Published 03/04/22
Derek & Kristy take the Four Tendencies quiz created by author, Gretchen Rubin. They discuss the framework and their views on the usefulness of personality quizzes and frameworks. 
Published 03/04/22
Derek recently heard of the idea of a man dressing well vs dressing casual and how they are viewed. He explains this theory to Kristy and asks for her opinion. 
Published 02/25/22
Derek & Kristy committed to not eating out for a year with a list of exceptions. In this episode they discuss how it's going, challenges they've faced and if they need to make any adaptations. 
Published 02/11/22
Derek & Kristy get real and raw discussing priorities. They share how they fight to make their priorities reflected in their daily life but also how challenging it can be, being pulled so many directions!
Published 02/03/22
Derek & Kristy discuss the idea of the rich mindset. Their goal is to not only improve their mindset and habits towards money and the true value of it but also how to educate their boys on this topic. 
Published 01/28/22
Derek & Kristy discuss the need to update their budget. Reflecting on their finances post-holiday season they discovered their budget was outdated. They discuss why they wanted to update their budget and how they are going about building their budget 2.0. 
Published 01/21/22
Derek & Kristy discuss the importance of creating a peaceful home in the midst of their chaotic season of life, raising two wild boys! This episode discusses steps they take to create a peaceful atmosphere in their home. They would also love to know what you do to create peace in your home!
Published 01/14/22
With a New Year here Derek & Kristy discuss how they view habits and goals. They share how they how they are far more habit-oriented than goal-oriented. This episode discusses why their daily life has been improved from creating impactful habits in addition to goals! 
Published 01/07/22
Derek & Kristy have some exciting news about hitting a big milestone. They also discuss their next goal in working towards financial freedom. As usual, they also have conversations that trail in various directions. 
Published 07/08/21
Derek & Kristy discuss their approach to continuing to grow. Derek has been delving into stoicism and reflects on how this is contributing to his growth. Kristy discusses some different methods she has tried with both her and the boys, including gratitude reflections. 
Published 07/01/21
Derek switches on the mic and Kristy has no clue what he is up to...
Published 06/24/21
Derek & Kristy discuss the evolution of their relationship. With their 14 Year Anniversary approaching how has their relationship changed from when they started as mere teenagers. 
Published 06/17/21
Derek & Kristy took a week off celebrating their oldest son turning 10 by going on vacation! Now they are back, checking in and giving some life updates!
Published 06/10/21
Derek & Kristy discuss how they celebrate their son's birthdays. After about 5 years of parenting and finding minimalism they started offering options to their boys for their birthday celebrations.  Their family highly values experiences and memory-making over an abundance of physical gifts and big parties.  This episode discusses how they celebrate birthdays and their approach towards gift giving. 
Published 05/27/21
Kristy interviews Derek on his 100 mile run based off questions from inquiring minds. He discusses the whats and whys behind this amazing accomplishment. The good, the bad and the ugly!
Published 05/20/21
Derek & Kristy discuss how their life feels a little chaotic right now. They discuss their latest artificial chaos and how to handle it moving forward.  Derek and Kristy realize they may need to say no to more things to allow time to focus on their priorities. 
Published 05/06/21
Kristy picks Derek's brain as they discuss the end of their homeschooling year. Kristy would like to see the summer filled with fun, engaging learning experiences but in a thought out, intentional manner.  They discuss how they can create a system to get the most out of summer break and all the while making it a memorable one! 
Published 04/29/21
Derek & Kristy discuss Derek's recent conversation with his father.
Published 04/22/21
Derek & Kristy discuss how important it is to find a framework for your life.
Published 04/15/21
Derek & Kristy discuss the importance of having something to look forward to.
Published 04/08/21
Derek & Kristy discuss can't vs. won't.
Published 04/01/21
Derek & Kristy discuss their approach to things not going quite as planned.
Published 03/25/21
Derek & Kristy discuss habits.
Published 03/18/21
Derek & Kristy discuss how they teach their boys responsibility & life skills.
Published 03/12/21