episode? Tag me...
Published 03/27/19
It's safe to say that one of the worst feelings we can experience in our careers is starting a new job and realizing within the first few days that we want out. For many this is disheartening... for this week's guest, it was fuel. Lauren McGoodwin is the founder of Career Contessa a one-stop shop for ambitious women trying to create a successful and fulfilling career. After experiencing a number of "meh" jobs, Lauren found her spark in recruiting where she was able to connect people...
Published 03/20/19
How often do we hear the voice of our Inner Critic? That chatterbox child in our head that won't stop yelling, screaming, and worrying? I used to think that I would be able to stop this voice. Overpower it. Get in control... The truth is though, that voice will always exist within. So how do we work with it instead of against it? In this week's solo show I dive deeper the topic of the Inner Mentor (the incredibly wise woman within that we discussed with author Tara Mohr), and I...
Published 03/13/19
What would it look like to "play big" in your life & career? Would you want to start speaking up? Would you want to create your dream business? Would you want to take up painting or write the book you can't stop thinking about? While each of us has a different definition of what playing bigger looks like, there's one thing we all share... the fear that inevitably bubbles up when standing on the edge of our comfort zone. So how do we work with the natural doubting thoughts in our head,...
Published 03/06/19
  Hey there! I'm so excited to be back in your earbuds today with another solo episode. After last week's episode with Baily Hancock, some of you emailed me to ask how to deal with the overwhelming feeling of competition. Comparison trap is a feeling I know all too well.  So in today's episode, I'm so excited to share with you 3 ways you can look at your competitors in a different light. My hope for you is that once you finish listening, you may actually see all of the possibilities that...
Published 02/27/19
Hey, hey, hey! We are back with the second episode under our brand spanking new podcast name, and I couldn't be more excited! Today we are sitting down with the amazing Baily Hancock.  Baily and I met while speaking at the same event in Los Angeles, and I knew instantly after hearing her presentation that we needed to be friends. Not only is she just an all-around kind human being, but she is also a badass Collaboration Consultant, Speaker, and Podcast Host. In today's interview we go way...
Published 02/20/19
Hello, hello!  Kathlyn Hart here.  I'm so excited to be back and bringing you a fresh new podcast episode. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 As you may have noticed already we are now operating under a brand spanking new name (goodbye The Big Leap Show, you have served us well).  This decision was actually something that I was terrified to make for the longest time.  That's why in this week's episode, I wanted to share with you the fears behind making the change and what inspired me to move through the fear anyway.  ...
Published 02/13/19
Ever feel like you have your whole life and career figured out, only to reach a plateau and wonder, "Is this all there is?"  As counter-intuitive as it may sound, this feeling may be a sign of success, a sign that you are ready for your next pivot. Say what?!  Yes mama yes. But how do you move from discouraged to daring?  Tune into this week's interview with motivational speaker, teacher, and author Jenny Blake to find out. For full show notes + links to resources visit:...
Published 04/18/17
We all know the dread of showing up for a job we hate. Pulling into a dimly lit parking lot, wishing we could turn around, and sitting in our cars a fewww extra minutes to avoid walking into that golden prison. For this week’s guest, Robyn Sue Fisher of Smitten Ice Cream, the idea of being stuck and settled was something she could no longer live with. Instead she made vow to herself to make this whole “adulting” thing fun. But how did she go from one small vow to inventing the first...
Published 04/11/17
After working in the traditional financial sector for 13 years, this week's guest Shannon McLay founded The Financial Gym - a new-age financial services company focused on providing affordable financial training so it's clients can achieve financial freedom. This dream of a business did not happen overnight though, and rather was the result of deliberate testing and planning over the course of 3 1/2 years. In this week's interview, Shannon shares with us her journey of discovering her...
Published 04/04/17
What is failure really, and how can we evolve from what we think it is? In this episode I sit down with Betsy Crouch and Zoe Galvez of Improv HQ - two women on a mission to empower business leaders and their employees work better together through the art of improv. Tune in to hear about the evolution of Improv HQ, lessons from the art that they apply to their personal lives, and how to have more fun every day by learning to reframe failure and wahoo what we often call "mistakes." For full...
Published 03/28/17
Hello, hello! A few weeks ago I made the big announcement about the future of the podcast.  Although it was a difficult announcement to make, I felt I had finally worked up the courage to share it with you all. Then fear really set in. "Are you sure you want to be doing this, was that a huge mistake, do you really want to pursue workshops full time, why would you let go of something that is good..." In this week's episode, I get real and honest with you all about how I was using...
Published 03/21/17
What's more badass than a woman that knows what she wants?  A woman that asks for it.  This week I'm excited to kick off the new year with She Negotiates consultant Jamie Lee.  Jamie is a pragmatic negotiation geek dedicated to helping women catapult their careers to the next level with a gutsy ask through consulting and speaking. I first came across Jamie during a She Negotiates webinar.  After connecting on our love of empowering women to be bold, brave, and get better paid, Jamie made...
Published 01/04/17
Hey, hey, hey.  Well ladies, it's been a hot minute since we last talked. Like many of you, the U.S. presidential results stirred up a lot of emotions around women's rights and the importance of female empowerment.  I didn't expect for it to overcome me the way that it did, but here we are two months later and I finally feel ready to crawl out of my cave. This has been a challenging time for me dealing with feelings of helplessness around how we can create a more loving and understanding...
Published 12/28/16
What happens when a J-O-B isn't exactly necessary for you to keep a roof over your head? Would you go for your dreams? Hit the ground running like a pro and make it happen? I think we all like to assume we would... But what about that nasty bugger named fear we all know so well? Even with greater financial freedom, fear doesn't suddenly disappear. So what's a boss babe to do? Tune into this week's guest with Jenni Brown of Prim'd Marketing to hear how she found the courage within to become...
Published 10/26/16
What happens when our first dream doesn't work out?  We find our second dream of course ;) At least that's the wisdom from this week's guest Dyan Dolfi-Offut. After the sudden passing of her mother, Dyan realized at 27 that the dream she once had to make it in Hollywood was no longer the dream she wanted to chase. Instead, she found her heart calling for PR, the field she had studied all through college. But how was she able to not only land a job after 5 years of no experience in the...
Published 10/20/16